author's note

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I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for reading this story. I began writing this book shortly after something pretty traumatic and painful happened in my life. I had decided that I would take all my sadness, grief, anger, pain, frustration, and despondency; bundle it all up; and throw it into my writing.

And, boy, did it help.

I used this roaring fire of feelings inside me to create something beautiful, to fiercely inspire myself and drive myself to work as hard as I possibly could on this book. This led me to writing this approximately 115,000-word story within less than a month.

So I'm here to advise you to do the same. Even if you've never considered yourself a creator, I want you to take something bad that happened to you, something that bothers you to your very core, and I want you to take it in your fists and run with it. Create. Evolve. Transform. Build. Dream. Imagine. Inspire. Set yourself beautifully on fire with the refreshing freedom of art and expression, in whatever form it may be. I know from experience that it's the best thing you could ever do for yourself.

Thank you for reading this story of mine; your support means everything to me. I genuinely hope that you enjoyed it! I wish you all happiness and peace.


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