the next journey

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  The seasons changed and Michael was close on their trails and before  they knew a thousand years had passed and they were wiser and drifting  slightly apart they all had their lives they loved and they couldn’t seem to say away from Mikael long enough and their desire for blood was so great they had difficulty keeping it at bay. They left trails left and right, and they could barely make a life for themselves till they entered an area that was somewhat new to them and Rebekah and Kol both insisted that they stay an really try to settle and make a home, they  attack a traveling group with a wagon of silks and the finest riches they had ever seen. They killed them all and they made sure they were indeed well dead, and they began debating on what to do with the spoils.
“I say everyone silence. Do thee hear that?”
“What is it Elijah?”
They were silent and they hear the faint sound of a terrified heartbeat. They were surprised to find a mear boy well about seventeen. He was a servant to the count De Martel and he was terrified
“Please, don’t kill me. I can help thee I promise. Thee have just killed the family of Count De Gees. And the guests of my master’s and his family. If thee wish I will help thee all to learn the manners and customs here. And I shall see to thee won’t be discovered.”
“Please Elijah, let us keep him and hide in plain sight. Please.”
“We cannot Rebekah, you know the rules.”
“Elijah, I think I agree with Rebekah on this one, I am very tired or running, and it would be nice to be able to settle down and try and be normal again, or at least as normal as  we can be, and perhaps we can fool Father into going silent for a time. Please Elijah.”
  Elijah looked at his sisters and then at the ground thinking. Finn then spoke up,
“I know we always have said leave no alive if they had seen what we are, but food that is not blood and a place we can sleep somewhat safe and out of the elements, perhaps even make a few new friends and just maybe this lust of blood might cease and we could live start our own families and be somewhat civil again.”
“I say let’s vote Elijah. Who wishes to let him live and who wishes to see him die?”
  “Oh come on Niklaus! Kol and I are at a disadvantage. So, I guess we let him live. And try this life thee all wish for. Perhaps we can make this work. What is thy name boy?”
“I am Lucian and I will be forever in thy debt. Thank thee for allowing me to live.”
  he looked at them all he was terrified still but he had at least calmed down some on the outside. The boys set up some of the fine cloth to allow Rebekah and Eloise to change out of their shabby and rather bloody dresses they had on to the fine gowns that were packed away in the hard-oak trunks.
“Eloise, is there a way to bathe before we put such gorgeous dresses on? It twould be a shame to dirty them before truly wearing them.”
“Perhaps, Rebekah, but we can’t be too long in getting ready. I sense Lucian is in a rush for lack of being on time...”
   She took her water skin and weighed it to see how full it was but shook her head, only to smile a moment later and pointed to a stream a little way away from them. And together they jumped in and bathed quickly. Finally, they dressed themselves and proceeded to come from behind the curtains and their hair still dripping a bit from the water made them quite beautiful.
“Thee both look beautiful.”
“Thank thee, Lucian, I see thee four have changed as well. There is a storm coming. We must hurry before it rains.”
“Right, Eloise. Come let us pack up and return things to somewhat decently pact and in order so we may maintain our ploy. Finn help me with the girl’s curtain and Kol why don’t thee go fill the water skins. Niklaus watch him. Girls take care of the horses.”
“Of course, Elijah, but wait a bit I will take care of the bodies.”
“Oh, right I had forgotten that detail. Very good Eloise. Let us be quick.,”
    They all hurried to their tasks and before long they were on their way and Rebekah was very excited and could non-stop talking and she couldn’t stop asking Lucian questions.  Eloise smiled at Rebekah then at her siblings she was happy for the moment.   What would the next period of time show them of themselves.  Her eyes got big as the entered the great iron and pine gates of the count’s castle, the clean stones reminded her of their home from so long ago, she was nervous too she grabbed Niklaus’s hand and held tight. Niklaus smiled a little it had been a while since this child like fear had been seen from her, Niklaus understood a little better the need she was feeling for a rest. She had been strong and their protector and now they were letting their guard down and they were putting themselves in a vulnerable position. They were silent and as the servants guided them through the castle’s stone hallways, and as they came to a stop, Rebekah eagerly got to the ground very much like a young girl excited for new dresses or even shoes. Lucian was pleased at her enthusiasm, but he was quite uncomfortable around the others. And it showed greatly.
“Please lucian, tell me more, how a girl like me is to act in such spender, oh, Elijah look! Look at the food in the market. And the people, is it not just splendid.”
“It is dear sister but please mind thy self, if we are to keep our pretence’s as real as we can then thee must look as if thee belong, and Lucian thee must not encourage her.”
“Thee are right, forgive me Lord Elijah, come lady Rebekah we must go in to see the Count De Martel, as thee all are his guests. Thee must bow to all the Lord and touch thy lips the back of all the ladys hands, to the Count thee must bow and talk about the hunt he loves his hawks and hounds and even the hunt, Lady’s thee must curtsy deep and low the Count, does love a healthy show of cleavage.”
  Rebekah and Eloise looked at each other, Rebekah gave a mischvious smile and followed Luchene into the castle halls, and Eloise was more cautious, Finn took her hand and placed it on his arm and escorted her in after the others. Eloise gripped his arm very tight, as they passed by the many other guests. In that sense she and Finn were alike they hated crowds. At least for Eloise she hated the crowds in her human form but of course when she was in her wolf form, she didn’t mind them of course it could have been the fact that she was almost three times bigger than the others in her wolf form. They entered the count’s presents and they were introduced, and they seemed to have passed the first test. Elijah and Kol were excellent in the art of pretending they belonged just like they had started to do with Michael before they had to be on the run. Finn automatically fit in as did Rebekah but mainly for her it was just her looks for Finn it was his mannerisms and even his quiet speech allowed him to fit in. for Eloise she held a sort of royal air all the time and when the Count laid eyes on her and the others to, her cautiousness added to her charm and she made sure that she had them all ready to jump and very curious about her and her family’s  past. As she curtsied for him showing her bosom, she was graceful but yet refusing to look at him let him know and others around also that she was not to be messed with and even if they tried, they would regret it.
   Klaus couldn’t help but smile a little at the very deferent personalities of his sisters the wild fun loving sister in Rebekah, then the shy yet strong sister in Eloise, but he and Elijah even Kol and Finn became on high alert, as they sensed danger from the count and his son both immediately drawn to Eloise.
“Thy father never mentioned thee all to me in our dealings.”
“Yes, well we are not very close to our father, with his, how shall we say Niklaus?”
“I Believe Elijah, thee are looking for they are saying, his travels, and the fact we were raised by servants mainly and father did care for us but mainly from afar.” 
“Ah yes brother well put. And I may as well say that our sisters are our Anker and anything that happen to them hardly ends well.”
   Eloise and Rebekah blushed although it was not witnessed by anyone but each other. The afternoon passed Eloise hung out in the back by the walls. Watching and being the guard from the shadows. She was gracious and coy when she was approached. Tristian the Count’s son tried to catch her attention but she was very good at avoiding him and her brothers chuckled at her it reminded them of the boys of their village chasing her and she being so good and being so great at avoiding them without their feelings being hurt and and just driving them insane at the same time.
“Forgive me, Lady Eloise, please, please stop avoiding me. I would like to know thee better. And thee have made it quite hard. Thee have caught my eye and thee are so fare compared to the other beauties here but thee are wonderful.”
“Wonderful, or just the new prized hound of thy family? Please, I am not interested, forgive me, I am still young, I am how shall I put it, I am honoured that thee have noticed me. So please be slow and then let us try again, I am tired, and have travel far to be here. If thee wish to know me more thee may always ask my siblings. Please I have to leave I fear my sister is about to have a very big fall.”
Eloise curtsied, and glided away with a small smile, and carefully took Rebekah by the arm and guided her to the walled courtyard and small garden,
“Rebekah, please control thy self thee are disgracing thy self and our story is not going to hold with thee forgetting everything lucian has told us. Please slow down and walk with me for a spell till thee has calmed thy self. “
“Sister, Please, we came here to start fresh, and they could use some livening up. They are so stuffy.”
“That is how the court life and royalty work sister, it is to be stuffy at least in my opinion.”
  Both girls chuckled and actually had some time to themselves, something they had not done for a while, and the short time earlier today didn’t count.
“Rebekah, can thee believe our lives, did thee ever dream so big. Oh, and did thee see the Count’s son talking to me? I never thought someone like him would be interested in me, of course I don’t find I like him, I don’t trust him. What dost thee think?”
“I don’t know, I think thee could do better, I don’t trust him either, but it could be the very fact we are new here. But sister, my dearest Eloise, can I remind thee of something?”
“What would that be Rebekah? And do bear in mind I was the one who helped mother give birth to thee so be careful dearest.”
“no nothing like that Eloise, thee have been so worried over all of us. Thee I think  thee have not seen thy self lately, thee are beautiful, thee have the most amazing green eyes, and thy smile, is disarming, and when thy hair is down, I can’t explain it, but thee have protected us for so long, thee must know its why our brother’s keep others from looking  at thee, in particular, and I can’t blame them, and honestly, I don’t ever want to lose thee, I loved mother but….not as much as I love thee, and I think I honestly will Kill  the  Lord Triston if ever touches thee.”
“I guess I needed the reminder, and Rebekah would thee truly kill him?”
“I swear, forever and always so would our brothers. Can thee see every possible way our brother would make him suffer?”
  The girls chuckled and began to walk again and as they walked a breeze picked up, but it wasn’t threatening it was like a summer breeze. It smelled like cherries and a hint of a summer rain.  And it was just at that moment when Lucian came out and startled both girls and as a repercussion Eloise was started and she spun around and she let loose, the breeze became almost hurricane force, Rebekah laid her hand on Eloise’s arm and squeezed lightly. It was enough to bring Eloise back to reality and Eloise calmed down.
“What are thee, I thought thy siblings were dangerous and killers, but what are thee, the are not like them…”
“No, Lucian I am not, I am not like them. And yet exactly like them on many levels, I am like my mother, a witch, I am like my father and my brother’s Finn, Kol, Elijah, a vampire, but I am the most like Nikaus, I am a werewolf. And I am very dangerous, thee say anything and put my family in danger I will personally end thee. I will not cause problems as long as thee continue to help us and keep our secret even the fact I told thee who and what we are tonight then we shall be the best of friends.”
  Lucian was nervous but in order to keep the peace he nodded agreed. He quickly left without another word, and as the evening turned into night and they all retired, Niklaus pulled Eloise aside,
“Eloise, what took thee both away sister?”
“we needed air, and the count’s son was a bit touchy feely with me and I asked Rebekah to be with me so I could keep my temper and not tear our host’s son up for my midnight snack. Please Klaus, calm dawn he hasn’t done anything yet but please brother, just help me keep it that way but please in a way he hasn’t an idea that the are watching him, can thee do this for me?”
“Of course, lesie, we will have thy back, and perhaps after a short time, things will have settled and this obsession with thee gone, and until then we will take care of this. Goodnight sister sleep well.”
Niklaus kissed her forehead and Elijah gave a curt nod and then he looked towards Finn and Kol they had heard it all even for being quite some space apart. They retired and as the night passed, they were uncomfortable, it had been quite a long time since they had slept in beds even under a roof the only one who seemed to sleep well was Rebekah.   
      Eloise was woken the next morning by the servant girls coming to wake her and help her and help her prepare for the day and Eloise raised her eyebrows and said quietly to them,
“Thee seriously are here to help me dress I am quite capable of doing it myself. What is this? Tiss beautiful.”
“Tis from the Lord Tristian he insists that thee where it and meet him in the garden to break thy fast, and please, if thee value life thee will keep it and go to him.”
“Thee are kind, I do value life, thine in particular, I can handle The Lord Tristan. Can thee help with the dress I guess, then I would ask if thee could find my sister or my brother Niklaus.”
“Of course lady Eloise, anything else thee need?”
“Not at the moment, but I do ask that thee are here by the time the sun is at its highest, to help me rip this gown off of me and help me bathe. Can thee do that for me?”
     “Yes of course we can do this for thee and we will be quite glad to do it for thee.”
The servants soon were gone and Eloise stared at herself in the looking glass. She was staring at a stranger; the gown was deep blue with silver edging and her hair a mass of curls needing some major attention she was pale and sick to her stomach to hold the Lord Tristan’s attention for as long as she was going to have to hurt her head just thinking about it. Her thoughts were interrupted as the one maid returned,
“My Lady thy brother Niklaus”
“Thank thee Tabitha. Thank thee for coming Niklaus.”
Tabitha left with a little curtsy then Niklaus asked softly”
“I do not recognize thy dress from any that with pirated of the family we are pretending to be. Please what is it thee wanted? And where is the dress from?”
“The dress is from the Lord Tristan, and he is requiring my presents for the morning meal, and I feel very sick, and my hair is a very big thick mess think you could help. I may be strong but I dislocated my shoulder last night and it hurts to reach above my head, think thee could brush it like thee use to? It would help me calm my nerves.”
“Of course, sister but why not Rebekah? And would thee like me to end the Lord Tristan still?”
“Nay Niklaus, but perhaps there could be my escort, and make it so he can’t get to cozy if thee know what I mean?”
“Very well Lesie, let’s get thy hair wet and where it’s the oil Elijah got thee?”
“I believe it’s in the trunk.”
Niklaus went to the trunk and ruffled through the clothes and found parchment rolled up, he unrolled it and smiled, it was a sketch of their family, he rolled it back up. And found the bottle of oil. Niklaus poured some over his sister’s hair then began to brush it, all the while tells her stories like he uses to Elijah and Finn and Kole appeared they smiled as they looked on. It was a good reminder, for what they were wanting this to small break to bring back. Their reminiscing quickly ceased as Rebekah came rushing in with a bouquet of flowers.
“Thee have to hurry the lord Tristan is getting impatient. Here I will put some in your braids…oh Nik, Kol, Elijah, Finn, what are thee doing here? And why have thee not braided her hair, Nik?”
“Well I had hope thee would be here to help me get ready, but thee were not to be found so I asked Nik. Thank thee for the flowers Bex, but as thee have pointed out I am late for a meal I absolutely am dreading. Thank thee Nik for doing my hair, let’s get this over with please before I completely throw up and be sick like really sick. Niklaus will thee bring me to the man of the hour.”
  “I would sister but I feel as if it should be Elijah to bring thee to the lord Tristan.  I fear I would not be able to keep my self from hurting him. Would thee be too offended?”
“Nay Niklaus I am not, Elijah are thee ok with that?”
“Of course.”
  Elijah held out his arm and Eloise took it. She kissed Klaus’s nose and gave the other hugs.


“Thee are Beautiful lady Eloise.”
“I thank thee for the compliment, my Lord, and I do hope thee don’t mind I have asked my brother to join us…I am very out of my comfort zone, I have never had anyone interested in me. So please be patient with me my lord.”
   Triston took a deep breath and it was very clear he wasn’t happy with Elijah being there but he gracious invited Elijah to the table and the meal was civil and awkward but wasn’t too bad. Elijah watched his sister’s every movement taking cues as she gave them. Things to say, movements, when she needed a reprieve. She was gracious but still not at ease with Tristan and although she seems calm on the outside her eyes were a raging storm dangerous and intriguing. And Tristan wouldn’t stop staring at her and Elijah, began to try, and focus Tristan  on him, but Tristan seemed to be seeing right through it and he was not staining from the target  and as they talked and walked  strolling along Eloise was starting to look rather sick and pale.
“My lord, my sister does not look well I feel I should bring her to her room so she can rest, our journey here was not the easiest, especially on my sister Eloise. If thee will excuse us, my lord.”
“Forgive me, for causing thee discomfort my lady Eloise, I will send my sister Aurora to check on thee later with some herbs that could help thee. Please get some rest.”
Eloise began to walk when she suddenly collapsed and as Elijah caught her, he understood why. She was struggling to not change it was a full moon and she was burning. Elijah lifted her and carried her to her room he called for the others to join him.
“Niklaus what is going on?”
“I don’t know Elijah; it seems like what mother did to me but unlike with me Eloise Is fighting she isn’t letting the curse take hold...”
“So, what does that mean.”
“It means we need to find the witch casting it and who instructed it to be done. The only ones who knows about us is us and Lucian.”
“Lucian knows about Eloise.”
“What? How?”
“He snuck up on us in the garden last night and she was happy as was I, when he come up on us, she reviled her magic and she warned him not to say a word. and he had agreed. Not that I believe he would be believed.”
   They all were in shock, who would lucian know who had that kind of pull, could he have told Triston and his father. So many questions were in their heads and as the fever gripped Eloise Niklaus became enraged and something started getting darker in his eyes, Elijah became even more quiet and a respect was required and demanded no questions asked. Rebekah wanted the attention of any man or boy she could catch their eye. Kol was vicious in hunting and his attitude was far worse than ever before. Finn did all he could to learn, about herbs and tonics it was all he wanted to do. For about three days she fought to keep the curse away. By the fourth day the fever broke and she could still transform and her strength was still mighty. The curse didn’t take a hold and she was free. The upside of her being sick she was left alone for the most part, she painted and drew, she sat in the courtyard, talking with the lords and ladies. She preferred this to what they had done before but as she recuperated it meant that Tristan and his sister were a constant companion, Eloise could see he meant his feelings but she was uncomfortable and she had a very bad nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach and the danger in her brother’s eyes was becoming a look all too familiar. After a week Eloise was done she became more distant but far more closer to her siblings, and as the days turned to weeks Tristan proved to be very persistent and she began to try him to the max and on the first night of winter, The Count De Martel held a feast and there was to some dancing and as Finn walked by the small alcove in the garden he heard The count and his son talking,
“Father, I want to use this feast for a sort of ulterior purpose.”
“And what purpose is that my son?”
“Thee know the girl Eloise, well, I want to marry her and I want to use the feast to announce it will the allow me to do this?”
“Of course, my boy! I am pleased thee have taken a fancy to her. I was hoping thee would fancy one of them.”
“I have tried to woo her these past few months and she has just taken my breath away. I am blown away by her, I just wish her brothers were not so on top of me. They are a strange bunch, her brother Niklaus scares me and the other’s they just need a little help they are just a little rough around the edges I suppose.”
“I have noticed, they are a little strange but not as strange as thy sister has been acting strange.”
  Finn quickly left to find his brothers. He caught them just coming in from a hunt.
“what is this Finn come to greet us in this manner, all well?”
“Aye for the moment, but I do have news to give thee, from our family back home. And it is rather a delicate matter we must discuss.”
“Aye then we come hurriedly, have thee shown our sisters?”
“No Elijah I haven’t, I haven’t even told our sister Eloise.”
   The boys hurried into their rooms and talked, for many a minute, then they rather calmly and yet forcefully walked to find their sisters. They found Rebekah in the music room chatting with some of the younger women. When she saw them, she excused herself and joined them.
“I hope thee all have a good reason for interrupting our tea.”
“Yes dear sister, it concerns our sister Eloise.”
  Once she was told she was angered as much as her brothers. they came up with a plan.
“Our sister will not approve of this plan; you know she wished us to be at peace. And yet perhaps, perhaps it is time for us to move on and perhaps she will agree.”
They went out to prepare for the dinner and began to start their plan into motion. The castle was chaotic with the preparations and Eloise was entertaining Tristan and his sister, well rather they entertain her, she was quiet and graceful she happened to see them all standing a little way off, she excused herself and joined them,
“Get me out of here please, I don’t know if I can handle any more, and my temper is fleeting fast.”
“Here us sister it will be cared for, and we might yet be able to leave before the week is out.”
“Do I want to know why thee wish to leave so eagerly Niklaus? Are thee all in agreement on this?”
“Yes, we are, and thee had best be given a heads up, to night, thee will have to endure hmm, shall we say, humiliation, but we ask that you endure it just for a little while.”
“Please, what do thee think I have been doing in order to keep thee from being found out with a pretty little red head? Klaus, sorry, I told thee my temper was running short, it was not my secret to tell.”
“It’s alright it is just a fling, then will thee endure it just a bit longer?”
“Very well but please, be careful with whatever diabolical plan thee have.”
  The evening came on and the feast was well under way, many drinks had already been passed around and all were merry. As the evening came to full swing, Tristan stood up and began to make an announcement.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad thee have come, for today I have a very big announcement to make.  As thee all know we have had some guests from a way off and among them is beautiful girl her name is Eloise, and I have come to love her and cherish her and tonight, well, lady Eloise  I find thee beautiful and charming, graceful, strong, unlike any girl I have ever known. I want thee to be mine forever, please will thee do me the great honour of becoming my wife?”
   Eloise was taken aback and she looked around her eyes fell upon her brothers and her sister she understood what they were asking her to do.
“MY lord Tristan, as honoured as I am with thy request, I ask, that thee let me think on it, and tell thee my response at the end of the week, please.”
“Ah still so gracious, then yes thee may have a week to tell me in the meantime please take this ring as a promise and my loyalty to thee.”
her brothers were startled by his speech but every signal from Eloise told them she was never going to say yes and that she had to remain silent and very lady like, she glared at them. As she pasted a smile and allowed Tristan to kiss her cheek. Her brothers were suddenly unsure of their plan because as he kissed her, her eyes became haunted and dangerous just for a second and then it was gone. And she sat through the rest of the night hearing every lady there telling how she would be the luckiest girl to have him even ask her. They couldn’t stop fawning over her and trying to convince her to say yes. But she sat there quietly and let their voices fade away. And she eagerly left as Finn offered his arm. She didn’t say anything as they walked down the hallway. She kissed Finn’s cheek and whispered a goodnight. Then she closed her door and she undressed herself slipping into a night gown and she went to bed. She did not want to get up the next morning she stood up and sat on the windowsill staring out on the vast moors beyond the stone walls.
   As the sun rose the nest day there was a silence that was defining and Eloise didn’t like it. Rebekah came in and spoke quickly in a terrified way,
“Eloise hurried and get dressed. The boys have bloody well gone and defied thee. They’ve gone and killed the Lord Tristan’s horse! Completely dried out.”
“What? Thee can’t be serious?”
“I knew they were planning to make him regret ever showing interest in thee, but I never thought it would be that harsh.  Otherwise I would have tried a bit harder to put a stop to it.”
  Eloise slipped out of her cover’s and slipped on a simple gown and hurried after her sister. She stared in horror and Tristan was in a furry, he was attacking anyone who stepped in his way, after some time Elijah finally came forward to talk which resulted in Tristan shoving him hard, Lucian and Aroura stood back and watched but they seemed different or at least Lucian did, he had a rather bright expression in his eyes and she could smell blood and not animal blood but human. And the way Lucian moved she knew it all too well he had been beaten. Then she saw Niklaus smirking as he looked at Aroura’s distraught face and her tears.  before long there was fighting on both sides and her brother’s smiles as they rejoiced over the fight worried her, she shivered as she watched the fighting, she left holding back every urge to turn and attack herself.  she did not leave her room the rest of the day but not idol, she was casting a spell for the day that her siblings would not kill anyone. Her strength wavered some it had been a while since she used her magic, and by the evening she was weak and hungry, when the night was at its darkest, she left and went hunted and had her fill. She waited in a moment saying softly,
“One thing thee are going to have to learn as a vampire, thee must not try to sneak up on another vampire especially one of us, an original, which one of my brothers turned thee? I have a guess but tell me personally and be quick.”
“It was thy brother Niklaus, and twas because  my master’s son Tristan beat me after thy brother was seen loving my love, the lady Aroura, of course I could never be hers just of our class standing…but still I need her even if she does not wish me in return. I was furious and the ruckus he and I created it brought Tristan tour place of hiding and as punishment he beat me till I was just about dead, and I don’t know Klaus seemed suddenly different, terrified and yet very sorry and lost in thought.”
  Eloise looked at him and was trying to read him some, and she tried to decide if she should tell him anything, she crossed her arms over her chest and bit the corner of her lips furrowed her brows. then she shook her head and turned away. She set fire to the carcasses of the animals she had fed on.
“Why do thee burn what thee feed on? The other wild animals would finish it off?”
“I burn them because it makes it harder for people to track me down and there is no trouble. My sibling could never understand why I did it either. Now, do thee understand that now that thee are a vampire you are going to have to really control thy self and hide the fact of who we are. And that means the have to hid it from Tristan and his father, otherwise we are going to have to run, again. so how are we going to take care of it?”
“I have a feeling Tristan already knows at least about thee. And he is planning on some pretty hard revenge for the death of his horse. So be prepared and I will try to take thy lesson and be careful with how eat from now on.”
“Thank thee for thy warning, and I hope that things go well for thee. And Tristan for once was right my family and I are very dangerous and we have very heavy history. And we are very bad news, for any one and my temper if worse than that of my siblings thee had best keep that in mind.”
“I will, and thee better get back, thee lord Tristan was wanting thee.”
  Lucian gave a shallow and curt bow. And he left her standing in the dark. She closed her eyes and breathed the cold and fresh air till she felt calm and she returned to her rooms and then to the great hall, as she entered she halted immediately her brothers were all bound with chains and Rebekah was being held by several guards, and as soon as she saw Eloise she cried out.
“Run Eloise, the chains are covered in vervain!”
“Yes, run lady Eloise, thee are the only normal one of this whole lot, and I am tired of thy loyalty to this poor excuse of a family. So this is what I am going to do, I ask thee to marry me and I found that thy family has a big secret, but I am willing to overlook that thee kept this from me, but thee will have to say yes to me and be my wife. If thee say no, I will torchers all of them until thee do and I will let the entire village and everyone here what they are and I will hunt down the hunter known as Michael. I am sure he will be very glad for this lot.”
   Eloise raised her eyebrows and smiled everything transformed as she smiled. But her brethren’s eyes went wide and they tried to move away. Rebekah stopped struggling instead totally trying to hide.
“What is this? Why do thy siblings cower? And thy smile is gorgeous why haven’t thee smiled like this before.”
“Well, for one, thee had best follow their example…see, this smile it not one of being happy or pleased, even frightened, or nervous. See this smile is a warning. Because this smile is me keeping my temper. See my temper is far worse than that of my brothers or even my sister Rebekah, I am far worse than them all. An I am doing everything I can not to tear thee to shreds. Thee have messed with my family and I will not stand for it. And I will not stand for a tyrant for a husband or a man who would call upon a man he knows nothing about. I was adopted and when I was turned, I was given his blood and so too his urge to kill. Now step away from them.”
  She did not move and she raised her head in defiance and in warning. But Tristan laughed and he stabbed Finn in the chest an then he went towards Elijah and stabbed him in the neck. He went towards Niklaus but then went towards Kol getting him in the arm and almost as quickly got his dagger into Niklaus’ s back but not so far for something held his hand back. His laughter turned to terror as the wounds he had inflicted began to heal and the chains that bound them began to break link by link and the fire began to come out of the Fire place, surrounding her brothers, wind began to tear through the room at a force that was so strong it knocked  chairs over and even the tables,
“I told thee to step away from my brothers, and I was far worse than they, and this is only one side of me. Now step away. Or it will become worse.”
“So, thee are a witch, who cares there are many of them. What other parts of thee are there, so what can thee do to me if I do this...”
  With the last part of his speech he plunged his dagger into Niklaus’s chest bringing him to his knees, Tristan was pleased with himself when suddenly the whole room became quiet except for a low growl that grew loader and louder when it filled the room all the laughter and pleased with himself smirk was gone he turned around and was face to face with a silver wolf with sea green eyes and teeth bared and then the cracking bones was heard and then there was a black and brown wolf both taller than Tristan. Both growling
“I see I have been a bit hasty. Please don’t hurt us. Feed do as thee wishes.”
“I fear, we must be going now before somebody else gets hurts more. Now tell thy men to take their hands off of my sister Rebekah and they won’t hurt thee and we well, me, will turn thee quickly and then thee and a few others will help us disappear. And we will call everything even and wont hold anything against thee.”
“Seems Fair enough. Then we can be allies right?”
“We will see about that.”
Elijah had been calm but there was defiantly a warning in it. And defiantly understood by Tristan and his father and sister. As soon as this conversation was over Elijah and Kol and Finn had their fill and they turned them all it seemed and Eloise And Niklaus watched over them then as the newest vampires slept the Michaelson family left. And began running yet again, and the siblings entered a very dark time nothing mattered no one either.  The pain and agony they all felt as years passed and they didn’t seem to grow older and they saw friends come and go some as human dying of old age and other’s killed by Michael. lovers too, they all had one at one time or another. And they were feared.      


Eloise returned to her pack but not in her human form she remained as a wolf except a couple of nights so she could write or draw, and before she had left, she took Elijah aside
“Elijah, I need thee to do something for me please, and I need thee to promise even now before I tell thee.”
“Eloise what is it, and of course I promise thee, but thee are scaring me sister what is it that thee are about to tell me.”
“Elijah, thee and I and Nikaus have been so close since I was what like six, and I thee know I have always looked out for thee all especially Niklaus, but there is something thee need to know, yes I am protective but there is another reason too, Mother was so horrible to Niklaus but she was pretty horrible to all of us and when thee were out hunting with Papa Michael, she was very cruel and I would hide the bruises , Mother and father used Niklaus as an escape goat because of mother’s affair, bit there is something else thee need to know, mother is actually my mother too. And Nicklaus’s father is also mine but not quite the same way as he was conceived, but she promised that she would make Niklaus’ regret living and I promised Ansel our father that I would protect him one way or another. But I can’t everything that happened with The Count and his family I need to get stronger. So this is what I need the to promise me, that no matter what , the wont ever give up on Niklaus, and I know that I am going to pay but I can’t protect him if I am too terrified of who I am, so please protect him and even Rebekah till I can again.”
  Elijah was close to tears, and he brushed his hand over his face, then brushed a strand out of her face.
“Why did thee never tell me this before, and does Niklaus know? He knows some, but not all and I can’t tell him, promise thee won’t tell him, I will tell him when the time is right. My leaving is going to send him into a hell that he is going put thee all through and thee and Rebekah are the only ones who can truly handle him.”
“I promise thee Eloise, I will take care of them, and thee take care of thyself too. And write me, so I can know thee are alright.”
“I will write when I can honestly Elijah, I wasn’t planning in being in my human form at all but, for thee I will try and make an exception. Thank thee dear sweet Elijah.”
    Elijah and Eloise embraced and Elijah kissed her forehead and she carefully kissed his cheek then she transformed into her wolf form and she bowed her head in goodbye then she left in silence on padded foot fall. That was the last they saw of each other for quite some time. And as she predicted Niklaus went into a furry that he blamed on the hunter’s curse but Elijah Knew he was missing Eloise. And it was just about as difficult for  Rebekah too, he began to stress a little between Niklaus and Rebekah he was on his toes and realized just how much Eloise had done for them all, he acted on it he began stalk his prey and he became ruthless and blood thirsty  and together he and Niklaus became feared above all and Rebekah too but she had a sort of delicacy about it but just as brutal.
   As the days passed after she left was like a darkness that descended over them. The times of knights and castles past and the Michaelson family left England and as they sailed into the harbour of the new colonised states in the new England and it was just Intime for a war.

“Hey, did thee hear something? It sounded as if it came from the hold.”
“Yeah I heard something too let go check it out?”
“What in the world, I have been here on this ship for months and never came down here, so answer me this question. Why are there caskets here?”
“Oh, do forgive us. My brother and sister and I like to keep family nearby and I do mean close by. And I do apologize for the mess we haven’t eaten for a while. And I do ask you to pardon our Brother Niklaus he is how shall we put it sister.”
“our brother is a beast.”
“Would you like if I were hungry as we land and settle our new home.”
“What the bloody hell are you all?”
“We are vampires love. And our brother is a hybrid. That be a wolf and vampire luv.”
“And I do wish thee would help us with our luggage, although it seems thee might have to bring on some new hands….and when then is ended thee will forget all about us and carry on as if nothing has ever happened”
   Elijah and Rebekah joined Niklaus up on the main deck and looked around, there were many other ships in the harbour and as Elijah honed into the activities on the ship to their right, men were bustling around in a tizzy and they were throwing crates into the sea there was a sickening smell of black tea totally wasted  he asked  one the crew,
“What is going on, pray tell? Why throw the perfectly good tea into the harbour?”
“It is a bunch of patriots, they are rebelling against the crown of England. We are on the verge of war. And honestly, I am planning on joining them the taxes on everything is getting really horribly high and we are not able to keep food on our tables.”
  “That does seem to sour anyone’s mood, and I know what it means to be without food, perhaps my brother and sister will join thee in thy cause.”
“Join thee in what Elijah?”
“A worthy cause that we have known all too well, overcoming a tyrant and protecting family, seems as if we have left one war to one that seems.”
  Rebekah rolled her eyes and Niklaus looked at Elijah and was just like confused but then he shrugged,
“I suppose it could be fun-ish might be kind of nice to do something different for a change. Any excuse to kill right?”
  Elijah laughed nervously but then he furrowed his brows as he thought he saw his sister Eloise step off a ship and glance his way but then she was gone.       
The sailor nodded his approval and the beckoned them to fallow him.
“My wife will be able to feed you and you can spend the night with my family till you get on your feet and find a more suited home.”
“Thank you, we will gladly except your invitation for dinner but as for staying the night we will decline. We have a home with family, but I do believe my siblings and I would like to arrive before the morning breaks.”
“So be it, although thee will be super tired and the coach will not be running after midnight though.”
“That may be, but we are used to travel, we have all our lives wondered about. But thank thee for thy concern.”
   Elijah and Rebekah along with Klaus followed the man to his house. Dinner was simple but nice at the same time.
“Miz. Hannah, would you mind if we took some rolls with us for our journey?”
“Of course, sir! It is a simple thing to do.”
  Elijah gave a small nod and returned to eating and conversing, after some time and dishes had been cleaned and put away and goodbyes had been said and they were preparing to leave a young boy nocked on the door,
“I have a note for a Mr. Elijah? I was told I would find him here.”
“I am Elijah? Who sent you boy?”
“I don’t know it was a young woman with sea green eyes. And a gentle smile, she has light brown hair and beautiful curls….”
“One would think you’re in love boy!”
  Elijah chuckled and rumpled the boy’s hair.
“I know the young woman you speak of.  And she is indeed a beauty. Go on now son her is a pound for you and your family.”
The boy ran off with a happy grin. Elijah red the note and told Rebekah and Klaus that he would return in a few,
“an old friend has found out I am here and he wishes to speak briefly then we may be on our way, Miz. Hannah, is it alright if they stay with you a bit more?”
“Of it is fine all of you are welcome to stay as long as you wish.”
    Elijah moved quickly and stayed. In the shadows till he arrived at the docks and waited. He suddenly felt a cold wet nose touch his palm, he took off his coat and laid it over the shoulders of a grate white wolf, once it covered its shoulders a gentle chuckle was heard.
“Fancy meeting thee here dear Elijah, thee all are looking well, and from what I have seen thee all have gotten along in my absent, although I could have sworn, I had two other brothers? I did not feel them part from our connections as family, so please what am I missing?”
“Our brother Klaus has perhaps had a hand in that, he has never totally forgiven you for leaving us and has taken to daggering us if we how shall I put it…. disappoint him or think differently than him. He claims he is protecting us.... now Eloise, will you be joining us yet? Or will you continue to run separate from us?”
“Oh, Elijah, dearest Elijah, I will come and go a bit more, but one day I will never leave the all again...for the remaining time of my life. And you will wish desperately I would leave again.”
  “So then why call me here dearest sister?”
“I wished to say hello, and to give you all a warning, Michael has come to the new world too and he he's out for blood again. There is a family I wish you would check up on. The name is Salvatore, and your first love Katarina Petrova, is up to her old tricks again. She will be the one to betray Klaus once more. But Elijah she is getting stronger. Here, I will enchant this coin, if you need help or Rebekah, Klaus or any of our siblings need help hold the coin and I will get to where you are as fast As I can. Now I must go and so must you. I love you Elijah forever and always.”
Eloise handed Elijah his jacket back and became her wolf form and Elijah touched her head and whispered,
“and I love you Eloise, forever and always.”
  They parted and Elijah returned to the others saying quietly come we must hurry! We don’t have much time to lose an unexcepted family reunion what us when we arrive at our family’s home.”
“you don’t mean?”
“Yes, that is who I mean. Now Miz. Hannah and Mr. Isaiah we must go, thank you for your hospitality and the food.”
Niklaus and Rebekah said their thank yous also and Followed Elijah out of the small town. They speeded to the outside of a colony and they were exhausted even though they were vampires and the strongest they were still tired and week, they needed blood but they were suddenly too tired and they felt as if they were being stabbed all over,  as they looked about they saw many people coming towards them chanting and they felt overwhelmed by whatever spell was being cast Elijah called out
“Klaus and Rebekah take my hand!! Just do it don’t ask any questions.”
They both gripped his hand and a few moments later there was a loud growling and the chanting stopped and the people seemed to disappear.
“Well that was simply faster than I expected Elijah. Hello Rebekah, Klaus...”
  Klaus and Rebekah turned at their sister’s voice Rebekah was thrilled Klaus on the other hand wasn’t quite as excited he just sort of stared at her,
“Do you not recognize me Klaus or is the new distrust Elijah has told me about. Look I get it Klaus I am not in you good book right now, but at the same time I am your best protection here Klaus and you know it, Michael is here and you are all very tired  with the partial spell he had them cast so,  please let me earn your respect back and your love again Klaus, I know I was wrong to leave like I did but I was scared too, and I was a cowered ok so let me fix it.”
  Elijah and Rebekah looked at Klaus waiting to see what he would do,
“You couldn’t be more wrong about what I am thinking, I am so glad to see you and that you are safe. And god if you weren’t my sister id kiss you right now.”
  Eloise smiled and went over to him and kissed his cheek saying,
“I’d go for a hug any day.”
    Rebekah and Elijah joined in the hug and Eloise began to whisperer and they felt themselves getting stronger, the separated and Klaus asked,
“Now what who is it you said we needed to see?”
“Not now Klaus let’s just worry about father ok, we have to be on the run again till he is gone off our trail yet again.”
“But Elijah, what if there are innocents involved?”
“Trust me he is not innocent, he hates our kind, the name is Salvatore and they are a wealthy family and I have seen they are in danger from father so we must protect them they will play a vital in our feature.”
“Very well Eloise, let’s go protect these people.”
   The siblings hurried into the woods and came across a large home very prosperous and well kept, the Michaelson siblings stayed in the woods for the night taking turns making rounds seeing the home was secured. Eloise sighed finally and said softly,
“I will stay on the stoop till dawn then we will see what happens in the day to come.”
“Very well sister, be careful.”
   Elois transformed into a wolf and on sighlent paws she crept up to the porch and laid down, her eyes glowed softly and she kept a watch from there. She heard the family begin to stir in the house but she didn’t move from her place, finally after some time the lady of the house came to get her barn chores done and was surprised to see a wolf on the stoop.
“Well bless my sole!! Why are yee here! And not with your pack, lordly thee are a pretty one, and so quiet and…. gentle too. That is a bit odd…Joseph my love come there be a wolf on our porch.”
  The woman’s husband came out at his wife’s call, and put himself before is wife protecting her,
“Get out of here go on now!! Go away go on now!!”
Eloise growled a little and sat up and cocked her heard her sea green eyes inquisitive and bright, then she yawned and lay back down indicating she wasn’t going to move, then she closed her eyes. Elijah and Klaus chuckled a little and Rebekah put her hand over her mouth to remain silent, Elijah then stepped forward,
“I see you found my pet wolf I have raised her since she was little, thank you she won’t hurt you unless you give her reason too, I am Elijah, my brother and sister and I have been traveling for quite some time and my wolf here has helped find us food and survive on our journey may sit a time on your porch and rest. We will more than willing to help with chores and anything else you will require.”
    Joseph looked at his wife and when she nodded, he relaxed a little,
“Thy help will be welcome, much is to be done today, we are expecting a visitor who is pretty firm in what he wants then we will be providing food for a platoon of solders coming home for a spell.”
  Just as he finished speaking several children came running out of the house eager to run and play. Eloise made a small yip of excitement as they came out and eagerly began to prance and wag her tail. The children were thrilled and in their minds Rebekah, Elijah, and Klaus heard her voice merrily saying,
(I will care for the children, protect the parents, but you will also owe me big time!)
  Elijah chuckled and Klaus grinned Rebekah rolled her eyes. But they were invited in and given some breakfast, then they began to help and before they knew it was three in the afternoon and they were hungry and vaguely content, they had worked hard and kept their eyes open, but just as they were sitting for rest they were back on their feet as a carriage arrived and out of it stepped their Father Mikael. They wanted to run but Eloise spoke to them again with her mind,
(He won’t recognise you. I have done a cover spell; he won’t recognize you.)
  The others gave brief nods but to stay safe they went and busied themselves in the barn. Hope kept an eye on them all and made sure Michael behaved. Shortly after he had arrived the soldiers began coming down the road and Hannah and the kids handed out the food that had been made throughout that day. The men were happy and hungry. As the last of them parted the gait Mikael too took his leave staring hard at Eloise, Eloise trotted after the kids seemingly unconcerned about him. He finally left Elijah and Klaus and Rebekah help with some of the clean-up.
“I wish to inform you, we will have to take our parting now, we have some business to attend to in the mountains.”
Elijah, Rebekah, Klaus, and Eloise took their leave. They said their thank you’s and they parted from the Salvatore’s and went on to the mountains. Eloise turned Human and Klaus handed her clothes.
“I can’t imagine staying a wolf that long, how can you stand it? And what’s is like to remain so long like that.”
“Klaus, one day you will know if you so choose, but I wonder if you will choose it Laus. I see a future for you that perhaps you will change.”
“You have not called me Laus in a very long time Eloise… not to mention being here with us. You said goodbye to Elijah but not me or Rebekah. Not even me!!”
“Oh Klaus, I am sorry, I was a cowered ok is that what you wanted to hear? That I couldn’t bear to see my family hurt because I didn’t see in time the danger we walked into until it was too late! Klaus, I couldn’t do that again…. never again.”
  Klaus looked at her for Eloise was about to cry, but other than the sound there was no other signs or emotion shown outwardly.
“I am sorry sister; I did not mean to be cross with you.”
“Yes, you did Klaus, it is alright I deserved it, I made you a promise and I broke it. I couldn’t face you or Rebekah because of my braking that promise. And I will take as long as I need to make it up to you, and I will fail over and over again.” 
  Elijah stood at a distance as did Rebekah. They listened and waited, never had Klaus apologized so readily before. Niklaus watched as Eloise walked away still holding back the tears that threatened. Eloise walked away and hid herself from them although she saw them and heard them. She wished to tell so much but feared them, not necessarily that they would kill her but more for their tempers the few hundred years had taught her their anger was quick to burn and sometimes long was the time to forgive and respect an honour returned, and many years of secrets she had hid from them. She would bury them till a day more suited would do.  She went hunting and returned with food. She began fixing it and other food to accompany it.
“You have returned sister.”
“Aye I have, Elijah. With food to even stay Kol's appetite, speaking of him do you still keep them daggered in a Box Klaus?”
“And how dear sister would thee know that? Thee have been gone far longer than I would like and boarder the fact of my being Vex with you.”
“As well I figured thee would be Klaus, why do thee think Told Elijah and Not you Nik?”
  Eloise continued to skilfully fix the meat and other food.
“Why Eloise, do think thee know me so well as to be the one will say what I will and will not do?”
  “Klaus, I am a witch far stronger than our mother ever was and I see much of what is to come Dear brother and thou have seen me use it. So now tell me would thee take me on just to prove that thee can best me and let thy anger fight thy battle?”
“I will do as I bloody well secede is best for this family Eloise! Thee cannot and will not do so any more you lost that right when you abandoned us!”
“I never Abandoned you! I left Elijah in charge and I have kept an eye on thee over the years in order to protect you! I have cleaned up after you bloody lot in order to keep Mikael at bay I did not wish to have to fight you!”
Niklaus Lunged at her transforming into a wolf as he did, Eloise met him smoothy and turned meeting him as a wolf they fraught and even as a Wolf Eloise could still cast spells.  Eloise spelled Klaus and broke his neck.
“Sorry Elijah, I lost my head there but of he will wake up but he will have a Wicked headache, I sit here you think you and Bex can find me mint and lavender and I will take care of him.”
“Of course, Eloise, and obviously you can handle him just fine on your own. But are you sure you want to be left alone with him?”
“It is fine Elijah I will be fine, there are some things that maybe I can tell him while you’re gone and then perhaps not just go please Elijah.”
  Elijah nodded and he and Rebekah left to find the herbs Eloise asked for. Eloise kept the food warm and Looked over Klaus when Klaus cam to and saw Eloise by the fire.
“See you have become stronger than the last time we met dear sister. forgive my outburst Elsie… I am just so tired.”
“I know Laus, I know. Here drink this it will quench that lust for blood at the moment. Elijah and Bex will be back soon with some Herbs I asked for that will help with the pounding in thy head. Klaus…. Do you remember Ansel?”
  “Yes, Esther claimed he was my true father and Mikael killed him and so I didn’t get to know him. Not that I can’t say good riddance though...why do you bring him, up?”
“You did meet him before he was killed. Do you remember?”
“Yes of Course, but again why?”
“Well his story is a bit more complicated and perhaps you would change that good riddance to something else. What if I told you bore about him? Will you lay down! You will regret being up and about. ah here comes Elijah and Bex…”
  Eloise quickly got up to meet them suddenly very relieved that she did not have to return to the conversation she had started.
“That more than I anticipated thank you both it will Do nicely for our journeys.”
  Hope begins making a paste
“Come here Laus….”
Niklaus goes over to her and she applies the paste to the back of his neck and places a strip of cloth over in and tied it in the front hiding it under the collar of his shirt then she handed him a plate of food. And continues to pas one to Elijah and to Rebekah. They eat in silence for a time and finally Elijah speaks.
“So, Elise, what exactly have you been doing with yourself while you have been away? If you do not mind dear sister?”
Eloise, sighs and finishes her mouthful, then looks at them for a minute as if deciding just how much to say.
“Well….After the who whole Tristan you all being threatened  thing I went to the northern Atlantic tribe and became its Alpha and as part of that agreement I remained a wolf and Ansel,  was who they would go to if they needed things settled but when it came to more of like total against rules and the consequences for it I would carry it out….. and in return Ansel, would see to it his family would disperse and watch out for you lot and keep me informed of Michael’s where abouts  so I could make sure he wouldn’t kill you. Then after I had fulfilled the agreement I wondered  about following you and keeping you all safe from afar and I have seen to it so often that it is what I do I can’t help it, and I will never let it happen as long as I can and have breath so to do.”
  Eloise stood up in a hurry and  dumped the rest of her food into the fire, no longer hungry… her tamper was close to breaking and the fire showed it as it rose higher and higher, why she was angry she couldn’t say just that saying it out loud to them hurt more than she would care to admit.
“Eloise please, we did not mean to make you angry. We just wanted to know what we had missed…please do not be vext with us?”
“Nay I am not vext at you… am vext with myself for the years I have lived afar from you Bexie.”
Rebekah smiled
“You have never called be that! Does that mean you have at last come up with a nickname for me? If so, I do so like it.”
“Rebekah really? It is not the time for that!”
“Bugger Off Nik!  I have wanted a nick name from her and as the only true mother figure it is an Honor coming from her!”
  Eloise chuckled and replied.
“Yes, bugger off Nick, and let us girls re bond”
“When can I take this dam bloody compress off!!”
Niklaus growled at Eloise and he hated them teasing him,
“Come on Nicklaus just a bit of fun no need for the drama you created  just now.”
“Shut it Elijah.”
Eloise shook her head and went and took the compress of his neck and rinsed it off.
“there now it is off, how is your head?”
“Now that I am thinking of it, I feel much better, thank you sister.”
Eloise nodded and began to store the remains of their food as best she could and what would not keep, she finished it off by burning it in the fire.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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