Chapter twenty two

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Chapter Twenty-two
Athena practically had to drag me out of bed. "Come on! We have to go on the season trip," Athena squealed.

This was her dream. She has been looking forward to this ever since we found out about it when we were younger. I wasn't going to ruin the mood by being a Debbie downer.

Tara sat up and groaned. Her hair stuck up in all sorts of directions. She yawned, stretching her arms in the air.

Athena was practically bouncing up and down. She had all of our bags by the door and fresh set of clothes laid out for us. Athena was already fully dressed. You could tell she spent hours on her makeup and hair, which was perfectly curled and pulled up into a pony tail with two pieces framing her face. "This is going to be so much fun!" She cheered.

Tara and I shared at stressed look. I wasn't going to ruin this for Athena, so I pretended to be excited. She looked so happy and I wanted her to enjoy everything. This was the chance of a lifetime for her. Tara seemed to have the same idea.

I knew I was going to have to see Liam. There was no way he could miss this, with him being captain. I figured I was actually going to have to deal with my problems.

I was currently on the bed while Tara and Athena had slept on the floor. I offered to sleep on the floor with them but they insisted against it.
Tara yawned again, her eyes barely open. "What time is it?"

"Five AM," Athena's voice was too cheery for it to be five in the morning.

I whined, "It's too early," To be fair I would have fought with her on this whether or not I actually wanted to go on the trip.

Tara pouted, "I agree, I need my beauty rest,"

I could agree. The two of us had some major bead heads. I looked like a troll. I flopped back down, shoving my face into a pillow, "Ten more minutes," I mumbled.

Tara shook her head and agreed, "Yes please,"

I heard Athena sigh, "We have to hurry or we're going to miss it!"

I shook my head, "Sleep,"

I heard Athena run to the bathroom and turn on the sink. Tara and I jumped up almost immediately. Athena came out holding two cups of extremely cold water, "So, you still wanna sleep?"

I shook my head furiously. The last time I didn't listen to her I ended up drenched. "I'm up!" Tara scrambled to her feet.

We grabbed the clothes Athena had laid out and rushed to get ready. I didn't bother to put on makeup. For my hair I ran a brush through it, that was it. Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone to impress.

By the time Tara and I finished getting ready, Athena was already waiting for us in the car. The two of us headed downstairs, making a stop at the kitchen. I shoved some granola bars and fruit snacks in my bags. There was no way I was surviving an eleven hour trip without food.
Athena didn't even wait for us to buckle our seatbelts before spreading off. I gripped onto Tara in fear. "Athena! You know to actually go on the trip we have to be alive, right?" I yelled.

"Slow down," Tara squeezes her eyes shut.
We were at the school in record time. Athena jumped out the car squealing, "This is it! This is it!"

We were definitely the last ones to arrive, everyone else was already on the bus which meant Liam was on the bus. My face flushed white. I turned around and held onto the car as I held my breath. Maybe I can't handle this.
Athena noticed my immediate change in demeanor. She rushed over to me pulling me into a hug. Tara rested her hand on my shoulder in an attempt to sooth me. "Hey, look at me," Athena whispered, "It's okay baby, we'll get through this together. Neither of us are going to leave you," she brushed through my hair gently.

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