OFF limit🖤

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"Enough" his cold and dangerous voice encroached in whole courtroom and Anika went still , her breathe laboured , shiver ran down in her spine and she didn't dare to turn back towards King .

"Not a word against would be Queen of Jhanshi " Anika's heart start beating wildly in her chest , all people gasped on the choice of words of King Shivay , King Shivay took step towards Anika and she felt him nearing closer to her , her heart felt like it will rip out from her chest breaking her ribcage , it took her every ounce of control to stop herself from turning back but she wanted King Shivay to know that she is angry on him .

QUEEN of Madhavgarh , minister and every other person stood on their place in his welcome , King of Magadh stood on his place and sent a nod of greeting in way of King Shivay who nodded back before placing his hand on Princess Anika's back , She shivered in response and that made him smile seeing his effect on her.

"Why ? Your presence here Will not myth the fact that you rejected the Princess and send her back , I request you to enlight the reason behind your presence here King" Queen of Madhavgarh said with an evil glint and King Shivay glare the evil lady angrily .

"And half knowledge is dangerous Your Highness" King Shivay mocked Queen of Madhavgarh "The reason I send My Queen back here was her own protection and about rejection so I never said I will not marry the only beautifull and skillfull lady across several Kingdom , Not every Kingdom get chance to have a beauty and brave Queen" Each time he emphasized on the word Queen and his taunt was directed to Queen on Madhavgarh who gritted her teeth angrily .

"Enough Queen" King Aaditya shouted in anger "I always knew the secrets of my daughter and my wife so there is no more discussion related to it going to happen and don't you dare to try to disrespect son in law of Madhavgarh" King Aaditya scolded the Queen at front of whole courtroom and the Lady went silent .

Tension start fading away from Court room , Queen Kala once again went back of curtains , Ministers and maids were dismissed including other Queens who didn't want to be there. "My loss , the combination of  beauty and brain is off limits" King of Magadh stated with a chuckle , his statement grabbed attention of everyone including King Shivay and Princess Anika .

"I am not" "My fortune"  Came Princess Anika angry response and King Shivay calm and sincere reply , Listening each other they both looked towards each other , He with love and longing and she with anger and put anger .

"I am not off limit for your gain" Her words awaked angry and jealous so of King Shivay who got on his feet "Accept my apology King Aaditya" King Shivay said all of sudden and all eyes went train on him for his meaningless apology but there eyes widened when King Shivay pulled Princess Anika towards him harshly and picked her up in bridal style , Everyone gasped and Princess start hitting his chest angrily "His loss, You are OFF LIMIT " Shivay said coldly and Anika glared him angrily before hitting his chest more angrily , Shivay headed out from Court room leaving every single person inside shocked .

Abhraam was leaning on wall and sara stood beside him with her head down , he was talking about something and the lady was giggling "Sara , Where is Chamber? " King Shivay loud voice startled her and the lady jumped straight in arms of Abhraam .

"Don't you dare to tell him" Anika shouted wiggling in his arms and trying to jump out but his tight hold made her helpless "Sara?" King Shivay  gave her a threating look and another second Sara pointed towards  a big door , Not wasting a second King Shivay headed straight in chamber before throwing Princess Anika of bed and went back to lock the door .

"Why you locked the door?" Anika asked angrily getting down from bed and taking long strides towards him , She was about to unlock when King Shivay took hold of her waist and pulled her towards him, She raised her hand to hit but stopped in mid after listening him "You hit pretty hard My Queen , i request you not to use violence against your would be husband" He made his best innocent face and for a second Princess Anika thought herself mistaken looking towards him , 'request' the word didn't even sound good to her ears.

"And who told you that I am going to marry you?" Anika placed her both hands on hips and asked angrily , King Shivay shrugged in response before giving a monosyllable answer "Instinct" .

"Do hell with your instinct because I am not going to" She retorted angrily and hitted his chest, King Shivay let out a fake winch her eyes softened but she maintained her stern and angry look

"And may i know the reason Princess" From soft and normal tone his tone changed in seductive and husky one , Her eyes widened as she stare the King in Shock .

"You dared to reject me , You send me back here and now I am going to stay here only , What you thought taht you will come here and speak few word in my favour and i will melt and come running to you " She asked poking his chest in anger , her eyes teared up ,the un-named feeling in her stomach jingled and her heart squeezed on the thought of his rejection .

"It was all for your safety Princess , Queen Padma turned out as a culprit she was the one who attacked on Prince Rudra and also planning to harm you , that night when you jumped in pond to save Prince i saw someone running away in your cloths and after that Rudra's herbs were messed i hadn't other option to save you both , one mistake from my side would had cost life of you both" he explained and she understands but still the anger in her wasn't settling down , she searched for anything to fight about and then suddenly it clicked without thinking twice She started without thinking consequences

"Ohh! So king of JHANSHI is here just because the beauty like Queen Padma turned out a criminal and Now he want a beauty to show off " her words only angered him , the fast beat of his heart and the soft side of him sighed in failure and let his anger overpowered him because it become hard for them to handle the fierce and Angry Princess who isn't even ready to buy his truths. "And after all you accepted it in court room that you will not leave the chance to have beauty with brain " her angry ranting goes on and King Shivay left her to rant and start searching for something desperately and finally his search came to an end when his eyes fell on Kohl ,he took step towards dressing table and took a good amount of kohl in his palm , Princess Anika's ranting came to an end and she stared him with a confused look before he took long strides towards her and painted her face black making her shock .

In an abrupt reaction her hand flied and hitted King Shivay across his face , he stumbled before taking hold of her hand and pinning them above his head and attaching his lips with her , he took her lips in an urgent kiss and once he start loosing himself in kiss , his grip on her loosened , She too responded fiercely and once her hand freed from his grip , they were lost in his long hairs and she was pulling him towards her urgently .

Finally after few passionate minutes they broke apart , her eyes were closed and he opened his eyes lightly before pecking her with utmost love , her heart melted and she didn't dare to open her eyes and let him witness her tears "I don't want any beauty Anika , I just want you no matter if you are black white Pink whatever , I just want you Princess" his lips on again' claimed hers and he broke the kiss off in a minute "You can apply that paste or whatever that was as long as you want" he whispered and she chuckled before opening her teary eyes , he look deep in them before pecking her lips once again

"And i just want you" Her words made his heart go wild in chest and finally she hugged him tightly before whispering the words which kept her awake many nights "I thought you left me" .


Hell! I don't know what is wrong with me i am hell eager to finish this story now..

I think it will end in one or two shots ..

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