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It was meant to be short story but its getting longer than expected. I really don't want to ruin anything but I am troubled about this getting long. Hopefully, I will try to wrap up soon. And by the way story is coming to its end.


Ice are melting away leisurely from the mountains dissolving in to the river flowing down to the valley. The ice tops of the highest mountains are the only give away of the last winter and snowfall. The trees and meadows of Dehradun blooming new leaves and flower buds; the arrival of spring.

Its the first week of the march. Students are at peace finally getting freedom from the exam stress and results that was conducted right after their winter breaks. And now its the time when students will be receiving their certificates and celebrate their graduation. Tomorrow is the graduation ceremony of St. Jacobs University. Students are looking excited, emotional and freaking out about tomorrow. Although, Abeer isn't a final year student but she is already feeling sad because she has found a really good friend in Rayan, Kartik and Danish after Zara and Maya. Especially Rayan, because they share a special bond. A bond of same pain, same suffering, guilt and the event of that night. And of course Rayan's family secret.

''Guys do you think Omer will show up for graduation tomorrow?'' Abeer and Rayan stiffen when Danish mentioned his name. They all were sitting together in canteen at their usual spot.

They are now a close group of friends, always hanging out together, sitting together in canteen. Kartik and Danish are dating Maya and Zara now. So, many things have changed in their life after that night. Abeer never dreamed a day where she will be hanging out with Omer's close friends. Omer best friend will be her best friend and Rayan becoming the captain of football team. It is still feel like a dream. Perhaps, Kiara is right, she took everything from Omer. After Omer's departure students his so called fans were depressed. No one found out why he left, only the fact that he is now in London living with his maternal grandfather. But soon they all started blaming Abeer because she now hangs out with his friend. There were many ugly rumors but thank God , the gem of friends she found in Omer's friend always stood up for her like a shield.

''I don't think so, he didn't show up for exams then what's the guarantee, college will invite him and honor him?'' Kartik answered practically. And the feeling of guilt started twisting my gut again. He was good in academics, never irresponsible towards his study and goal.

''Its al..all my fault! I deprived him of everything in his life.'' She chocked looking down in shame. Tears of guilt are brimming in her eyes.

''Come on Abeer! Fucking stop blaming yourself for everything!'' They all five snapped at her already irritated by her usual rant of shame. It's a ritual now. Whenever anyone mentions Omer Abeer starts feeling guilt and remorse.


''No ifs and buts!'' Zara interrupted. ''It was his decision to not listen to you, to not give you both time to explain himself. So please stop blaming yourself Abeer!''

''I know!'' Abeer retorted squeezing her eyes in frustration. '' I know he didn't give me or Rayan a chance to explain but I still can't bring myself to blame him.''She sobbed hiding her face in her hands and they all stared at her with sympathy. She has been like this since Omer left; fragile and stressed. ''I can't expect him to trust me when I never gave him any assurance in the past. Hell! I wasn't even aware of my own feelings until he left.I understood he didn't trust me but why not Rayan and then I discovered the prank Rayan played on him that morning...'' Rayan flinched looking away. ''was the most creepiest coincidence ever. Moreover, Ahmar call and him finding Rayan at my place was the last nail. A perfect recipe of messing anyone's brain.'' Abeer exasperated throwing her hands in the air. This discussion have been going ever since but there's no conclusion to that.

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