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Estevan's POV;

We have been here all day, and this young man has not found a single thing that could help him! And why hasn't Mrs. Wilson told him what she knows!?

These humans are so much stress! Is this what God goes through trying to make things work for them?

Why are they making finding the truth, so hard!? Everything he needs to find the truth is in this room, yet he keeps passing it!

Was I this oblivious to the truth back then? Yes, I was... And that's why my life is this huge mess now. But now is not the time to sulk about my life. But rather, time to figure out how to help this young man.

I may need to leave him here soon. I feel a blue moon coming tonight. He would have to tackle this alone if that's right.

I'm weak, and I need the blue moon to recharge.

Come on boy! just look here... Right here! Oh, Mrs. Wilson... Show him what's with you already!

God, these people might kill me with anxiety or stress!

Mrs. Wilson's POV;

Poor boy... He has been here all day, yet I can't help him.

What if I start what I can't finish by showing him? I'm not sure about what I have, and showing him could wreak havoc.

I haven't even had the chance to speak with Marcus yet.

Oh Luca dear, forgive me. I am only trying to keep peace and not create a wildfire over nothing.

And my darling Laina, I am most sorry my dear. What I have, maybe enough to bring the truth to light. Either that, or it might cause a fight over something I am not sure of.

I hear something fall upstairs, and I decide to go help him out. When he got here this morning, he wasn't looking his best.

Tina's POV;

I do not know where Luca is. I have searched all his favorite places, our special spots and asked all his friends but he is not with them nor at those places. Neither do they know where he is.

Where is he?

My walking slows down when I see a female figure running in my direction. When the person is closer, I see It's Laina.

What is she doing in town by this time? It's 5:45 pm, and she's usually home by this time. Besides, where is she running to?

I try to call out to her as she runs past me, but she doesn't stop to listen.

Where is she going? Could it have to do with Luca? Is he alright?

I would have gone to his house, but the time it would take me to go there and return home, will make me break curfew, and my parents would have my head.

Zacks POV;

This is the worst time in my life that I can ever remember. My family is upside down.

Both my children are going through tough times. I know it, yet they won't say a word.

Rose is so sad and broken. The worst I have ever seen her. Could all these happenings be traced down to grandpa Willow? No way! He was a mad man who believed in delirious things!

I shut my eyes as I pray to God for help. He's the only one who can help me and my family.

Lucas POV;

I have been in this place since morning, and I haven't found anything. It's like I am searching for a light in an empty dark room, and still can't find it!

Who could do such a thing to me? If only Laina had told me what Marcus did or who is responsible for this, I won't be going through all this stress!

My head hurts, and my throat is dry. I'm doing all this for my sister, and honestly, also for me. Cause what I suspect happened, is something that will break me badly if discovered true, and I just want proof.

At least, something to prove otherwise.

Marcus can't do what I think he did. He wouldn't! He has been my best friend for three (3) years. He would never do such a thing to me.

I have to decide who between my heart and mind is speaking the truth.

Mind, that my best friend is the monster behind all this. Or heart, that my best friend cares for me truly, and would never hurt me in such away.

Rose's POV;

I fear for my family. For Laina, for Luca, and my husband.

I knew Laina was a special child since her birth. My husband's grandpa said she'd face a lot of trouble to make her into who she needs to be. I never believed him, but I'm starting to, now.

But no one said anything to me about my husband. No one said he'd be a brick, who feels no pain. I haven't seen him cry these past few days. This bothers me.

He needs to let some weight off his shoulders, and cry a bit... Like any normal person.

It sounds crazy, but I need to see my husband moved by the things we have faced recently. I don't mind him crying... Even if it's just once.

At least it will assure me that his mental health is alright.

Laina's POV;

Luca shouldn't worry. I am coming to save him. I may not be strong enough, but I will do all in my power to save him.

I don't mind laying down my life for him.

Cats POV;


Confusing chapter? 🕵😂💔

I know😌
It is for the best🤗...

To prepare you for the drama ahead 😜.

If you have questions about this chapter, ask in the comments😘.

And I would inform you if the answer to your question is in the next chapter🗣

U remember Aider loves you, don't you💖??

N don't forget to hit that star for me😁.

Peace out💖😘🤗✌


Special shout out to my

First Happy birthday bby🗣... Yh it's 12:14 am so it means it's anoda day😂...

Buh still HBD sis😂💖

Second for the data. That aided my update today💖😘.

Much love, sugar 🥂

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