Chapter 16

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[Y/N], Kazuma and Megumin: Explosions, Explosions, lalala. Explosions, Explosions, lalala.

Though, I'm still a suspect. Kazuma, Megumin and I keep going on our daily explosions.

Megumin: Explosion!

Even on rainy days...

Megumin: ....losion!

Even on snowy days...

Megumin: ...sion!

During peaceful afternoons...

Megumin: ...n!

Megumin exploded a lake as it rained and made a beautiful rainbow.

Megumin: How about that beautiful rainbow? 120 points.

I turn around and see Kazuma crying as I tried to comfort him.


Intro plays


Kazuma, Megumin, Aqua and I were in the guild as I drank my water while figuring out how they have shadows over their eyes.

[Y/N]: Hey guys. Tomorrow let's go to the dungeon.

Megumin: No.

Kazuma: We're going.

Megumin: No,no!

Kazuma: We're going!

Megumin: But I'm useless in a dungeon! Without my explosion spell, I'll just be a regular person.

[Y/N]: Guys, we don't really have t-

Kazuma: When you joined our party, you said you'd do anything. Even carry our luggage.

Megumin then looks down as I try to comfort her.

Aqua: Hey, shouldn't we wait for Darkness to come back?

Kazuma: Listen! Our debt is as big as a national budget. At this rate, we'll starve to death!

[Y/N]: Or I could just work harder at Wiz's shop-

Kazuma: Shh... You can rest now. You've been a good boy.

[Y/N]: What are you my mom-

Kazuma slap a tape over my mouth as I just kept quiet. Wouldn't want to cause any more trouble like that time with Darkness.

Kazuma: The money we get from those side jobs aren't enough!

Kazuma then slaps a quest on the table as the three of us look on what it was.

[Y/N]: mmm hmm hmm mmm.

Megumin: What?

Aqua: Keele's dungeon for beginners. It's already been thoroughly explored.

Luna: Well actually...

I rip off the piece of tape as my mouth was now filled with pain and red.

Luna: They accidentally discovered a new passageway. We were going to issue a large scale investigation quest.

[Y/N] in the background: Dude, what tape did you use? Flex tape? My lip is bleeding.

Kazuma: [Y/N] asked her to let us intercede first.

Luna: So the other adventurers have not yet been informed.

Megumin: I see. If it's an unexplored area, there could still be treasure left.

Aqua: Treasure?

Kazuma, Luna and I gave her a thumbs up as a drunk Dust came by.

Drunk Dust: What's this? Do i smell easy money?

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