A.U. 1990's - 8

977 82 24

Eve pulls up to Eric friend's Curtis' house and gets out around the same time as his mother does. "Hey! Do you-"

"I️ don't have time to talk!" She quickly says as she hops in the car. "I gotta get to the park! Oh,
my baby!" She cries.

"Wait! But I️ don't know where my brother is-"

The lady simply starts the car and throws the car into reverse, almost speeding off. Eve quickly runs back into the car and shuts the door. "Follow her!" She tells Zach.

"Did you find out where your brother is?" Zach asks as he tries to keep up with her.

"She wouldn't talk to me," Eve shook her head as they followed Curtis' mom through the neighborhood. Five minutes later, they arrived at the local park which was a notorious gang hangout spot, a place Eve always warned her siblings against from going. But now, it was swarmed with cops and ambulances and yellow crime scene tape. "Oh my god..." she breathed out as they stopped in front of it. "Eric!" She hopped out the car and ran towards the park.

"Eve! Wait!" Zach called out from behind her, quickly hopping out as well, taking the keys out the ignition before following her.

"Yeah I️ have an African American male, possibly between the ages of 20 & 25, shot three time the chest and abdomen..."

Eve ducked under the crime scene tape and looked around for her brother. "Eric?! Eric!" She calls out.

"Hey!" A white cop yells from behind her, getting closer to her. "This is an active crime scene! You can't be here!" He yells at her.

"Please sir, I'm looking for my brother," she pleads him with tears in her eyes, fearing the worst has happened. But the cop just yanks her upper arm roughly, making her yelp. "No please! I'm looking for-"

"If he was here then chances are he's dead, alright?" He ruthlessly says. "There was a shootout. Now get out of here!" He yells, shoving her.

"Evie!" Zach rushes to catch her. "Hey! Is this how you treat women?" He fearlessly yells back at the cop.

"Beat it kid! You don't belong here!" The cop scorns. "Bad company you keep here son."

Eve stood up with Zach's help. "She's just trying to find her brother," he defends her. "Where is he?"

"Like I️ said, he probably dead," he bites, making her tear up once more. But she then noticed behind him, a familiar face sitting in the back of an ambulance. Eve gasps and runs past them both.

"Eric!" She screams.

Eric looks up at his sister, tears in his eyes. "Evie?"

Eve quickly wraps her arms around his head and shoulders, pulling him in for a tight hug, ignoring his blood stained clothes. "Oh my god, I️ thought something bad happened," she said, pressing multiples kisses on his forehead. Usually Eric would fringe at such affection but for once, he allowed it. She felt his hot tears hit her skin as he cried as many tears as she did at that point.

"He died in front of me Evie," he sobbed. "And I️ couldn't...I️ tried..."

"I know," she comforted him. "I️ know. It's okay, you're okay."

* * * *
Zach pulls up to her house once more, entire car silent. Eric fell asleep against her shoulder after he calmed down, the adrenaline probably leaving his body tired. Luckily, he was physically fine. He ducked behind a tree when the shooting started, but unfortunately it was after Curtis had taken the first three hits to his body.

"Are you...okay?" Zach asked.

"Just grateful," she tells him quietly, looking out the window before looking at him. "Eric, wake up," she shakes him off. "We're home."
Eric blinks his eyes open a couple time and yawns. "Hey, I'll be inside in a minute, I️ have to talk to Zach for a second."

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