8: welcome home, tsuma kazue

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electrifying | kimetsu no yaiba

chapter eight
welcome home, tsuma kazue

> days of traveling has passed >

(y/n) finally stepped foot on her beloved hometown that sat not quite far from the countryside.

Walking down the familiar streets she used to run along as a child, (y/n) could see elders casually chatting to each other, young ladies getting courted by their suitors, little kids playing with their kites, and the grown-ups setting up their vendor stalls around the sidewalk.

She inhaled the gentle breeze of the air as she smelled the vivid scents of both fresh flowers and fried fishes.

Her crow companion flew in and rashly perched on (y/n)'s head without her knowing, so she questioned herself whether to react to the pain from his talons, or from the annoyance of the crow himself.

"Stop being a slow poke!" cackled (c/n), "Just because you're getting older, doesn't mean you gotta slouch like some old hag or whatever!"

"It's been a while since I haven't seen this place, you know?" protested (y/n), "Can't you see I'm going down memory lane, you bird brain?"

"Hey, if you're gonna keep this up, the only lane you'll be going down is to the therapy!" retorted (c/n).

"Get lost, will you?" yelled (y/n), annoyingly scrambling her hands at her crow companion.

"Geez, man. You could've told me if you didn't wanna talk," said the crow, triggered by his owner's response.

"As if!" pouted (y/n) as she angrily stared at the crow, who flapped off her (h/c) head. Being the proud crow he was, he soared far away into the distance.. and from her, obviously.

>> >>

(y/n) eventually stumbled upon a nostalgic view of a familiar peach farm. All organized in perfectly straight lines, the orchards grew the juiciest and loveliest of these fruits.

They looked so plump and delicious that it tempted (y/n) to steal a bite. But she knew for sure she was going to get some anyway once she turns herself back into her humble abode.

Strolling through the peach farm, (y/n) had soon caught a glimpse of a pair of turquoise eyes that she had seen before when she was younger.

She decided to ignore it, possibly because she had a completely blank mind on how to greet people she hasn't seen for such a long time.

She continued walking past the orchards, until she stopped her traces once she had just reached the gate that led to the Kuwajima estate.

"Pretending you didn't see me?" said a somewhat empowering, raspy voice, "Not the typical (y/n) I expected."

She turned her body to witness a slightly tall adolescent wearing a jet-black kimono robe that covered his Corps uniform. His black hair spiking out almost like a shrub. His nichirin sword was sheathed next to him.

"Long time, no see, huh?" (y/n) replied to the boy meekly.

"You don't have to say much if you don't want to," he continued using his raspy tone, "Your grandfather's waiting back at home, by the way."

The boy that (y/n) was talking to was Kaigaku. She was considered his rival, no matter how many times she said she's not interested in competition. (y/n) had met him during her second year as a demon slayer (around fifteen years), when her grandpa turned him in as his newfound disciple.

electrifying | zenitsu x reader | kimetsu no yaibaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin