Letter to Readers

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The Internet,


April 30th, 2020.

Dear reader,

As many of you know, I grew up catholic, and for those of you who don't know, here's your explanation of why there's so much Christian stuff in my books overall!

Vampires are a supernatural creature I've been interested in for quite a while, so when the Open Novella Contest was announced, I saw it as a chance to play with my idea and built lore deeply entrenched in my understanding of Christianity—in its varying forms. The relationship between inherently damned (a sinner) like Wern and someone willing to find joy and hope in everything, like Haruto has always appealed to me.

I used vampirism to talk about emotions and trauma in a way that seemed real, tangible, and presentmagical realism, and I know I'm still learning, but I plan to see what I can do with these types of stories in the future!

Thank you all for reading my experiment of a book, and voting and commenting along the way. If you use Goodreads, the book should be up for rating/reviewing now, so you can do that if you want! I hope you enjoyed it because I had a blast writing it.


Saint Caliendo.


*If you've enjoyed this story enough to give my other novels a chance, here are some recommendations. They are either paranormal/fantasy stories or dealing with religion and faith.

Siberian Wolf [Werwolf/Completed]


Not everyone has a mate, and this is the reality of Alek Kuznetsov. On his eighteenth birthday instead of feeling the pull and yearning for a mate, Alek's spirit felt dead. Confusion and depression drove him out of his Siberian wolf clan to seek something to fill the void.

Now thirty-five and a seasoned traveler, Alek finds himself stranded when the lowlands of Alberta are being cleared for the building of industrial warehouses. He decides to seek help in the nearest pack settlement in Peace River.

As he pleads for help Alek locks eyes with the most beautiful man he had ever seen. Ahote is someone else's mate. Ahote was just twenty-four, and Ahote had a son and place in his clan. There was no way Alek could get him to love a foreign rogue like himself, but would it hurt to try?

Bedazzled [Mermaid/Completed]


Jeffery is sick, seasick.

After a mysterious creature from the depths saved him from drowning, Jeffery just can't seem to keep his head out of the water. Bound in lust and put in a compromising situation, Jeffery makes an astonishing decision to go forth to find this merman.

Above High Waters [Mermaid/On-going]


Afibia is dying. The rich vibrant cove of merfolk has been under the wrath of pollutants, poison, and disease. A decision made by the cove's elders requires all merfolk within the region to evacuate within twelve new moons, but Omi, a young merman cannot imagine living anywhere else. Afibia was his home, and the only one he'd ever known.

A series of events leads him to the surface world where he tries to strike a deal with Ryan Logan, a man he was convinced could do something about it.


Ryan was confused. For one, he was just a marine biologist with no influence what so ever in his field at large, but the pain in the creature's eyes compelled him to agree.

Kissing Wounds [Romance/Completed]


After graduating from high school, Mathew sets out to do a two-year missionary service like everyone else his age.

Mathew thought that his only problem would be him adjusting to the city as someone who's lived in a farming town all his life. he didn't expect to get so focused on helping Nathaniel recover from his past wounds. His encounters with a man five years his senior makes him question his life, faith, and everything he had ever believed to be true.

R.I.P [Romance/On-going]


Chris is depressed. He's traumatized by the strong homosexual feelings he can't seem to repress. For the longest time, he'd tried to turn to his religion for a solution, but frankly, religion doesn't have all the answers, and God just chooses not to answer so many.

After being accepted into a college on honors, he feels he can finally let go of the past and his feelings because his object of affection was nowhere in sight. But the world seems to be a parody on its own, and he meets Simon, a second-year computer technology student.

As the two struggle to find themselves and discover the meaning of acceptance, their problems aren't in any way helped by the disapproval of Chris' White-hating religious fanatic father, or Simon's religion hating anti-black adoptive father.

Sometimes, in the midst of all human problems we all just want to rest in peace.

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