Chapter 13: Victorious

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Jamie held out his hand in front of the Nightmares. When they ran into it, they burst into Dream-sand. The kids got excited and so did the Guardians; Pitch not so much.

The dream sand started to gather them and slowly, a new strength found the 4 Main Guardians. Tooth was first, her wings flapping to life and she quickly started to fly.

"Yeah, Tooth Fairy!" the kids cheered for her.

North was next, the colour returning to his skin and so did he strength. He stood his tall and mighty height, the cut glasses on his hands ready to slash down the enemy.

"Oh yeah!" A kid named Monty cheered.

"No! Get them! Do your job!" Pitch shouted at his army.

Bunny closed his eyes and looked hopeful. "Oh yeah, come on, come on! *Nightmares pursue him* Oh crikee!" He bounded away.

North left out a growl and opened two portals, through which yetis came - ready to attack. The kids were fully entertained.

Back at the Bunny, he tried to find refuge under a car. "' M just a bunny!" A Nightmare grabbed his tail and dragged him out, but he's his regular form again, hanging upside down. "G' day, mate" He pumped his feet, knocking out the Nightmare that was holding him. Somersaults into the air tossed his boomerang towards another and then caught it. Next, he tapped the ground and up come his Easter Island Statue Warriors. "Come on!"

A cacophony of combat started.

"Let's get 'em!" Cupcake ordered and the group of kids shouted and charged, her first raised.

Two elves came riding up on the trike normally used for opening & closing North's elevator door. One jumped forward to gnaw on a Nightmare. The kids touched the Nightmares and they turned into more Dream-sand.

Pitch watched around, seeing his army slowly dropping in numbers. He immediately turned his horse the other way and started to gallop the opposite direction.

"Pitch!" Thanatos shouted once she noticed, narrowing her red eyes on the retreating figure.

The guardians heard her and looked at the same direction before they leave the farming to their helpers and themselves focus on the retreating enemy.

The master of death was ready to follow when a wave of golden sand wrapped around her. Blinking, she touched it with her skeleton hand and a Peculiar feeling crawled the senseless hand.

"I know what to do" she said and looked at Jamie who had passed from a similar experience.

"Everyone gather!" He ordered his friends, all heading for her.

"Everyone. Grab hands" the spirit said, as they all formed a circle.

At her right was Jamie and at her left was Cupcake. Both could touch and see her thanks to Jack's little trick.

They were not scared of her and they knew she was a friend. The twins even whispered for a bit on how cool she actually looked.

"What now?" One of them asked.

Thanatos looked at each one. "Now, I want each one of you to close their eyes. Imagine the most amazing dreams ever had, the peaceful sleeps that came every night. Imagine the spirit responsible for it"

Everyone, including her, had closed their eyes as they also used their imagination to think. Well, the kids did.

Thanatos emptied her mind, letting herself open to the power of belief and the power of the golden sand that started to gather around her.

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