Reunited . . .

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        "Prove it." He said to me. My eyes widened. I felt all the blood drain from my face. As I stood there, in his mother's bakery, I felt Shion slowly dissapear. His eyes became savaged and lost. Desparate. It was like he didn't know I was me. He didn't know that he was himself.

        After all we've gone through together, I was expecting a different welcoming committee. Perhaps, a smile from him? A laugh? One of his . . . kisses? 

        But no. He was questioning who I was! I was the man who saved his life. I was the man who had given up my life and freedom, to keep his unique and free.

         I felt my eyes begin to water. I felt betrayed.

        Why in the bloody hell would he need me to prove it? Did he doubt that I was actually going to come back? Of freaking course I was! Shion... how can you be so dumb?

        Prove it? He wanted me to "prove it?" 

        I stepped forward. Determined to prove to Shion that I was there. In front of him. Determined to never leave him again.

        This was a promis I was not willng to break.


        Nezumi's face whitened as I told him to prove himself. I felt my stomach become more and more empty. I felt myself go numb. I wasn't allowed to get my hopes up like this again.

        It was just like my dream all over again. The second I would finally realize that Nezumi has come back to save me, he'd dissapear and leave me.

        I refused to be hurt by this again.

        I held my breath and stared at Nezumi. His face slowly regained color as he stepped towards me. My body began to shake again. I was anticipating the moment when he'd dissapear.


        I stepped forward. I was determined to fix Shion. I would not let him hurt himself anymore. Even though I was shaking, even though I couldn't feel the tips of my fingers due to the lack of bloodflow, I never broke eye contact with him. 


        He never looked away. That stupid boy didn't look away as he got closer and closer to me.

        Each step he took toward  me sent a wave of his smell. Each step towards me felt like a subtle victory, proving he's real, but then a defeat when I felt the rush of nausea because I knew he'd soon dissapear.

        That's why I refuse to admit his presence. I refuse to allow myself to be hurt again -  no matter how much I loved him, no matter how much I wanted him to hold me and tell me he'd never leave ...


        "Shion," I grabbed his shuddering shoulders in both my hands. "Hey brat, it's me." 

        Shion flinched when I  touched his shoulders. However, he didn't even recognize me when I said his name, or said that I was me. I felt my jaw drop.


          His hands burned me. His arms on my shoulders burned worse than what it did in my dream. It burned more because, it was familiar.

        It felt like when he touched me that night when I was captured by the government officials, and he had just helped me escape the car. When we were sitting in the work truck and I told him I found no more purpose to fight - he grabbed me with the same urgency then and told me that he had saved me for a reason, and I wasn't allowed to give up just yet.

Saikai - "Reunited" [No.6 - Yaoi]Where stories live. Discover now