Chapter 65 - Madeline

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I am sitting in the restaurant with Ethan, Helen and Christian. We are having our lunch after the annual meeting.

The meeting was good. Everyone satisfied with the report. There was a brief announcement from Ethan that Ben Sanders and Camilia Sanders are no longer seated as the employee and shareholders. All his share is transferred to Christian Hall.

"So, what is your planning for Christmas, Christian?" Helen asks him.

If usually with us, he is the happy-go-lucky guy, he always looks tense in front of his grandma. "I have to go to New York for the New Year's eve, so maybe I'll be in New York."

"Are you and Meredith going to sing at the Times Square?" I ask him and he nods. Their album is a hit. I almost hear their songs in every place.

"What about you two?" Helen asks me and Ethan.

"Actually, Ethan and I haven't discussed this. We were so busy these past weeks. But Ethan.." I face him. "Do you want to go to a resort Roderick Group just opened a new resort on a private island in Europe. Maybe we can go on the 24th? I know the time is too close." It's already December 22nd. "I checked on your calendar. You are free from tomorrow until January 4th. So if—" Ethan cuts me. "I don't want to go"

I blink. His voice is so cold. I never heard Ethan using this tone with me. "Ethan, I'm just planning to—." He cuts me again, "I said no, Sweetness." He said sweetness, but it feels bitter. This is the first time I saw this side of Ethan.

I just freeze on my seat when Ethan stands up. "I'm sorry I have another meeting to attend. The bill is taken care of. C, is that okay for you to send Madeline back to the office after she finished her food?"

"I don't mind," Christian says, but we all know Ethan already walks out even before Christian finished the sentence.

Ethan doesn't even spare a glance at me. He just walk out of the restaurant. I feel my eyes hot. Did I do something wrong? What did I do?

I feel a warm hand touch my hand. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" Helen asks softly, but I cannot see her right now.

"I'm fine, Helen. Excuse me, I need to use a restroom." I stand up and go. Inside the toilet, I lock myself and try to control my breathing. I keep seeing Ethan's haughty expression. God, I'm so stupid. I should have asked him in private. All I need to do is ask him, or I can email him, if we were too busy. He must think I was planning to celebrate his birthday.

I splash some water on my face before coming back to the table. I know Christian and Helen look at me warily. I try to smile at them.

"Mads, you good?" Christian asks me slowly.

"Yeah. I'm fine, C. It's my fault. I was too busy and forgot to tell Ethan about the plan. Well, I didn't know he would react like this. I'm... I was planning to go from 24th to 26th. Just a while because he looked so tired. I want him to relax. I was planning to go back to Julian Town at 27th with him. But I guess he doesn't like it when I take the liberty to arrange his holiday." I know my voice is shaking, but I can't help it.

Christian puts the water in front of me. "Drink, Mads. You look pale."

I drink the water. That the least I can do to make them not worry about me.

"Sweetheart, it's not your fault. Ethan always tense around this time. We all know. I'm sorry I shouldn't ask about it," Helen says.

I take Helen's hand and squeeze it. "No, no Helen. It's not your fault. Please."

She nods slowly. "Just give Ethan some times. He will come back to you." Helen smiles and I nod.

We finished our lunch. I can't eat more than 2 spoons. Helen and Christian also lost their appetite. So we end the lunch. Helen goes with the driver to meet some friends, while Christian takes me back to the office.

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