The Vampire Band

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Having pushed her suitcase under the bed, Adelia leaned back onto her calves and wiped her forehead. She blew away a stray hair that hung over her forehead and glanced towards the door. Kaius and Blair still hadn't arrived. She didn't doubt Blair showing up whenever she pleased, but it was unlike the Princeling to be so late. 

Adelia pulled at her collar and fanned her face. She had opened all the windows in their little holiday home earlier, but it didn't stop the incessant heat that crept into the cabin and lingered. Between the heat and lack of friends, her excitement for the holiday faltered, but she knew that this campsite meant a lot to Kaius. She stood up, reaching for her drink bottle. Adelia would just have to make the most of it. The thought of suffering in the heat was unbearable, and she would just have to wait for her friends elsewhere. 

Once outside, the cool breeze met her instantly, washing away the sweat and warmth that had plagued her inside the cabin. Before her, strangers were making plans in excited voices, their layered tones reaching her. A slip of jealousy ran through her, and she listened closely to their hopes of making s'mores around campfires, or playing Capture the Flag. 

Wanting to get away from the commotion, Adelia headed towards the woods, lured by the thick canopy that promised coolness and shade. The air smelled moist, as if rain had recently fallen and the soft scent was still trapped between the leaves. She ran her fingers across the leaves, tracing their yellow veins with a fingernail. These were foreign plants, not found in her home city of Attrisea. She had promised her friend, Daphne, a souvenir. Perhaps she'd dry some flowers and bring them home for the young girl. 

She listened to the chirping of birds, their soft song bouncing back and forth between the tree trunks to greet her. It had been a long time since Adelia had been in the woods; long before her time at the Palace, before her experimentation under Dr. Nevrone. It had been when she was a child, playing with her mother in the Aecrean Woods, carefree and joyful. A lot had changed since then. 

Still, these woods didn't echo the other ones exactly. They were a little darker, a little colder.  Adelia wrapped her arms around herself when she noticed a figure up ahead, tall and slim, with long blonde hair. Adelia tensed and became acutely aware of the dagger sheathed at her calf. 

She squinted, tickled with familiarity. It wasn't until the sound of Adelia's footsteps caused the figure to turn that she recognised the woman. It was Corina Demorte, famous Tantian singer who had a voice as clear and light as glass. She was a favourite singer of the King's, and had sung at the Palace recently for his birthday. Adelia made an effort to dislike everything she King favoured, but the sweet, kind ways of Corina had caused her to falter. 

Adelia relaxed. She still had the tendency to flinch at every movement, all too prepared to become suspicious of anyone. She wasn't sure if she was ever going to undo the damage instilled in her by the Doctor who desired to make her into his weapon. 

Corina gave her a wink, beckoning Adelia to follow. That lovely, high voice gave a laugh and followed the singer as she ran away. 

"Corina!" Adelia called. "What are you doing?" Frowning, Adelia chased after her. 

Nothing about the graceful, delicate woman had indicated that she was good at running. Adelia pictured her light, silken gown and imagined how it must be getting caught on the narrow spaces between the trunks, but Corina was running with a litheness and almost inhuman speed she had to admire. The girl kept disappearing from view, and Adelia could only follow the echo of her laughter through the trees. 

Adelia drew to a stop. She was far from exerted, but the toll of the day made her wary, patience short. Why did the singer feel the need to send her on such a crazy chase? 

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