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Chapter 26

         I never once understood the importance of a honeymoon after a wedding yet now I do.

In the four days we've been in Italy, Leonardo and I have connected in ways I never thought possible. We've grown closer than ever before and I think now the idea of being married has finally sunk in. I'm a happy married woman.

But this kind of scares me because I don't know if I should thank my parents for thrusting me into this life or continue disliking them. Either way, I'm happy.

   A hand is thrown on my shoulder and I instantly know it's Leo.

He kisses my cheek, "I think I could live in Italy forever."

I chuckle and nod my head agreeing with him. "It is a wonderful place and the pool is to die for!"

I wrap my towel tighter around my waist. We just came from the hotel's private pool and after an hour of swimming and occasionally kissing, we decided to go back to our room before heading for dinner.

"Hey, I'm going to take a shower I'll be back in a few." I kiss his mouth and  head to the shower.

The shower in here is absolutely huge enough to fit a number of people as while as beautiful enough to be on a magazine cover.

I undress my clothes until I was naked, then stepped into the shower.

     After showering, I wrap my towel around the body and exit the room. But once I do that, I see Leo pacing around the having a hated conversation with whoever is on the receiving end of the call.

"What do you mean you can't tell me who it is? You want me to drop everything and come back but you don't want to tell me why?" He shouts.

I frown, we have to go back? So soon?

"Ugh, fine. We'll take the first flight back." With that he ends the call, throws his phone on the bed and turns, only noticing me now. His body visibly tenses. "How much did you hear?"

I shrug and walk to the closet. "Not enough. Why are we heading back?"

He sighs. "Alex called and said there's an emergency back at home. Someone has requested to see me and it's way too important to be said on phone."

I nod. I dress in a simple yellow sundress and flat shoes. "So just because someone wants to see you we have to drop our honeymoon? Can't they just wait for another three days?"

I look at him and cross my arms across my chest. To say I'm angry and hurt that we have to leave so soon would be an understatement.

Leo runs his hands through his hair and makes his way towards me. "Listen Alison, se don't know how big the situation is and I promise I'll make it up to you after I solve whatever the problem is."

Deciding to not be difficult, I nod even though I hate it more than anything. "Okay. I guess I'll just pack my bags then." I turn and walk into the closet.

"And I'll book our flight."

So much for a happy honeymoon.


During our way back, I plugged in my earphones and listened to my music. Maybe it was to avoid Leo maybe it wasn't.

By the time we landed back home, I was tired, sticky and hungry because I even refused to eat.

"So Alex still hasn't told you what was so important that you had to drop our honeymoon?" I ask Leonardo as I stare out the window of the car. We're slowly approaching his office. Alex requested that we come to the office instead of going home.

"No, but we're about to find out now." The car parks by the entrance and we get out.

As we walk inside, looks are thrown our way, possibly wondering why we're back so early. We are all confused I see.

The silence is even sickening in the elevator, as the only thing you can hear is the soft elevator music and I think I could also hear my heart beat furiously in my chest for some odd reason.

The doors open when we get to Leo's office's floor. Blaire is sitting behind the table and flashes me a small smile with soft eyes. I throw her a confused look in return. It was almost like she was throwing me a sympathetic smile.

When we enter the office, Alex is leaning on the wall on the right. Taking in his appearance it seems like he looked stressed, with his messy hair and tie in a weird shape.

When he sees us he walks to us, "Finally, you're here. There's something-" I cut him off when my eyes land on a woman sitting on the couch with a young child in her arms.

"Who's she?" I ask but at the same time Leo asks out loud.

"Olivia?" I turn to him only to see him looking at the woman with wide eyes and an open mouth.

Now who the hell is this Olivia girl and what the hell is she doing here?

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