30 - þrjátíu

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It was almost three and I was almost ready.

I'd taken a shower and washed my hair, as per Renee's instructions, who then did my make up.

I told her to keep it simple, but when she finally turned me around to look in the mirror, I knew my sister couldn't help herself.

Just like when we were little.

Renee didn't have her entire vanity when she came here, but her traveling make-up bag was enough for a full-face look.

When I saw her "small" collection, I could only imagine what her collection back home looked like.

I broke into a smile as I saw myself. It was me, but different.

She'd applied eyeshadow, not the way I do, dabbing some glitter on with my finger haphazardly.

That wasn't Renee.

She had meticulously shaped my eyes to look bigger, and almost more powerful. She colored them in warm tones, not too bright nor too dark.

She contoured my face, highlighted whatever she needed to, and applied a dark shade on my lips that made me look a few years older.

But I didn't mind what she'd done at all. For the first time, I actually looked like someone to take seriously. I felt like I could finally start taking myself seriously.

It was weird how just a simple makeover could change my entire perspective on myself, but in a way at that moment, it did.

Renee pulled back some of my dark hair, leaving the rest to fall on my back in soft waves, commenting on how I'd let it grow over the years rather than keeping them short the way I used to.

She'd also taken out a pair of sparkling earrings and a matching pendant set from Gramma's old jewelry box for me.

As she helped me get into the form-fitted dress, my eyes kept finding the bejeweled cape and veil laid out on the bed in waiting.

Once my make up and hair was done, she put on my cape first over my shoulders, the sparkle reflecting in the smile on my face.

But the emotions weren't all there yet, and I felt like I was shaking nervously when my sister went back for the veil.

As she put it on, my eyes were filling up with emotion, as countless thoughts ran haywire in my mind.

A week ago, I wouldn't have imagined this is where I'd be now, less than an hour away from being announced the Luna of Fathilagt.

Yet, here I was, in the most unexpected turn of events.

"Ah, I almost forgot," Renee said, going out of the room for a minute.

"Your brother is still taking a shower?" Renee exclaimed, groaning right after. I heard banging on a door, followed by, "You better get out of there right now Bryn! If it's time to go and you're not done I'm going to leave you right here!"

I chuckled at my nephew's antics. Renee used to take long showers too, and Gramma would bang on her bathroom door in the exact same way.

"Can't say it's unclear where Bryn got his love for long showers from," Ima said, causing me to shake my head.

Renee appeared in my room right after, carrying a white shoe box in her hands.

"What's this?" I asked her, as she placed the box at my feet.

"A gift," she said, as she carefully lifted the lid off.

I looked in the box to find a pair of red-soled, high-heeled, bright white shoes that were covered in stones that matched my dress.

They were delicate, beautiful, and were most definitely worth a lot of money.


"Pretty much last minute though. Otto had to make a few trips around the city to find this exact pair," she said, laughing softly. "But I couldn't go through the ceremony without getting you the perfect gift first."

I smiled fondly as I sat on the edge of my bed and put them on. They were a perfect fit.

I rose to stand in front of the mirror again, a few inches taller, to take in the complete look.

Everything looked perfect.

Renee hugged me gently from the back as we both looked into the mirror.

"Thank you," I mouthed to my sister.

She was in a baby pink dress that reached her knees, and her hair was up in a loose, but elegant bun.

She was the definition of gorgeous all on her own, and these little things made her look all the more beautiful.

"Mom! I'm done! Where are my clothes?" came Bryn's voice from the adjacent bedroom.

Renee chuckled as she gave me a little squeeze. "I should go check on him. Give us fifteen minutes and we'll all be ready."

I nodded my head as I smiled at her. I didn't fail to notice the tiny beads of tears that had made their way to the inner corners of her eyes as she turned away.

Renee was never one to cry easily, but perhaps she had become a lot more sensitive in the past few years.

She quietly left the room, closing the door behind her.

I looked at my reflection once more, and couldn't help but smile.

"You're beautiful Rayne," Ima's voice came through my mind. There was no usual laughter in it, or the mocking yet sarcastic tone she would use everytime she complimented me.

This time, her voice sounded genuine.

"Thank you Imadis," I replied to her, smoothing down the dress even though I didn't have to.

After a few minutes without Imadis having nothing else to say, I felt an unease run through me.

"You seem quiet Ima," I told her.

"Is that so?" she replied.

"Mhmm," I said. "Why is that?"

A pause.

And then I heard a long sigh on her end.

"Our borders will be compromised today. Valente wants everyone in attendance for the Luna ceremony.

Even the entire pack guard."

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