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Dark mode is elite

Joel makes his way out of the house when he spots a group of men sliding down the hill, hollering at something below.

His mind goes into overdrive as he hurries after them, crouching behind a mound of snow and peeking out to see a lifeless body that they were making their way towards.

He recognises the figure and he has to stop himself from crying out and rushing in to the fight.

Clutching at his stomach, he judges the situation, trying to find the best course of action.

Joel reaches for his bow, to realise it was on the floor next to the woman.

The group have now reached Naomi and he swears he can see her hand grip the bow ever so slightly.

He waits for another other sly movements, but it all happens so fast. Naomi had whacked the bow into the legs of the man closest and scrambled to her feet, engaging in the close combat.

Joel regains himself, firing off shots and moving closer until the enemy had been wiped out.

He stares at the woman in disbelief. "I thought you were dead."

She looks down at herself, wiping the blood off her dirt-ridden face and shakes her head. "No... I don't think I am."

Joel rolls his eyes in annoyance. "See you didn't knock your sense of humour out."

"Come on, honey, you love it really." She jokes and he chuckles slightly, quietening down.

They regard each other, every emotion rushing between them until he holds his hand out for the bow. "Where's the kid?"

Naomi passes it over, lightly brushing his fingers. "She tried to lead them away. I have no idea where she got too." She admits.

"We gotta find her."

She sighs. "Joel, I just wanted make sure you were alright and then to get to the Fireflies, the girl -"

"- ain't your responsibility, I know. I need you on this one, Ni." His voice is sincere, the way he said her nickname sent a shiver and she groans.

"You'll be the death of me, Miller. This way." She leads and he smiles, softly.

She takes him to where she last saw Ellie ride off too and the duo cut through the houses, taking out any of the group that linger around.

Joel grabs a man and Naomi runs her machete through him, pulling it and allowing Joel to drop the body to the floor.

"This is not how I imagined it would go once I found you again." He mutters and she frowns.

"You wanted to find me?"

"Drove Tommy insane." He admits, chuckling slightly. "Never thought I'd see the day you'd handle a weapon. You always refused because you ain't a bad person."

Naomi smiles. "I can look after myself."

"Oh no, I don't doubt that. You kinda scare me." He jokes and she mocks surprise.

"Did you just make a joke?"

He goes through a house and clambers out of the window, turning back to help her through and she thanks him.

"Yeah, well, they ain't been much to smile about since -" he's cut off by a man grabbing him.

Another approaches with a knife as a third holds one up to Naomi's neck, preventing her from doing anything.

As the guy advances towards Joel, he kicks him in the crotch, twisting to slam his captor into the wall.

He turns to Naomi and the man presses the knife into her skin, drawing blood.

She tries her best to cause any type of pain and her foot comes into contact with him, allowing Joel to finish him off as she stumbles away.

"Shit!" She exclaims, placing her hand to her neck and pulling away to see fresh blood covering any old.

"Is it bad? Let me see." Joel orders and she tilts her head upward.

His hand goes to her cheek as he steadies her head, dabbing ever so gently with a cloth from his pocket. "It's not too deep to be worried about. Just a small scratch." He mumbles.

His eyes go from her lips to her eyes and he pulls her closer. She leans into his hand, closing her eyes.

The man Joel had kicked grabs her foot, making Joel his boot down on his face, knocking him into semi-unconsciousness.

He groans as Joel kneels down, placing his arms under his to drag him. "He's coming with us." He grumbles.

Naomi sighs at what could've been, grabbing the man's feet and hauling him up. "Whatever you say, Joel."


Joel watches Naomi beat the other man that they had went back for. He had tied the first hunter to a chair, who was yelling at him.

She lets go of his shirt, flexing her fingers and looking back to Joel.

His hand was over his stomach and he grimaces in paid at all the sudden movements he made, but he takes a knife off the table.

"Now..." he pulls a chair in front of the other chair as his ex wife sits her victim up. "... the girl, is she alive?"

"What girl? I don't know none!" The hunter exclaims.

Joel shakes his head, bringing the knife down into the guy's thigh and Naomi winces at the scream.

"Focus right here. Right here. Or I'll pop your goddamn knee off. The girl." He threatens, his voice low and dangerous.

"She's alive. David's newest pet." At the mention of his name, Naomi pinches the bridge of her nose and Joel gives her a confused look.

"Where?" He asks, concentrating his anger back to his hostage.

"In the town. In the town."

Joel twists the knife out, putting the handle in the man's mouth and Naomi passes him over the map.

"You're gonna mark it on the map. And it better be the same exact spot you buddy points too."

"Mark it." He orders and the hunter does so with his blood, spitting the knife out.

"It's right there. You can verify it. Go ask him. Go on. He'll tell ya. I ain't lyin', I ain't lyin'." The man promises.

Joel stands with a shrug, going behind him and his back to Naomi, wrapping his arms around the neck of his captive.

The man gasps for air and Joel easily snaps his neck, surprising the woman as the man on the floor leans against the radiator.

"Fuck you. He told you what you wanted."

Naomi steps away as Joel grabs a pole. "I ain't tellin' you shit." He adds, but she can note his scared expression.

"That's alright. I believe him."

Joel swings the pole and she looks away as he smashes it into his face, killing the second man. The pole clatters to the floor and he keeps his back to her.

"You really care for her don't you. Ellie." Naomi whispers and even though he doesn't say anything, his head nods ever so slightly.

"Then we better get her back. Fast." She adds and steps over the body, ignoring his stare as she exits the house.

Lost Love {TLOU} [Joel X OC] Where stories live. Discover now