Part 16-Competition

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Third Person PoV (authors PoV)

A knock on the door jolted Hinata Shoyo awake in his to-be-boyfriend's arms. "uhh who's there?" his voice sounded panicked as if he'd be caught doing something he shouldnt (eg. getting caught hanging out with Tooru by his team). "its Yuri. you ready or what?" he checked the time on his phone and mentally cursed himself for falling asleep. "come in, i gotta get my stuff" the door then clicked revealing Yuri Plisetsky in his paparazzi outfit with a smug look on his face. "are you gunna wake him up or am i?" he chuckled.

Shoyo rolled his eyes and grabbed a pillow wacking Tooru in the face. "WHA-ahem-what was that for" the setter sat up rubbing his eyes and notices Yuri standing infront of the door. "You let me sleep too long! we're gunna be late get up!" "technically you're going to be late, spectators dont have to be there till an hour and half after you" he flopped backwards on the bed with a sigh, putting his arm over his eyes. "not for you! im taking you as my plus one so get the fuck up and fix your hair"

Tooru and Yuri both looked at Shoyo as if he spoke a different language but he was sure he spoke Japanese. "what?" "y-you've never actually used your plus one before" Yuri stuttered surprised the boy was finally using it when he had said 'there would never be anyone he wanted to watch other than his parents'. Shoyo just continued to grab his bags and put on his 'paparazzi clothes' while they stood dumbfounded. "well im using it now so hurry up Tooru!". the third year just nodded running into the bathroom to fix himself up as the two left in the room conversed while waiting.

"so, how come you fell asleep? and with him too?" he was obviously teasing but Hinata answered anyway. "i was getting stressed about today and my mum and natsu so he came to cheer me up and we must've fallen asleep while watching tv." "i dont even remember falling asleep. you fell asleep on me pretty early" Tooru replied walking out with his styled hair finished. "yeah yeah, lets go get in the car!"

Sneaking out of Hinata's window to walk round the back of the inn, the three (ish) men climbed into the back of Viktors car, the sight of Tooru surprising the couple. "so Sho finally used his plus one. he must really like you" Viktor tteased. "shut up" he mumbled in response.

the drive there was quick and peaceful but getting inside was anything but. cameras were already outside of the rink and immediately started asking questions as they tried to enter. to everyones surprise they also recognised Tooru and bombarded him aswell. "what is a famous setter like Tooru Oikawa doing with this famous group of figure skaters?" "how well do you think you'll do today?" "what are your pieces based on?" and so on.

after shoving past the reporters they managed to get inside and reach their dressing room where Yuri and Shohei (gotta be careful in public) started to get changed and ready. they both slipped on their outfits and got help doing them up and then focused on the hair and makeup aspect. Yuri had his hair in his classic half up half down style and sprayed the top of it with glittery hairspray that reflected the light. As for his makeup he kept it pretty simple, trying to keep the attention on his white, jewel studded costume. A bit of blush and highlight was all he needed.

Shohei, however, had spray died his hair black and gelled it back, similar to how Yuri K did his for his Eros routine. His makeup consisted of blue and silver intense eyeshadow which could be seen in the eye gaps of the masquerade mask he wore. His costume was black and shined blue in the light, with gold streaks almost looking like marble. This matched the mask which was black and blue with gold trimming on the edge. His skated matched the entire outfit and were glittery when hit with light.

Once they were dressed and ready to go they waited to be called out, taking their seats and avoiding the press. The spectators were already seated and across from where Sho was sat he spotted his entire volleyball team-. He locked eyes with Suga for a sec before turning his head towards his fathers, filled with anxiety from the thought of them recognising him (which was basically impossible due to the costume and black hair). Suga only recognised him by who he was with and when he spotted Oikawa he was shocked to say the least. He thought better than to mention it now though, as to not distract Hinata from the competition.

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