19: Second Trimester

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"Triplets? As in... three?"

Meredith laughed at Marisol's shock. "Yes. I will give you a few minutes to digest everything, and I'll put your genders in an envelope. When I return we need to discuss alterations to your birth plan."

Meredith stood up and left the exam room, leaving very shocked parents. Grey rubbed the back of his neck as he thought. Marisol twiddled with her thumbs.

"A-are you disappointed?"

"No," he said. "I just wasn't expecting..."

"Yeah, me either," she responded.

"It's alright. It will be a lot more work, but we can afford it. We have the room. We have each other. It's a good thing, Marisol."

She smiled, nodding. She pointed toward her lips and he kissed her, taking the hint. A few minutes later, Meredith returned and sat down in front of the couple. Marisol had sat up and pulled her shirt back down.

"So a normal birth is about 40 weeks, but with triplets anything more than 36 weeks can be extremely risky for the mother and babies. Because of this, it's safer to have a C-section than a vaginal birth. I do recommend a C-section, but if you insist we can attempt a vaginal birth."

"If a C-section is safer, we'll do that."

"Wait," Marisol said. "What are the complications of a C-section?"

"Well, about 85 percent of complications are bleeding after birth. Roughly 36 percent of women experience severe complications. Other things we should consider are blood clots or a bad reaction to anesthesia."

"What about the baby?" She asked. "I mean babies...Are there any possible problems for the babies?"

"Generally, babies are perfectly safe being delivered via C-section. It is much more dangerous for the mother."

"Which one is the safer option for Marisol," Grey asked.

"What do you mean me?" She asked, sitting up further. "You need to care about the babies."

"I do care about them, but I'd rather have you. We could always make more."

Marisol rolled her eyes, irked that he wouldn't put the safety of the babies above hers. "We need to discuss this later."

"What if Marisol delivered vaginally?"

Meredith shook her head. "It's far more dangerous for Marisol and the babies. The babies will be premature and will most likely require attention immediately after birth. More so, delivery of one baby is traumatic; three is often too much for the vaginal cavity and may lead to hemorrhaging."

"So C-section seems like the safest option," he said.

"Yes. Most women tend to go into labor before 40 weeks with triplets, but we will still plan a date for the C-section. Today is May 31st, so that puts 36 weeks on the first week of November. Do you have a preferred day during that week?"

"It's up to Marisol."

"Any day is fine with me."

"Great, so let's make it Friday, November 6th for your planned C-section. If your water breaks earlier, you'll have an emergency C-section."

"What else do we have to worry about?" He asked. It was clear that he was worried about all the possible complications that could arise. Marisol was at well, but her priority were her babies. She'd rather die than her babies. It irked her that Grey didn't feel the same way.

"Essentially, all the precautions you would take in a normal pregnancy are even crucial now. Marisol will be more exhausted, uncomfortable, she may even experience severe morning sickness. As we get further along, we may need to consider bedrest. You may also experience back pain. You will grow rapidly. You'll wake up one morning and feel huge. Light exercise is great as a counter to the ravenous hunger you'll feel. You are taking care of 4 now, so everyone must take this into account."

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