23 | the beach, I

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Grogginess pressed her body forcefully against the bed upon which she laid, her chest feeling weighed down by the heaviest of gravity.

Groaning, the girl rolled over and twisted her body, her arms gently plopping onto the other side of the bed which she was surprised to feel was empty. Still half asleep, her eyebrows threaded and she felt around the empty space of mattress and pillow some more, her eyelids feeling too glued shut to open.

Then she heard a shuffle come from somewhere in the room, so she paused, breath held and body stilled. She then felt something light plop onto her bed, followed by the sound of a zipper being zipped open, which prompted her to slowly blink her sedated eyes open, bringing her cold fingertips up and rubbing her eyes. She then took her hands away and opened her eyes fully, her vision focusing and revealing a black suitcase lying wide open on the edge of the bed, the tall and dark figure of the vampire who was supposed to have been taking up the space in the bed next to her standing over the suitcase.

Lazy eyes followed the vampire as she flashed across the room to her tall wardrobe, opening it and taking out some black articles of clothing. The morning air in the bedroom felt crisper and much chillier, inciting the girl to pull the duvet resting at her stomach up to her chin, curling her body into a fetus position under the warm and soft covers.

The vampire heard the rustling of the blankets as she crossed the room with her long legs, planting the clothing she had plucked from the closet into the suitcase. Yellow-green eyes, placid as they ever have been, glanced to the baby blue eyes peeking out from under the covers. "Good morning," she purred, folding a black sweater neatly and placing it in the corner of the suitcase. A pearly smile preceded her morning greeting, two sharp fangs distinct in it.

"What are you doing?" Lily mumbled from under the duvet that was now above her lip, glancing with her hooded eyes to the leather suitcase.

"We're going on a trip," Rose answered her, brunette tresses that were parted more to one side sifting over her shoulder and threatening to graze the suitcase she leaned over.

Blonde eyebrows threaded further, the information causing the girl to sit up a bit more alertly. "A trip?" She turned her eyes to the large wall of glass window, viewing the snowy mountains in all their looming majesty.

Rose sauntered back over to her wardrobe as she spoke, "We are going to visit a friend of mine that I think could give me the counsel that I need right now."

"You and Holden?" Lily questioned, rubbing her eyes again as her mouth broke into a wide yawn. She sat completely upright, reaching her arms into the air and feeling her spine stretch and crack.

The vampire smirked as her ears picked up on every bone and joint in the girl's body that cracked. "And you," she said, looking at her with a sly smile as she folded another article of clothing.

Lily froze, her messy and slightly matted blonde hair sticking up around her head like a crown as she deadpanned the vampire. "Me? I'm going?" she repeated, her fingers squeezing the edge of the duvet as delight overcame her.

Rose nodded a bit distractedly as she closed the suitcase and zipped it up. "I've packed you the clothes you will be needing, and the outfit you will wear today is on the vanity."

The girl glanced to the vanity and saw the white dress sitting on the vanity. It was a casual yet very pretty dress, and she glanced back to Rose to see she was wearing black slacks with a black blouse and leather blazer, a steel necklace swinging down her slightly exposed chest. Her chestnut hair was let down that day, resting below her shoulders neatly.

Feeling a bit too warm, Lily kicked her bare legs out from the duvet, dressed in only underwear and a white tank-top. "Is it safe to travel?" she questioned as she slipped her feet onto the cold hardwood floor.

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