Chapter 4 - Madeline

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This is a nightmare! I must be dreaming. I swallow hard and try to rewind what the hell just happened?

I was waiting for Thomas at the restaurant. As always, I arrived early and he was always late.

I was sitting on the bar stool while enjoying my Merlot. I can drink liquor like I drink water, I have never ever drunk. On my 21st birthday, my friend's goal was to make me drunk. In the end I was tipsy a bit but I still could walk straight, do my math, say ABC in reverse. I swear I drank a lot. And all my friends — literally all — were drunk. In the end, I was the one who took care of them. It's just in my blood that we can drink alcohol like water. Just like my mom.

Mom told me, the first time she met dad, they made a bet on who down first, and of course mom won the match. The rest was history. Every time I remember this, it always brings a smile to my mouth. I kept asking mom to tell me this story over and over again in the last few months of her life, as if I wanted to record every word she said about how he met my father.

The bartender gave me my wine. I drank it and while scanning the restaurant. It's a pleasant restaurant and undoubtedly expensive. My eyes landed on a man who was sitting at the table for two, looking at the menu. That man was absurd! His jet black hair with tousled style, hazel eyes, perfect nose and mouth, firm jaw, nice broad shoulders. God must be in a good mood while making him.

I turned my back to him, berated myself for drooling over a man while waiting for my boyfriend and, most likely, who was another woman's boyfriend. Thank God he didn't realize it.

After the waitress told me my table was ready, I ordered my second glass. In a minute, Thomas arrived and hugged me.

"How are you, Mads?" Thomas asked me once we seated. I've been in LA almost a day, and that was the first time he asked about me. I should have seen this coming.

"Well, I'm settling. What about you? I was at Hall headquarters this afternoon. I was calling you but you didn't pick your phone."

"What? You were there?" He sounded panicked.

"Yeah. I called you. But it went to your voicemail." I answered dumbly.

"Well.. I um.. I've been busy. Did you see me there?" He asked warily.

"No. You were there?"

"No. Yes, I mean. I was there. Meeting with some managers."

"I see..." and the server interrupted us to pick the order. We ordered the food and we talk more about LA. He asked when my apartment is ready and asked me about my room here.

The food arrived, and we ate in a companion silence.

"So, when can I see your place?" I asked once I put my last Dori to my mouth. I've been to Thomas's old apartment. But last time we talked he said that he moved to a bigger apartment.

"Um, well.. Mads.. actually there is something I need to tell you." His eyes won't meet mine. "It's about... us... I think.. it's better for us to be a friend rather than..." He shrugs.

"What?" My voice came in a high pitch.

"Shh! Lower your voice. We are in the restaurant."

"Why Thomas?" I asked him in a little louder voice for this restaurant standard.

"I don't feel the chemistry with you. I don't want us to spend another day on something that won't go anywhere."

Wow.. that hurt. At least he should deliver it in a better way, right? I took my wine and finished it. "Well... good luck to you, Thomas," I said quietly and stood up.

"Wait," he said, holding my hand.

What now?

And his phone rings. He looks at his phone and then at me. "A minute," he said and picked up his phone.

I barely heard anything from their conversation, but it was a woman's voice.

"Babe!" The woman on the phone kept wailing.

I felt the blood drained from my body. I bolted to the restroom. And here I am... Looking down at the sink with a throb in my head.

I realized that the woman on the phone is not only a friend or coworker. He cheated on me! And now, the first day I arrived in LA, he broke up with me. If I stay in Julian Town, will he ever break up with me?

Suddenly, I sense a tingle on the back of my neck. Someone is watching me. I glance up and find the most mesmerizing eyes in the mirror. The hazel eyes I've been 'drooling' earlier.

I don't know how long we stare at each other. Until the server walking between us cut the connection. I take a napkin, drying my hands.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Perfect asks me. Well, do I look okay right now? But I don't say the word. I just focusing drying my already dry s.

"Are you okay, miss?" He asks again. This time slower than before.

And, finally, I look back at his eyes. "Yes.. no! I don't know." Every word comes from my mouth is getting softer and softer. I don't think he heard what I said. "Sorry I have to go," I say abruptly and walk past him back to my table. My purse is still there. I need to go back to my room.

"Thomas, I think I should go now. You have nothing to say to me anymore, right?" I don't think I can see him now. I'm not that broken-hearted with this break up, but I realized how stupid I am for ever thinking that I should move to LA for him. If it was just because of the chemistry wasn't there, I got it. But the woman's voice...

"Yeah... ok... wait Mads!" He stands up and gives me a glass of water. "Drink some water.. your face is pale." Out of habit, I take the glass and drink the water, while my eyes still studying my ex boyfriend.

Thomas is not the most handsome man. He is good looking, especially if he dressed up like today in his suit. He looked like a successful worker. His hair is brown and always neat, sleek back. He is not that tall. Maybe 5'8. I'm 5'5. His eyes are dark chocolate. He doesn't have a dark look or broad shoulder like Mr. Perfect. Why I compared Thomas with Mr. Perfect? Oh right, he cheated on me! And, now he's my EX boyfriend, I can compare him with anyone I want!

Cheat... Suddenly, my blood is boiling up with anger. The next thing I know is I throw the water on Thomas's face. He doesn't expect it.

"What the..." Now he looks angry. So do I, honey!

"Thanks for cheating on me, you scumbag!" I throw the glass to his face and run for my escape. He's not following me. Either the glass hit perfectly to his nose, and he needs sometimes to recover, or he just doesn't care. I hope for the first one. Not because I want him to care, but at least I got my little revenge. Should have smeared the chili sauce all over his face!

The elevator ding. I get in and close the door. Press my room's floor. And suddenly... my world is spinning How come? I just drank 2 glasses of wine, and I'm proud of myself for my alcohol tolerance. I blink once, twice. It makes me even dizzier. I hold the elevator rail to steady myself..

I barely remember how I got into the room. The last thing I know, I threw my body to the bed without even taking off my heels and dress.

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