Ch. 8: Runaway princess

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(Cover Art is by the lovely MimiNicolette)

I stared in horror at the mess they had made. My's...gone...

I collapsed into a ball on the floor as tears flowed freely from my eyes. I tried to gather what was left of my music and piece it back together, but it was no use. It was destroyed. Gone.

Every single music sheet and book that I had ever owned had been ripped to shreds and scattered across the floor like ashes.

Now I'd never get to enjoy my beautiful music ever again. I sobbed loudly as I held what was left of my music close to my chest.

"Why?!" I cried. "All music is beautiful! Why would you destroy it?"

I should've known that something like this was going to happen eventually. Someone was going to find out what I was up to and try to put a stop to it. But I didn't think they'd do it like this...

I wished mom was still here...she'd know what to do...

"I want you to go out there and show all of those trolls what you can do. And if they don't like what you're doing..."

My eyes jolted open.

"...then you run to trolls that will listen."

Her words echoed in my head as I slowly sat up and got to my feet. That's right! Mother told me that if the trolls here didn't end up liking my music, then I was to run to those who will.

And I knew exactly where to go.

I reached under my bed and grabbed my backpack and violin. Thank goodness Slick and his friends never found it. I would've never forgiven myself if something bad had happened to it.

I proceeded to grab some clothes from my closet and some snacks that I had hidden away, but before I could put them in my backpack, I could hear someone coming down the hallway.

"Roxy, time for dinner."

It was Katie. Crap! I grabbed a nearby chair and propped it up under the doorknob so she couldn't get in. No one was going to stop me from running, not even her.

As I continued to pack the essentials, I could hear the doorknob rattling. "Come on, sis. Open the door. I'm not in the mood for one of your dumb games."

I finally shoved my violin case into my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I opened my bedroom window and looked down. It was a 3-story drop. However, there was a long pole that would normally be used to hang banners not too far from my window. I just hoped I could jump far enough. I gulped and jumped up onto the ledge.

Behind me, I could hear the sound of Katie running into the door, trying to break it down.

This was turning back now...

As soon as she broke through the door, I jumped as far out as I could from the window and wrapped my arms around the pole, sliding all the way down.

"Roxy!" I could hear Katie's panicked screams as she ran towards the window.

I couldn't look back up at her, not now. I shouldn't hesitate. Now, I need to run.

"Roxy, come back!" I could hear my sister screaming after me as I ran further and further away from the place I once called home.

Lots of rock trolls watched me run past them, but none of them tried to stop me because I finally knew that none of them cared about me. They never did.

All of my sadness slowly started to turn into anger as I ran for what seemed like hours. My legs and chest ached from running so much but I couldn't stop. Not until I reached my destination. The sun was just starting to set when I saw it.

There it was. The ocean. I ran towards it at full speed, not caring that I was tripping over my own feet while doing so. I didn't stop until I fell onto my knees in the water. Without thinking, I plunged my arms into the water as well. The bandages around my arms dissolved the moment they hit the water, revealing the colorful bands that were wrapped around them.

I started rubbing all of the makeup off of my face as fast as I could. I hated it. I always hated it. I cupped some water into my hands, dumped it onto my head, and started to run my fingers through it. When I got to the back of my head I winced. I had forgotten about my recent head injury, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

After I had finished, I sat back and breathed in deeply. I felt calmer, but not calm enough. I needed to erase more of my fake, miserable life until almost nothing was left. But, what else could I possibly throw away?

Just then, I heard a small splash coming from my right. I turned to look at where the noise had come from, and saw something that I was sure wasn't there the last time I visited here.

It was a small wooden dock that extended about 30 feet off the shoreline. There was a sign next to it. I walked over to it and read it aloud.

"For a friend." Huh. How strange. I wonder who's friend this was for.

I walked out onto the dock until I got to the very end of it. I could smell the salt water and hear the waves crash into the beach. It was surprisingly calming. Then, I remembered the one other thing that I could throw away.

I took out my earrings and looked at them as I felt nothing but pure hatred towards my father. I clenched my fist. No longer will I be trapped under your strict I am finally free...

As a scream escaped my mouth, I threw those earrings into the water as far as I could. I watched as they fell in and disappeared below the surface, never to be seen again.

It felt like a large weight was finally being lifted off my shoulders. But for some strange reason, even after doing that, I still didn't feel happy.

With a sigh of disappointment, I sat down and swung my legs over the side the dock.


I heard something fall and make a big splash in the water below me. What was that? Out of curiosity, I leaned over the edge of the dock and looked down. I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was a techno troll. And I had just kicked him in the face!

Trolls World Tour: Forever My QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora