So much tea!! Ive been pissing for hours!

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Iroh and I have been fallowing Zuko, we don't want to bother him on his soul searching journey but we want to make sure he doesn't die. Iroh and I have been talking a lot. I really enjoy his company, and he is really great.

I wonder if my father would have been kind this is what our relationship would have been like. We had just watched Zuko leaving a town and Iroh and I pack, getting ready to fallow him at a safe distance.

"Honestly Iroh I dont know how you do it" I mumble taking my bag in my hand and throwing sand on the fire. Iroh picks up his tea pot smiling.

"Do what?" He asks as we start walking through the forest and towards open land.

"Fallow Zuko even though he treats you like shit" I say and Iroh shakes his head.

"He is just a little lost, but I know that deep down he cares" Iroh says and I nod. I hope he cares. We end up camping at a cave for a night and I feel a vibration on the ground. Something huge... and... Is that Appa? I feel Appa quickly leave the ground and the huge, car? truck? fallow. Mmmm, I wonder what those idiots are up too, I think falling asleep. The next morning Iroh and I start making tea when I sense someone coming at us. My eyes widen and I pull out my knife, standing up.

"Iroh someone is heading this way!" I say and he nods smiling

"Sit down Isa, drink tea, maybe they're kind" Iroh says and I sit down timidly. Giving him an 'are you fucking kidding kidding me' look: Iroh hands me a cup with tea and I sip on it. I watch as a little earth nation girl walks up to us.

"Hello! Would you like some tea?" Iroh asks and the girl turns to look at us... except, is she blind? I think.

"Who are you?" She asks pointing at us.

"I am Iroh" Iroh says using his real name.

"Im Isa" I say and the girl turns to look at me.

"Isa! Like Sokka, Aang, and Katara's friend?" the girl asks and my eyes widen

"Yes! How did you know?" I ask exited. The girl sits down and Iroh hands her a cup of tea.

"I am traveling with them, I am teaching Aang earth bending" She says "My name is Toph"

"Nice to meet you Toph" Iroh says and I smile.

"I cant believe they finally found an earth bending teacher! That's great! I missed so much" I mumble the last part

"It's ok, all they do is complain, and they are so suffocating" Toph complains

"What do you mean?" Iroh asks, starting his therapy session. I sit back and watch as Iroh solves another crisis with his wise old man words.

"They just always want to help, I can carry my own wight" Toph complains and I nod, understanding what she means.

"My nephew is the same way, he never wants anyone to help him, always trying to solve his own problems. But I think its good to let people in sometimes, even if it makes us feel weak, it doesn't mean we are" Iroh says wisely and takes a sip from his tea.

"Is your nephew lost?" Toph asks

"Only a little" Iroh says smiling "He needs to learn to let people in, and I right Isa?"

"Damm right! Hes so annoying and all I'm trying to do is get him to realize that his family is abusive" I complain and Toph chuckles

"Sounds like a piece of work" She says and I nod "I should go now and find my friends, I'll tell them you said hi Isa" Toph says getting up and handing Iroh the cup "Thanks for the tea"

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