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              Alright people, let's be honest, 9 months of pregnancy is not enough to prepare you for birth.

Ever since the conference, I have started feeling anxious about the fact that I could give birth any day, since I have nothing to look forward to except for that.

And if you're wondering, I won the competition and they are giving me 6 months after my birth to start brainstorming the movie as well as shooting. And I cannot wait!

The trophy for winning the competition is now hanging in the library, and I would like to believe that it is one of many.

After the thrill of the competition I now lock myself at home because I might give birth any moment.

"Are you really going to stay in here forever?" Leo asks as he leans on the doorway with an amused face.

I roll my eyes and rub my stomach, "Not until forever, just until my baby girl or boy comes out."

He walks forward and sits on the urge of the bed, by my feet, and says. "How about we go out? You and I to the office and watch me work?"

I chuckle and shake my head. "If going to the office is your definition of fun then count me out?"

"It isn't, but I thought you'd like to go to Pizza Royal afterwards." He suggests.

I grin and gently climb off the bed, "Next time start with that," I point at him and walk out of the room with him following behind me.

"Aren't you changing out of your comfy clothes?" I hear Leo gesturing at my clothes which consisted of my grey sweatpants and Leo's black hoodie which is much larger on me.

I raise my brow, almost challenging him and even add a, "So?"

"Nothing!" He says quickly says and I smile, walking away.


When we get to Leo's office, I'm not at all surprised that we gained attention of the people inside. They stared but no one dared to get close and speak to us except for the casual greetings, some were even too scared to look at us.

I don't know what Leonardo did to these people but he definitely scarred them.

In a lighter note, the rude receptionist has been replaced by a nice kind girl, and let's just say I'm beyond happy.

  But that's where my happiness ended because I have been sitting still in Leo's office for the past three hours. I'm tired of scrolling through Instagram, chatting with Penny and Blaire and scrolling through Twitter.

Leo, on the other hand, has been in and out of meetings during that time so I'm sure he's having fun. Whatever fun means in this uptight society of his.

Speaking of the devil, he walks in the office and smiles at me when he sees me lounging on his big chair, but I only give him an annoyed look.

"You left me in here for three hours with no entertainment as well as food." I whine throwing my head back.

He chuckles and closes the door, "You should have just told me you wanted entertainment, I'll just call my part time PA and he'll also get food."

I stand up and frown, crossing my arms across my chest. "PA? Why not you?" I pout.

Leo kisses my pouting lips and smiles. "I have calls to make but it won't take that long, I promise." Seeing the pout that's still on my face, he says, "Unless if you want me to call a clown for the little baby." He teases me and even pinches my cheeks like how grandparents do.

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