Connecting The Puzzle

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Edward was in his office looking at his phone at a photo of his son. He got interrupted by Jack who came in rushing.

" We have a problem. Come with me." Jack said.

They reached the crime scene. Dexter was killed brutally. He was nailed to a chair from his hands and legs as well as he had a lot of other iron nails hammered into his body, but the bleeding didn't kill him what killed him was the nail which was in his neck which totally penetrated through his entire throat.

" He was found wearing the clothes of the killer the mask and the black hoodie and the killer left this paper," Jack said handing Edward the paper.

Edward read what was written:" Patrick's Killer!". Then he realized something was written at the back of the paper it said: " There is gonna a bloodbath party soon that includes your son". Edward loses control and takes a glass bottle and breaks it to release his anger. Jack then took Edward outside the building and told everyone that everything is okay.

" Look I have great news that will make you calm down a little. Tracey managed to crack and track down the locations from where all the videos that had the killer were recorded.

" Oh, my phone ran out of batteries," Jack said he then powered off his phone although it had a good battery percentage.

And then whispered to Edward to power off his phone.

" As long as our phones are off the killer won't be able to listen to what we say. Now the last video sent which had Tennyson in it, I realized something in it.

" If you looked at the background on the right there is a planning board, me and Tracey zoomed in and we managed to find things we know who's the next target we just don't know when and where.

" Also Tracey is close to cracking the code and knowing the place where this video was recorded. So from now on keep your phone powered off, only use it as a distraction." Jack said.

This calmed down Edward and then they went back to the police station and started working on the plan.

" The next target is Reagan, but we don't know when," Jack said.

" Tonight you'll be heading to this location," Tracey said and gave them the location's information.

" It's an old abandoned building, if you don't find anything there, call me and I'll tell you where to go next we have three locations this the first one. Good luck!" Tracey said.

Jack and Edward left the police station. But they were being watched. They arrived at the first location. They parked the car outside loaded the guns and went in. There was a figure standing from afar watching.

They went into the building started searching for anything most of the building was abandoned and empty. Until they found a room. It was the only room locked in the building.

Jack managed to open the door then they went in.

" He was here, but he knew we were coming," Edward said searching the room. Jack then told Edward to come and see something.

" The planning board was here. And here was the camera monitors." Jack said pointing at the locations.

Edward then turns back and sees a wardrobe and a table that had a cloth on it covering something beside it. As well as a computer. Edward went to check the computer, and Jack went to check the wardrobe. Edward tries to open the computer but it had a password on it.

" Edward, you must come and see this," Jack told Edward as he was shocked by what he found. Jack found six of the killer's outfit. Six black hoodies and six masks. Edward then went and checked what was on the table. He threw the cloth away. There were empty syringes and six knives.

" So there are six killers, two of them were killed and just four left. But why did they kill the other two Mitch and Dexter? There is something about this."

Then suddenly the computer got turned on by itself. And it opened on a video message. Jack and Edward went to check it out. It was Tennyson and the killer. Tennyson was on a chair covered in blood because of his wounds, and the killer standing beside him holding a paper written on it ' That what happens when you don't follow and do what I tell you to do.". The place was clear that it was Edward's house

The two cops left the building as quickly as possible and called the ambulance and went rushing towards the house.

They went in found Tennyson lying on the floor unroped but not moving at all. Edward falls on his knees beside him crying and saying sorry.

The ambulance arrived and they took Tennyson to the hospital quickly. The next day Edward went out of the room looking down at the ground.

" He's dead," Edward said and left. The next day at the funeral Jason and all Tennyson's friends were shocked and most of them were crying because of their friend that was murdered.

Jason and Jessica went to Edward and Jason said, " Your son was a true friend to me and we were friends for over ten years. I'll do what I could to help you, sir.".

Edward nodded and thanked Jason and the others then left and went back home.

He went and sat at the room that he found Tennyson in. He kept thinking about everything. He then stood up went and brought a rope he tied the room to a wood piece in the ceiling. He then tied the rope around his neck while he stood on a chair. He then took out a picture from his pocket of him, his wife, and Tennyson when he was a child. He jumped from the chair and started choking and twitching while he was hanged.

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