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University of Eastern Colorado

Rolling her eyes at the pairing's talk, Naomi stays ahead of Joel and Ellie, their voices only a distant whisper as she rides into the University.

"None of these buildings look like a mirror to me." She shouts, but receives no answer and groans, coming to a stop.

Joel and Ellie come up next to her in the entrance and Naomi nods towards the campus. "We'll head to central grounds. Should be able to see most of the campus from there."

"Whatever you say." Joel mutters and she gives him a glare, taking the lead and going across the grounds.

Ellie clears her throat, awkwardly and points to a building in the distance with multiple windows. "Hey, is that it?"

"It does look like a giant mirror." Joel shrugs.

An uncomfortable silence carries among them until the teenager decides to talk to the woman with them. "Do you know how many people will be there? Fireflies. I mean."

Naomi gives her a confused look and then looks at Joel, who gives her a fed up one in return.

"It'll take quite a crew for something like that." She answers, faking a smile.

"And people my age?"

She gets off her horse at a gate and huffs. "No idea."

Joel rolls his eyes at her response and begins pushing the gate opens until both horses act up and she pulls him back.

"Woah, woah, woah... what is it?" He questions.

Naomi places a finger to her lips and listens to the cry. "Sounds like runners." She states and unsheathes her weapon.

"What do you think you're doing?" Joel asks, eyeing the blade suspiciously.

"You stay with Ellie and the horses. I'll go check it out."

He laughs but she's already through the gate and closing it once more. "Hey now, shouldn't we talk about this?"

Naomi purses her lips and then shakes her head. "Nope. Try not to die."

Joel scoffs as he watches her walk away, the silver glint around her finger catches his eye and it makes him look down to his own.


The third day after Sarah's death and Naomi stands at the window, her eyebrows furrowed and her arms crossed.

The door opens and Joel enters, shrugging of his jacket. "Got some more supplies."

She doesn't move and he places the load on the table. "I also bought you this back."

He holds up a cloth, clearly wrapped over something and she turns as he places it on the table, pushing it towards her.

Naomi makes her way over and slowly unwraps the cloth to show a long silver blade.

"A machete?" She questions and he nods. "For protection."

His wife carefully picks it up, turning it over and then placing it back down. "Is this what you killed that man with?"

Joel sighs. "Are we back to this?"

"The other night, someone else's blood. Sarah dying is no excuse to go out on a rampage, Joel!"

"Somebody has to pay." His voice reaches a low level of calm mixed in with rage.

She folds the cloth back over, pushing it back towards him. "I don't need this. I'm not like you."

Lost Love {TLOU} [Joel X OC] Where stories live. Discover now