Klaus's Redemption

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“Come on little witch, the walk will do thee good and besides thy mother needs the herbs for tonight.”
“Alright, papa. But my feet hurt, may I ride on thy back?”
“Aye, alright thee may. Little witch.”
“Papa, why dost thou call me little Witch?”
  The girl’s Father hesitated a moment as he thought about what to say. He wasn’t really the girl’s father rather he had been passing through and had come across the girl’s mother about to give birth and had assisted in her birth. And it was only after the fact that he found out the woman was a witch, and she had begged him not to tell anyone else that she was. He had always assumed the child would be a witch like her mother.
“I don’t know why I do little one, I just do.”
   The girl seemed content with his response and fell to silence for a time. The sun was about mid sky when they came to a holt and the man whose name was Silace, began to unpack the small pouch he carried, he had some rolls and dried meat, and a couple of apples. He also carried a small skin of water. This was their lunch and dinner. It wasn’t much but it suited the need.
“Eloise, come eat, then thee may wonder a little. Not far mind thee, I need to be able to see thee, understand?”
“Aye, father I do.”
   Eloise began to wander and picked some flowers and she did. She was still able to hear and see silace but as she walked she came upon a clearing and saw a little girl crying and touching a stone that had been set up as a table, the were several bowls and other utensils, the girl was about eight or nine and she looked miserable, Eloise could still see her father and she went over to the girl.
“Are thee ok? What is wrong?”
“ I am fine, but thou hast better go or my Aunt Dalilah will hurt thee, she does not like strangers.”
“My father is over that way, he will come running if anything happens, why were thee crying?”
“I have so much to do and it must be done before the sun sets, and there are still herbs that must be gathered and, I would much rather be playing and back with my family…please!!! She is coming, leave .”
“I am Eloise.”
“I am Freya. Now please leave.”
  Eloise gave a curt nod and handed her the small bouquet she held.
“Perhaps, these will ease some of thy Aunts displeasure. If I am not mistaken these are the herbs she wanted. I was going to surprise my mother with them but seems like you could use them more.”
  With that she left and gathered up a second and bigger bouquet and returned to her father. She had been surprised to have been able to know what was in Freya’s mind and that she knew the flowers and green she held were herbs and it just so happened that they were the same as the one her mother was needing. She added her bouquet to that of her father’s and just as he was about to lift her to his back many people appeared, and he told her to run and hide.
“Go little one, my little Eloise, run and hid so they can’t find thee ! If I can I will come back to Thee, hurry my child.” 
“What about mama?”
“She will be fine, now go!!”
   Eloise began to run; she recognized the one woman as a the one who had often times given her father grief about so sort of history or other that they had had. And  her father seemed terrified of her to some point or other. She was a witch she knew that but she had no desire to know her, so she ran and she hid in a cave far from where she had been with her father she had ran for what seemed like hours and she was so exhausted as soon as she stopped and sat for a spell she was fast asleep.  She stayed in the cave for a few days only venturing out in the evening for food and wandering around to see just how far she had run. Her dress was in tatters and  she was tired and dirty, by the third day she had wandered far enough where she had found a village small but quaint.
   She stayed just on the outskirts of the village and watch the comings and goings and that when she spied a boy that would change her world. His name was Niklaus she watched him and was happy to just watch until he suddenly spied her hiding in the berry bushes. She stayed very still and closed her eyes tight hoping he would just keep on his merry way. She didn’t really notice but she was holding her breath too.
“You know, thee will have to breath eventually, my name is Niklaus, the berries are really tasty, here try some.”
  He handed her some she eagerly ate some, they were sweet and tart. She  shyly  looked at him and smiled the berry juice dripping down her chin.
“I pick berries to paint with, though my father think it is beneath us. My father is the chief so to speak.  So, I have to do the painting at night or when he’s not around. So, who are you and why are you here in the berry patch,  even in my village?”
  “I am trying to  find some place I belong, I guess. Three days ago, I had a mom and a dad, now , I don’t know if I have either now. Papa told me to run so I did.”
Eloise bowed her head and brushed a couple of tears away.  Niklaus took her hand and began to guide her out of the bushes.
“Well then, I guess thee will have to come with me and you can join us for dinner. And I suppose my mother would like some berries for after supper. My paints can wait till another time. “
“Will thy mother be alright with me just coming to supper? I mean she doesn’t know me or anything…”
“Thee will be fine, I have two brothers  at home too. Their names are Finn and Elijah, they will be happy to have someone else for Mother’s attention to be on. And I do believe my Father is not at home tonight, so come.”
  Eloise held hi hand tightly as she began to walk with him, and he led her to the biggest stone house  were two other boys were roughhousing with each other. And  they stopped to look at Nicolaus,
“Mother, we have a visitor I do hope you let her stay for dinner. And perhaps for a while.”
“Who is it Niklaus?”
“Her name is Eloise, and she has no parent or family. She has no one to look out for her. Can she stay for a while, please?”
“I suppose she could be helpful with the new baby coming. So, I suppose she can stay for a time. In the meantime, you take care of her for tonight. Give her one of your shirts  while I mend her dress. Or till I can mend it. There is a lot for me to do before baby come and your father’s return for the winter. “
  Niklaus  began to  do as his mother had said. When he returned with the shirt and piece of crimson rope. He also grabbed a bucket and a piece of cloth then helped her to wash up then handed her the shirt and rope   after a few came from out behind the sheet he had held up for her to change. She looked much better and still looked very tired she help as best she could with the dinner preparation, she was nimble, but she was shy  and didn’t speak much and she was cautious around Esther. She was just unsure how to act, Esther was different then her mother and she seemed dangers and Eloise was worried. She had to work very hard to stay awake and as soon as dinner had finished  and they were sitting  before  Esther and she was telling them stories, she had snuggled close Niklaus and was fast asleep within moments and Niklaus was nodding off as well. Elijah chuckled a little and went and lifted him up and Finn lifted Eloise then they both  laid them both to bed and shortly after the climbed into bed too.
    Sometime during the night Niklaus’s father entered quietly and he quietly trod around  he went over to  the bed where all the kids were sleeping, and he was surprised to see Eloise curled up next to Niklaus and his arm over protecting her seemingly.  He touched all the kids gently on their heads and then he joined his wife in their bed. Eloise began to have a nightmare and somehow, she was able to get Nicolaus and Elijah to join her in her dreams and it was there that they learned about her.

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