Chapter 8

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"Ugh, this humidity is going to ruin my blowout."

I tried to keep a neutral face as I stared at the complaining blonde. She had on a shirt that said View PLC and was looking into a hand-held mirror as she reapplied lipstick. I averted my gaze to keep from rolling my eyes.

It was the first official day of the retreat and I was standing amidst a group of people from different companies. We had just finished introducing ourselves, but I could hardly even remember anyone's names.

When I awoke this morning, Miss Rose had already left the room, there was a note on my bed telling me she had left early to begin the preparations for the day. I had gotten dressed myself, then came out to breakfast where I had met other people from the other companies.

There were more people around my age from the other companies, which I was very thankful for. Blondie here, I wasn't thankful at all for.

"Hello there."

I instantly lit up when I noticed Javier making his way towards us from a distance. He was wearing the same Starlight Industries shirt I had on, which he had paired with shorts and sandals. It made me smile just looking at him.

"Anybody care for some ice pops?" Javier asked as he held out a tray filled with ice-pops.

I immediately fished in and recovered a strawberry flavored ice-pop for myself as others swooned in. In no time, Javier was standing there with an empty ice-pop tray.

I smiled at the astonishment on his face as I took a lick of my ice-pop.

"Mmm, who's your friend?" Blondie asked from behind me, her voice sounding extra syrupy.

"This is Javier," I said as a way of introduction to Blondie.

I looked up at Javier, who scratched the back of his hair and began blushing profusely. I had to keep from rolling my eyes at the two of them.

"Hey." Javier said as he reached his hand out to shake Blondie's.

"Lisa." Blondie cooed, placing her manicured hand into Javier's.

I was low-key, thankful for the reintroduction because God knows I hadn't learnt her name the first time she introduced herself.

Everyone else in the group continued small talk, and I put in things here and there but wasn't concentrating at all. My eyes kept searching for Miss Rose, I hadn't seen her all morning and I was beginning to miss her.

My insides still felt giddy thinking about how I was sharing a room with her. I had laid awake in bed a little while after she had fallen asleep listening to her deep snores. I felt like an absolute creep: like the way Edward used to watch Bella in Twilight.

"Hey Muna, I think it's time for the Inter-Company games." Javier suddenly whispered into my ears, causing me to jump.

"Woah, careful," Javier said laughing, and I smiled at him as we began making our way to the field where the activities were being held.

There were so many people around and I felt tiny. Lisa was practically clinging unto Javier the whole time and I was thankful when we had to separate into our tents.

The whole concept of the Inter-Company games was basically just sports day, like you would have had in school. But this time, it's adults doing it and the companies were competing against each other. I planned on sitting out of it if I could, as I really did not fancy having to do physical exercise.

The Starlight Industries tent was at the end of the row of tents, and I felt my heart flutter when I noticed Miss Rose in the distance talking to Garett from Tech. She hadn't noticed me and I took the opportunity to take in how she sat with one leg swung over the other, her hair swept into her eyes and her sunglasses balanced on her head.

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