First Impressions

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People always look at what's on the outside and then say they know everything about you. They see what you're wearing and the judge you. Everyone does it and it pisses me off. My parents will make me get "nice" clothes for the beginning of the school year and say that I need to make a good impression. So I get a bunch of stuff I would never wear and am forced to wear it.But I don't understand why wearing something I will only wear once will make a good impression because aren't I just faking? I mean shouldn't a first impression be good because you're a good person, not because of what you're wearing? You can't say that putting the devil in a dress makes it good. I would rather make a first impression by wearing what I wear every day and being myself, than putting on a dress and an act, because no one is able to tell who I am from what I wear. Sure, you may think to yourself, but no one who hates pink will wear it! Not the case. I was forced to wear pink at least 10 times and I despise the color. (Not that it's a bad color though. It's just that way too many stereotypes come from it). So this whole "make a good first impression" thing is a load of crap (excuse my strong language, but it was necessary). All that's going to come of you making me dress up to meet someone who I've never met is giving them a false sense of reality, so cut the crap and let me be me.

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