Chapter 12

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"Cool place," Miss Rose said.

I watched as she stood in the centre of my apartment. She had suggested we come straight to my house to drop off the clothes we had purchased, but I couldn't help feeling extremely nervous about the fact she was here. Furthermore, my whole apartment was a mess. I still had boxes scattered around, the walls were plain. I didn't have the time or the strength to decorate and make it feel more 'homey'.

In summary, there was really nothing cool about my place.

"Thanks." I mumbled, I knew she was just trying to be courteous.

I scratched my head as I looked around. The more I stared at my apartment, the more embarrassed I felt about Miss Rose being here.

"Well.. are you gonna take me to your room?"

What? My heart immediately quickened in pace.

"To put the clothes away."

Oh. I really needed to get my mind out of the gutter. It had been in there all day.

"Yeah, it's right this way."

I walked ahead as I led Miss Rose to my room. I was very aware of her eyes on the back of my skull and immediately became even more self-conscious. I felt myself slowly heat up.

"Just place it here, I'd sort it out later." I mumbled awkwardly, motioning to my bed.

It was extremely weird, having my Miss Rose standing here in my room. I watched her look around, inspecting where I sleep. Miss Rose sat down on my bed and slowly laid her head on my pillow, "it smells just like you."

I was beyond shocked by her sudden actions. I should have been creeped out by her statement along with her sudden actions, but I wasn't. Just very very aroused.

"Oh", I said dumbly.

I was standing there just watching Miss Rose lying on my bed, her eyes were closed. I stood there just watching her, her intense bone structure and her tattoos crawling up to her neck. Her plump pink lips looked so inviting.

"Are you done checking me out?" Miss Rose suddenly asked, causing me to jump.

"I wasn't checking you out," I lied.

"Sure you weren't," was Miss Rose's sarcastic reply, "we have somewhere to go. Put this on." She sat up and began digging through the pile of clothes that were on my bed, revealing a red dress and matching red pumps with diamond sequins that I definitely hadn't seen before.

"I picked this out for tonight because I thought it'd look really good on you. Red is your color." She said this all matter-of-factly while I internally combusted, "but obviously you could always just wear something else tonight if you wanted to."

Tonight? What was happening tonight?

I stared at her blankly, and Miss Rose seemed to come to the realization that she wasn't going to get a reply out of me.

"Get dressed." She ordered as she flung the red dress at me. She had a strange smile on her face and an even stranger twinkle in her eyes.

I went into my bathroom to get ready, all the while my heart was pumping in my chest. The fact that Miss Rose was in my room alone had me feeling anxious.

"I'm dressed." I stated as I stepped out of the bathroom.

Miss Rose was lying sprawled out on my bed and she immediately sat up once she saw me. There was a moment of silence before she spoke. "Wow, Muna. You"

My heart was racing as Miss Rose's eyes looked over my body. Wavering for a while at the plunging V neck of the dress, she tore her eyes away and looked into mine instead. Her eyes seemed to have gone darker, and I watched them slowly brighten up again.

"Come on then, we don't want to be late," she said as she began walking out of my apartment and I followed behind her silently.

I pushed any thoughts I had of the last few moments we had just shared behind, instead deciding to focus on where exactly Miss Rose was taking me.

Where on Earth could we possibly be going now?

"Where are we going?" I asked, voicing my thoughts.

Miss Rose obviously didn't reply.

"Are you going to kidnap me?"

Still no reply.

"You know, if I am put in any harm's way, I'm legally allowed to sue."

Miss Rose laughed at this but said nothing. She didn't even look at me.

The rest of the drive was silent. Miss Rose had a lingering smile on her face, she was in a weird mood. I knew that if I questioned her further, there would be no reply. She was extremely stubborn, so I just stuck to sitting there, tapping my fingers anxiously on the car door.

"Do you just get random bursts when you decide to be mysterious all day?" I asked, leaning my head against the car window as I turned to look at her.

"Sometimes." Miss Rose replied. Her smile grew deeper, but she said nothing more.

"We're here." Miss Rose suddenly announced, pulling the car to a sudden stop.

By 'here', I had no idea what she was talking about. We were parked in what seemed to be a garage, and it looked deserted, there were no other cars in sight.

I turned my head slowly and looked at her just to see her already observing me with a smile on her face, "Let's go inside."

I definitely did not want to go inside the creepy-looking place, but didn't say that. Instead, I got out of the car and began following Miss Rose. I could see a simple black door up ahead. Just as she arrived at the door, Miss Rose stopped walking, which allowed me to catch up to her. She looked at me and smiled once again, her eyes were sparkling.

Then silently, without any words at all, she snaked her arm around my waist. My heart was pumping really hard as we walked through the door. The creepiness didn't end there; we were immediately faced with a dark corridor that seemed unending, and I found myself moving closer to Miss Rose. She seemed to feel me tense up and her arm around my waist immediately tightened as she pulled me closer towards her. I was basked in her flowery scent.

We walked in silence for a few moments longer. The only sound was the echoes of our feet against the wooden floor. The corridor finally seemed to come to an end, and I found myself in what appeared to be a dark room.

My mind was completely blank. At this point I was basically clinging unto Miss Rose's arms, I felt like something was going to snatch me at any moment.

I decided to break the silence.

"Miss Rose. Please, what's-"

Lights flickered on, followed immediately by a loud shout: "SURPRISE!"


Q. Cats or Dogs?

Miss CEOOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora