Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Sapphires POV
I dreaded going to school on Monday. I didn't want to find out if Bradley was really gonna be transferring back. I mean for all I know he could just be visiting family here. Plus he never even saw me so maybe I just won't have to talk to him.
I tried to calm down my thoughts as I waited for Athena to get here. I hated how helpless I felt at the moment. It was like I was a little kid again, not in control of anything.

I heard Athena honk downstairs. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I wasn't ready to see him again.

I ran out to the car and flopped in. "You ready for this?" She sighed.

She was dreading it as much yas me. "As ready as I'll ever be,"

The drive to school was silent. I was thrown off when Liam wasn't waiting for us when we got there.

I looked around to see if he was somewhere else but he was nowhere to be found. I shoved my hands in my pocket. Athena looped her arm with mine and whispered in my ear. "Maybe he's just busy,"

The small action brought a smile to my lips. "Yeah, that's probably it,"

I thought I was ready to go into the building but when I came face to face with Bradley, I most certainly was not ready. "Sapphire?"

I moved closer to Athena, who stepped in between me and Bradley. "Sapphire come on. Can we please just talk?"

Tears welled in my eyes. I wanted nothing more than to get out of there. The one moment where I needed Liam the most he was nowhere to be found.

Bradley began walking towards me. Athena stepped farther in between us making it clear I didn't want to speak to him. He continued anyway. I never thought I would ever be thankful to see Tara, "Bradley?"

His head whipped back to see a teary eyed Tara. She almost appeared sweet and innocent, just like she was when we were kids, but most of all she looked broken, just like me.

Athena grabbed my arm and we bolted out of there. I didn't really want to go to class but at least it's away from Bradley, and the fact that Liam would be there made it all the better.
I was highly disappointed when Liam was nowhere to be found in first hour. I attempted to sneakily pull out my phone and send him a text. 'Hey, where are you? Are you sick?'

I wasn't able to check my phone the rest of the period. I hadn't even realized my legs were shaking and I had been clicking my pen until Athena took notice, "Hey," she grabbed my hand,
"it'll be okay, I won't let him anywhere near you.
That wasn't why I was shaking though. Where was Liam? Does he not want to talk to me? Was it because of how I acted in the store?

I rubbed my head and tried to focus on what the teacher was saying. Life was far too dramatic.
Bradley was waiting outside my class for me when it ended. "Saphire please! Just give me a chance,"

I wanted to whip around and scream at him, tell him how much I hated him. I wanted nothing more than the tell him I never wanted to see him again, tell him I had found someone better.
But that was the thing, the person I thought was better liked Tara, or maybe some other girl, not me. He wasn't even here right now. So instead of that, I cowered. I walked away, heading straight for the girls bathroom.

Athena attempted to hold Bradley back but I wasn't really paying attention. I slipped into the bathroom, not planning to back out for a while.
I wasn't expecting to see what I did. Tara was sitting on the floor sobbing. Her makeup was streaming down her face and her hair was a mess. Even under the foundation you could tell her face was getting red.

I wiped my own tears and took a seat next to me. She didn't even complain. We stood there in absolute silence, only the sounds of her sobs could be heard.

Deal: Fake Dating The BadboyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora