Chapter 13: Canadian Quarters

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"Come on, Mikey! Show me what you've got!" Raphael challenges.

"You're going down this time," Michelangelo whoops.

Destiny observes from the living room pit as Raphael and Michelangelo face off one of their battle video games. Leonardo and Donatello await their turn to play, looking far more eager than the girl seated between them. Her thoughts are too far away for her to focus on the events.

Her conversation with Donatello takes priority over every other thought. She told herself that she wasn't going to get attached to the turtles and Splinter, even if she was their temporary housemate. Still, ever since Donatello's admittance to he and his brothers' feelings about having Destiny around, she's noticing more and more about her attitude. She's smiling more, laughing more, and generally feeling wanted when she's around them.

She can't decipher if her feelings are friendly or familial; that will come with experience. Her mindset was to be polite and courteous, but aloof and distant, and that's a wall that's crumbling down with every day. Every smile, every laugh, every shouted insult or teasing remark just draws Destiny closer.

She's attached already and she doesn't know whether to be scared or accept it. She's travelling a road that's she's long avoided and she's, surprisingly, enjoying the scenery that she thought would be horrible.

Despite everything, she's still thinking of leaving. Getting healed, leaving the lair, and never speaking to the Hamatos again won't work any longer. Even if she does end up leaving, she's going to keep the connection with them.

A bitterness throbs in her chest for a second, making her lip twitch. If they had minded their own business and left her to her own devices, she'd be out on the rooftops enjoying the fresh air.

Yeah, and the Foot would have you, she reminds herself. That or you'd be in pain, unable to hunt or fight, and you'd die.

Her teeth grit in response to the voice of her overactive imagination.

Leonardo glances over at her, noticing her faraway gaze and tensed disposition. He nudges her gently with his shoulder, making her jolt minimally before blinking and looking to him. She forces a tight-lipped smile that he returns before looking back to the game.

She doesn't take her attention of him even as she turns her head back to the TV, because he's another splinter in her brain; a cloud that refuses to clear. She feels so inexplicably drawn to him, like she's a moth and he is a flickering candle expelling warmth. They barely know each other, yet he reminds her of someone she met long ago, a shadowy figure that races across the planes of her memories every now and then. He is unknowingly acting as the memory of someone she once lost and that makes her want to hold onto him—figuratively.

But even as she throws the turtle another side glance, gratefulness trumps all other mixed feelings. In some weird way, he wants her to be okay, him and his brothers alike. She may not admit it, but she's glad for whatever protectiveness he feels.

The screen plays a sequence of victory music as Michelangelo's fighter goes down, snagging Destiny's attention and sending her crashing back into reality.

"Aw come on!" he groans. "Sub Zero never fails me!"

"He's failed you the past five matches," Leonardo comments, making Destiny clap a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.

Raphael leaps to his feet and does a victory dance, shaking his butt and the controller near Michelangelo's face. The teasing smile on his face only serves to make the younger turtle pout.

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