5: typical morning at the wisteria house

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a/n - There was an original concept for chapter five that I published here a few days ago. Thinking about it now, I think that it's too early for that to happen in this book.

Whoever actually read the chapter before I deleted it, take that as a scene that may happen in the future.

Drama's boring when it's being served all of a sudden. For now, you'll be getting cheesy comedy and soft fluff.

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electrifying | kimetsu no yaiba

chapter five
typical morning at the wisteria house

(y/n) woke up the next morning. As soon as she had gotten up on her feet, she started fixing her futon bed. It was then she started changing into another white robe since the one she was wearing was already covered in dirty stains from the night before.

So, she slid the door of her room shut as she walked across the corridor, not minding anything else, until she reached the laundry room, where Hisa-san coincidentally was.. just as she thought she would be.

"Good morning, Ms. Hisa-san," greeted (y/n) cheerfully as she grabbed a nearby basin in the laundry room to start washing her kimono, "I hope that you woke up just fine!"

"Good morning to you too, sweetheart, and thank you for your consideration," greeted the old woman back, "I hope you got some good night's rest because it seems like we'll be busy for the morning."

"I guess we shouldn't waste time then!" chirped (y/n), rolling up her sleeves, "How are the boys anyway?"

"Oh, the young Kamado boy insisted in sweeping up the floor of the house. As for the Hashibira lad, I asked him to fight off some weeds that were messing with my beautiful flowers."

"They must be pretty busy," replied (y/n), "Perhaps I can help you, Ms. Hisa-san, with the laundry today."

(y/n), being respectful to the elderly, suggested in helping the old woman wash the laundry for the morning. But Hisa-san was still an independent kind of person even at her old age, so she denied (y/n)'s kind request.

"I don't need any more hands, thank you very much," chuckled the old lady, "But there is one favor that you could do for me, if you're being so persistent on helping out."

"What would that be?" she asked.

"The Agatsuma boy volunteered himself to whip up today's breakfast. He's in the kitchen right now, and may need some extra help. Don't worry, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you gave him another hand."

"Certainly, Ms. Hisa-san," nodded (y/n), almost forgetting about the blonde pessimist, and whatever that happened yesterday afternoon.

(y/n) bowed to Hisa-san before she left the laundry room to follow her morning errand. As she was on her way to the kitchen, she rushed through another set of corridors, where she caught a glimpse of a familiar brotherly figure, whose forehead was tied with a bandana cloth. His hanafuda earrings got in the way as he swayed the broom, but he didn't seem to mind it.

"Good morning, Kazue-chan!" Tanjiro giving his signature kind smile.

"You too, Kamado-kun!" she greeted back, "You must be really busy."

"Not really. I just started cleaning," explained Tanjiro while he was swishing the broom backwards and forwards on the hardwood floor, "I couldn't find where Hisa-san kept her mops and brooms, so I guess I was lost around the house."

"You got lost around the house?"

"It's really big, you know?" Tanjiro laughed for a while, "It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small, when they're clearly not!"

electrifying | zenitsu x reader | kimetsu no yaibaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora