Chapter 8 |°\Day 3/°|

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D I ¶ ¶ E R  POV:

I was sleeping when someone shook my shoulder violently.

"H-huh?" I opened my eyes and saw dad.

"Wake up Mason." He said sternly. My parents always woke me up the same way. First, one of them comes to my room (mostly dad) and pulls the covers off of me. Then they say I need to get up and if I don't do that I get punished.

I got up quietly, I didn't want to wake Alexander up.

"What is that." Father pointed at my hoodie. My father's question sounded like a command.

"O-oh w-w-well i-it's something I b-b-buyed in G-Gravity Falls-" My dad cut me out.

"Stop stuttering. It's annoying... Like the rest of your entire being..." Dad said the last part a bit more quietly but I could still hear it.
Does he really enjoy it that much to insult me?

We walked downstairs where I was met by mom.

"Go set the table Mason." Mother said.

I was kinda shaking because of her cold tone. I don't know why but it always has scared me.

"Faster!" My dad yelled and I started setting the plates on the table when... I dropped one. I dropped a plate. Yup, my grave is calling.

"You little-" My dad was about to swing his arm and punch me when mom stopped him.

"Wait." She said. "Mason honey." Mom said softly. "Why are you like this? Do you really hate us that much? Why are you so useless Mason? Can't you even try?" My mom kept the sweetness in her voice while insulting me.

"You do understand you need a punishment right honey?" She asked sweetly and I just stood there with my hands protectively over my head.

"Right, honey?" Mother asked again and I started shaking.

Mother sighed.

"Why are you doing this to us Mason? James, do your thing." As soon as Mother said that dad punched me right through the face. I fell down on the floor and father started kicking me.


I woke up and noticed that Dipper wasn't here. Wonder where he went?

I changed into some clothes and headed downstairs where I found Dipper sitting by the dinning table. He  had some bandages on his face and some of his hands (I couldn't see more of his hands cuz he wore the yellow hoodie). Dipper also looked terribly tired but once he saw me he put the biggest grin on his face.

"Good morning Alexander!" He said smiling. I don't like that smile, it seems forced.

"Hey man, how did you sleep? You look tired." I asked. I was kinda concerned.

"I slept really well, what about you?" Dipper asked while smiling. The way he replied to my question was like he knew what he needed to say before i even asked him.

"Good, good" I said while aunt Mary placed the pancakes in front of us.

"What's with the new bruises? There are more than there were yesterday." I asked and Dipper flinched. I also noticed that aunt Mary was looking sternly at him.

"W-what do you mean Alexander? What bruises from y-yesterday?" Dipper's voice was shaking.

"The ones from when you fell down the stairs at your friend's house." I asked and Dipper seemed relieved.

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