Chapter 26: Girl Time

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"Ssh. Don't wake them up yet."

"Oh, this is too good."


Destiny's sensitive ears twitch and her eyes flutter open, her face scrunched up, and she blinks so that the crusty feeling of exhaustion can leave her eyes sooner. The lair is bright now, making her instantly slam her eyelids closed against and bury into the hard surface below her. Her arms tighten around something warm.

"Des? Helloooooo?" Michelangelo coos, pressing his finger against her cheek. "Wake up, sleepy puppy."

"I'm not a puppy," she mumbles. "Leave me alone."

Raphael's voice comes in next. "You comfy?" he wonders, and she doesn't miss the teasing element in his tone, which is that of when someone is holding back a laugh.

"Mmhmm," she huffs.

"We can tell. You must be very peaceful," Donatello adds.

She doesn't respond to him. Then, the surface below her shifts and she's instantly more awake. She lifts her head and looks down, seeing Leonardo snoozing away beneath her. Her face becomes hot as she lets out a startled bark, shoving off of him and toppling from the bench.

Leonardo wakes with a sharp exhale of breath, his arms flying to curl around his plastron as he sucks in a wheezing breath. His gaze quickly latches on Destiny from where she's seated on the floor, cheeks dusted with pink. The blue-masked turtle blushes slightly before clearing his throat.

He stands up, stretching his arms upwards and cracking his neck. "Good morning, guys," he greets his giggling brothers.

"Morning, Casanova," Raphael says, giving him a very wide smirk. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept great, thank you," Leonardo responds. He looks down at Destiny, offering her his hand as he winks. "How about you, Des? Sleep well?"

She blushes deeper, grabbing his hand and allowing herself to be yanked to her feet. She nods, moistening her lips with her tongue as she fidgets in place.

"Y-Yeah, great sleep," she says.

Michelangelo makes a strangled laughing noise and claps his hand over his mouth. Leonardo's attention switches to him in an instant, noticing that his brother's free arm is hiding behind his back.

"Mikey, what are you hiding?" he asks.

"Nothing?" Michelangelo grins, lowering the hand near his mouth.

Donatello and Raphael cast darting glances to the turtle, then to one another. Leonardo lifts his hands, making them look like claws, and flashes a wicked grin. Michelangelo lets out a shriek and takes a staggering step back before Leonardo tackles him to the ground and they go rolling across the floor.

Leonardo gets off him as soon as he has Michelangelo's phone, only then noticing that it's not Michelangelo's, but Raphael's device that he holds. He gives the turtle in question a pointed look. Raphael shrugs.

"Aw, look at that," Leonardo says, pulling up the latest picture on the phone. He wanders closer to Destiny, watching as she gets visibly more embarrassed with every movement. A smile grows on his face and he shakes his head. "I don't think I can delete this," he says slowly. "It's pretty cute."

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