Two| ready or not, here we come

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"Everyone in the city of Ávila and neighboring, is highly encouraged to lock their doors, shut their blinds and do not go out past eight, especially alone." The woman gave the report in the silent news room, chills creeping in on every one of them. "Barcelona is back and they are on a mission, please beware."

Everyone in Spain was slowly starting to gain back their fear for the mysterious 'Barcelona'. It's been years since Barcelona has done anything like this, but now they're back. "What we are about to show next is extremely graphic." A photo flashed on the screen, making anyone who was watching the news gasp.

It was Andrew with two of the men that were with him. Tied up like hogs and a bullet wound in the center of their head. There was a piece of paper stapled to Andrew shirt that read. 'Ready or not, I'm coming for you'.

"Look at that." Barcelona leaned forward on the table, the three men they took with them tied up to a chair. "Your friends are on the news!"

They glared at her, all of them shuffling to try and loosen the ropes. "Are you ready to talk?" She asked, spinning her gun around in circles on the table. They already knew their next move, where they were going to make it, how they were going to do it.

"We're not telling you shit!" The floppy blonde boy spit, the saliva landing in front of Barcelona.

She smiled sweetly and leaned back. "That's fine."

Confused, they looked to each other warily, each wondering what game she was playing. They watched as she simply raised her hand, the door flying open and their boss walking in. Samuel Smith, more commonly known as snake eyes.

Snake eyes was the next chain in command of many. He controlled Andrew and his petty men, making them feel superior. "I'm sure your boss will be plenty help, boys."

Snake eyes was shoved down in a seat in the middle of Barcelona and the three stooges. "Look, whatever these boys stole from you, I had nothing to do with it!" He panicked.

She laughed. "They didn't steal anything, but they're here to make a message very clear. Just like you." She crossed her long legs, turning at an angle to watch them both. "Care to tell me where Vincent is?"

Samuel eyed her rudely. "How do you know him?" He tried to lean forward but the tight ropes restricted him.

"Tell me where he is and I'll tell you." She spoke calmly, tapping her fingers on her knee.

"Tell her man!" The same kid yelled. "She's fucking crazy!"

"This is a setup!" Snake eyes laughed worriedly. "Real funny, Vinny! Nice way to see if I'm loyal, it was one time, man!" His laughing started to die when he saw the straight face on Barcelona, no amusement once so ever.

"It's not a joke." She stated, uncrossing her arms and leaning her elbow on her knees. "Start talking, or your boys will start disappearing, until it's you."

"Where's Vincent, Sam!" A blonde kid yelled, tears in his eyes.

"I'm not telling her nothing!" Snake eyes yelled to him. "So, shut the hell up! She can't kill us all."

Barcelona waved her hand and a bag was placed over the blondes hair, Diego standing him up and walking him out of the room. "Three."

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