If I didn't hear it, it didn't happen

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If I didn't hear it it didn't happen, you say. So when I cry in the dark of my room at 2 am and you're sound asleep, it didn't happen because you didn't hear it? So it didn't happen when I told my "friends" to stop making fun of me because you didn't hear it?!? So it didn't happen when I cry out in pain when you're not around? Because you didn't hear it???? So my muttered apologies, curses, ideas, and times of utter despair don't exist?!?! No they do. You just don't care enough to hear them. 


Hi sorry the past few have been short. I am writing another book called "Music to my ears". 

It's about a girls who loves music, but her dad forbids it so she used basketball as an excuse. She got so good, that everyone thinks that's all she likes, I mean, she tried out for the school play and got kicked out because the teacher thought it was a prank. Then she moves to Harvest City, her home towns rivals, and meets Aiden.

Aiden Ferguson has lived in Harvest City his whole life. He and his sister are both the point guards and team captains for Harvest City high school basketball teams. One day, AJ, the North Haven Hawks best player (who is also the best player in the state), shows up at the court near his house. Zoe has Aiden investigate, but he quickly becomes distracted.

What will happen to the Hawks now that AJ has left? Will the rivalry get in the way trying to be friends with Aidens sister, Zoe? Will anyone ever understand AJ's passion for music?

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