Chapter 2: A new Guardian

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North Pole, Santa Claus Workshop

An immense man: tall, buff, and a little rotund worked in a giant room. He had bright blue eyes, thick black eyebrows, and a long white beard and moustache. His outfit consisted of a black fur hat, a long red coat with black fur trim, and a red plaid shirt. The words "naughty" and "nice" tattooed on each forearm respectively

"Cookies? Eggnog? Anyone?" he asked, holding a plate with the said Christmas themed food.

"This better be good, North" someone else said, standing by the fireplace.

He was a Pooka; a fictional rabbit species that stood between six to seven feet tall, with greyish-blue fur, flower-like imprints on both his forehead and shoulders and bright emerald-green eyes. He wore leather bracers set with orange stones, a single-strap holster with which he carries his boomerangs, and leather wrappings on his feet.

On the air not too far behind him, a peculiar woman with bird characteristics flew. She was a part human, part hummingbird hybrid. She had fair skin and pink eyes. Instead of hair, she had feathers that make a curved upward style. Instead of clothes, her entire body seemed to be covered in small iridescent contour feathers. Around her wrists and ankles there seemed to be golden lines that appear to look like golden bracelets and golden anklets, as well as gold feathers on either side of her head for earrings. She, also, had long, drapery feathers that started at her waistline and ended at her knees, giving the appearance of a skirt or dress.

She mumbled to some smaller and more childish versions of herself that were flying around her. They spoke back in a high pitched tone and an alien language.

Suddenly, a plane made from golden sand came from an open window. It dissolved into golden sand and the Guardian slowly lowered himself on the ground. He was a short and squat individual, garbed in an outfit made of his Dreamsand appearing as a night robe. His hair, vaguely clownish, was golden and short, styled into five points, and glittered like his sand. He also had tiny feet and golden brown eyes.

"Sandy! Thank you for coming" North said and Sandy made a few gestures above his head, creating images with his golden sand. "I know, I know, but I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious!"

"What is it then mate?" Bunny asked, his feet now warm enough and his full attention on the bigger man.

"I will tell you in a second. We need to wait for Thanatos first"

At the mention of the Grim Reaper's name, tension quickly built up. Bunny seemed to be the most affected by it and his muscles quickly stiffened as he was about to fight or flight. Toot and her fairies quickly stopped talking, looking around as if that person was in the same room. Only Sandy seemed pleased and clapped his hands a few times in excitement.

"You are kidding me, mate"

"I do not like this either," a female voice said as from the shadows, at the corner of the room, Death took its form.

With the hood up and the body covered, the bodyless entity seemed to float towards the Guardians, the scythe nowhere in sight. The Pooka tensed more, his senses on alert while one hand went subconsciously on his chest in order to be close to his explosive eggs that hang on his diagonal belt.

"Thanatos...its... uhm...great to see you again" Tooth said, giving a slightly awkward smile but didn't dare to flow closer.

The reaper pulled down the hood using her right or normal hand and shook her head a few times. Long white straight hair fell on her back and covered it like a cape before stopping by the end of her waist.

 Long white straight hair fell on her back and covered it like a cape before stopping by the end of her waist

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