Nightmares and dancing

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"No one will ever love you" I hear my father yell and my eyes widen. I look around frantically in the dark, lights and places flashing before me.

"Stop!" I yell with a cry as the temperature starts rising and fire starts licking at my skin

"Lin, your friends" I hear him taunt me "and now Zuko" he says and I shake my head

"No" I whisper watching as Zuko goes up in flames in front of my eyes. I try to run to him but he just keeps getting farther, his face twisted in agony "please stop! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry" I sob hysterically when someone shakes me and I-

"Isa?" I hear Sokka yell and I sit up abruptly, my eyes widening as I look around the bright room "are you ok?" He asks and I turn to face him, noticing how Zuko wasn't next to me "Zuko and Aang went on a trip, he didn't want to wake you" Sokka says and I nod.

"Ok" I whisper wiping my tears, and hopping out of bed, looking into the broken mirror, my eye bags just getting darker. I sigh, pressing a hand to my temple, when Sokka places a hand on my shoulder.

"Wanna go on a walk?" He asks and I nod. We step into the hallway, and walk past Katara and Toph, walking along the temples walls. I let my fingers graze the walls, letting myself connect with the past people who have walked these very halls so long ago.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sokka asks and I shrug

"It was the usual you know" I mumble and Sokka nods, knowing very well what I mean "there was fire, my father" I mutter

"Do you think he's still..." Sokka starts looking down at me "he's still at your home?"

"Probably, he can't go anywhere else" I chuckle dryly "he doesn't have a job"

"After all of this" Sokka spreads his arms and I realize he's talking about the war "do you think you'll go back and see him?"

"I plan on moving in with Zuko, rebuilding the entire world, and making sure no one dies" I say and Sokka chuckles at the last point "I don't have time to go back and try to mend a relationship that can't be, well, mended"

"I guess you're right" Sokka nods "but maybe... it's worth a try, or we can just go and beat him up" he suggests and I laugh

"What do you plan on doing?" I ask and he sighs as we make a turn into a random hallway in the temple, looking around the broken walls and rooms, statues and paintings thrown on the ground.

"Well.... there's a girl" he scratches the back of his neck and I raise an eyebrow

"A girl?"

"Yeah, remember the Kyoshi warrior I told you about? Suki?"

"Yeah" I nod remembering the girl who as Katara called it 'beat the sexism out of Sokka'

"We kind of kissed... and I want her to be my girlfriend" he says in the sweetest voice and I feel my heart melt

"Awww Sokka" I place a hand over my heart and he snorts, bumping my shoulder "do you think you'll want to marry her?" I wriggle my eyebrows and he blushes

"Maybe" he grins and I smile softly "I've always wanted a big family, lots of kids" he says and I blink, placing a hand on my stomach without realizing "do you think you'll want kids?" He asks and I look down at the floor

"I'm not so sure I can have kids" I mumble and Sokka stops into his tracks

"What?" He breaths and I sigh, looking up at him, but before I can answer I hear someone yells, my eyes widen and I grab Sokkas hand, running out of the hallway and back towards where the gaang had set up camp, relaxing when I see that it's just Teo and Haru playing around. Sokka hold my hand tighter and I look up at his worried face

"The life of adventure comes at a cost" I mumble with a sad smile

"Zuko, Aang" I wave at them, watching as Appa lands. Aang hops off Appa, smiling widely as he practically flies over to hug me.

"Isa you wont believe it!" he says quickly as he pulls away from me "Zuko danced" my eyes widen as I glace behind his back at Zuko was standing awkwardly.

"You danced?" I ask shocked and he shrugs

"It wasn't dancing, it was an ancient ritual-" He rants

"Zuko you've never danced with me" I cut him off with a fake pout and he scratches the back of his neck

"Never got the chance" He smiles softly and I chuckle

"So are you going to dance or what?" I ask standing back with the rest of the gaang as Zuko and Aang dance and fire bend. I smile at how much they had bonded over the past day and Sokka places an arm on my shoulder.

After they finish with the dance and we have all either clapped or made fun of them (Toph), I take Zuko by the hand dragging him by the hand into our room.

"Zuko that was amazing" I grin as he shuts the door and he nods, walking over me and brushing my hair back from my face.

"Thanks" He blushes placing his hands on my waist and I raise an eyebrow "Dance with me?" he asks and I nod wrapping my arms around his neck and placing my forehead against his shoulder as we sway to sound of our breathing. I feel a knot in my stomach form as I remember Sokka and I's conversion.

"Zuko?" I ask in a small voice

"Yes?" He asks and I sigh, burying my head further into his shoulder

"How you do feel about family's?" I ask as we continues swaying

"Ummm well mine is pretty shit" He mutters and I chuckle

"No... like having a family of your own" I mumble and he stops swaying looking down at me and I bite my lip

"I guess I've always wanted a big family with lot of kids...." he trails off "Why?" He asks and I shrug, a sad feeling washing over me and I pull him to bed.

"I'm just tired" I lay down and Zuko hugs me "Thank you for for dancing with me"

"Thank you for letting me"

Hey guys!
So while writing this story, I have slowly come to realize the trauma that Isa's body has experienced. Which is tremendous by the way. And so that makes her periods pretty none existent, however that doesn't mean she can't have kids! You'll have to continue reading to find out!

Have a wonderful day! 🌻🌻🌻💛💛

The Girl Who Could Do It AllDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora