Chapter 40

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"Tiffany,call the family doctor now" I said as I rushed a fainted Malia into the house.

After I carried her to the car I narrated to her how I found outabout the lie Jessica and Tiffany told and also how I found her.
Suddenly I realized how unresponsive she was and looked at her to found out that she had fainted

I noticed how my body boiled in anger as I stared at the bruises all over her body as I sped home.

When we got home everyone in the Palace came out to support and help Malia , luckily the kids were at school. I didn't want them seeing their mother in this helpless state.

Tiffany rushed to the living room and called the family doctor to inform him of the emergency while I carried Malia to the room ignoring my mother who was standing beside me and also refusing anyone who offered to help me carry Malia to the room.

As I got to room I ordered one of the staff to give her a warm bath and clean up her bruises,I refused Tiffany touching her because a little part was still angry at her even when I knew she did what she did out a fear.

The doctor came 15 minutes later and began his check up on Malia.

After the check up he concluded we shouldn't panic and that she passed out due to lot of stress and lack of enough vitamin in her body. He also added that she need to rest as much as possible. He prescribed some drugs for her before walking out.

Malia's mother and sister bust into the room to see her. I couldn't help but feel bad at the rush of tears that fell from their eyes

This is all my fault,if I wasn't so selfish this would never have happened. I couldn't even protect the woman I love I guess it's time for me let her go because as soon as I take over the kingdom from my father she will be in so much danger. I just can't bear to see my family hurt.

I walked out of the room before anyone could see the tears about to drop from my eyes.

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I groaned at the faint pain I felt as I woke up.

"Anderson...." I said hoarsely my throat dried

" Anderson....." I said tapping him softly

He eyes shot open.

" Malia are you okay how are you feeling" he asked

" Wa...ter......" I breathed out.

He reached the bedside and poured a cup of water,he came to my side and lifted me up and assisted me in drinking the water.

"Where are the kids?" I asked after I finished drinking the water.

"They were here earlier,they are both worried about you but they are asleep now, I sent them to their room with the help of your mum and sister"he rambled

" Mum and Gina are here?" I asked surprised I didn't think they knew I was kidnapped.

"Yes I called them,you lr mum came by the week you were kidnapped to visit you and the kids,i had no choice but to tell her. We were all worried about you"he said looking down not meeting my eye.

" Anderson" I called softly

"Hmmm" he answered still not looking at me.

" Anderson look at me"

He slowly lifted his eyes to meet mine.

" Are you crying?"I asked smiling and also shocked I have never saw as the type Anderson cry ,I have always seen him a confident person who hardly gets emotional.

" It's not funny Malia ,stop smiling" he whined, rubbing his eye.

Awwn my baby.

" Come here baby" I thought he was going to refused but he obliged and shifted closer careful not to hurt me as I cuddled him.

" You know it okay to cry and let it all out" I whisper soothingly into his ear

" I thought I lost you Malia,I was losing my mind,I was so scared for you and our baby ,am so sorry I wasn't there to protect you, please forgive me" he said in a shaking voice.

" Shhh its okay,I am fine and so is the baby"I comforted him.

" I was Malia,so scared,I have never felt so scared in my entire life when I heard you were kidnapped" he paused for a moment then continued
" I think it time for me to let you go...all you have felt Is pain since you meet me,I....."

" Don't you dare say another word about me leaving you unless I will be forced to punch you so hard in the face, I am never ever going to leave you so get that into you head" I said feeling somewhat angry.

There was silence for a moment.

" Let leave this place,let's leave this house ,this environment is toxic for you and the kids, I will check up for other houses,let just leave here" he said

" But Anderson, this is has been you home in like forever,are you sure you are ready to make such a big decision?" I asked him

" I am more than ready,and home is where my family is and you are the kids are my family. I love you Malia" he said softly

"I love you too Anderson" I replied

Nothing could compare to the feeling of fuifulment I felt being back to the love and comfort of my family.

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