Wrong time, wrong place.

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Sarah's POV.

People who come at the wrong time are just the wrong people.


We may have thought about how we want to enjoy lives. One of the ways is to considerably sit with all your friends and family and appreciate each moment as it passes by. Life is short, time is fast and there is no replay and rewind. I sound so philosophical but honestly, I believe in enjoying the life - the pain and the happiness.

Divine moments come from letting loose.

At a certain point of me flirting with the employee in there who went from calling me babe to ma'am, I was really chided with that. I had that annoying expression and an aura that said: a combination of sweet and don't mess with me. Sure it seemed like I was tomboy on the out but anyways.

Meanwhile, Zack couldn't shut up about it. I was fuming red with anger and Embarrassment. God, I swear, Zack is always present when I am humiliating myself.

Currently, we were in the video game zone it has all the game and I kicked his ass in almost every game. Keyword ALMOST. But whenever he won, he rubbed it in my face.

Yes, I can play videogames.

Yes, he taught me.

Yes, I am that good that I can kick his ass.

Tomboy? Well, whatever.

He huffed and puffed when it was time to leave making it obvious that he lost maximum games. Well, he taught me and I played when I was alone and sometimes I read too. He, on the other hand, played less than me and let's face the facts, I, Sarah Adams, was better than Zack Pearson in video games.

I hooped my arms with his and pretended to drag him well in all reality I couldn't drag him if I ever wanted. He was stronger and taller than me.

"Oh c'mon looser, don't sour your face! Dimwit." I poked his cheek and even poked him in stomach with my elbow.

"Whatever!" He rolled his eyes.

As we got in the car he was all playful and he kept pulling my cheeks while I kept swatting his hand.


Somewhere in the middle of the way, Kate popped in my thoughts so I decided to ask about our call yesterday night.

"What have you thought about kate?" I asked him warily since it was a fragile topic.

"Well, there are many fishes in the pond why go behind the toxic one?" He wiggled his eyebrows. His ability to joke on something serious like this was quite amusing.

I zeroed my eyes at him.


"C'mon stop fooling around. Tell me what the real deal is?" I asked him being serious about that matter.

After all the heart was in line.

"My answer remains the same cherry, she is the toxic fish of the sea! Anyways didn't she tell me about the equation more than friends and less than a boyfriend? What's the point?" He asked.

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