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Zoey picked up her backpack and she walked over to Tyler

"And...we almost kissed, but Jessica needed help with Justin..." Zoey said with a light smile and Tyler looked at her "and now I'm heading to the hospital" Zoey said and Tyler nodded "I'll be at the hospital soon" he said

Winston then walked out of the red room with pictures

"Prom pictures. Some good ones of you and Estela, you should frame one for her" Winston said and Tyler looked at the pictures "oh, wow. Wow, these are really great. Hey, thank you" Tyler said

"I know it was Jessica" Winston said making Zoey stop in her tracks, on the way to the door "who killed Bryce" he finished and zoey turned around "and I know Clay and Ani and some group of you framed Monty. I almost have what I need to go to the police. But I don't have to include you two" Winston said while looking over to Zoey

Zoey walked back over next to Tyler

"You got it all wrong. You don't really know anything, and Jessica and Clay and Ani, they're my friends. So anything by you do to them you do to us too" Tyler said referring to him and Zoey

The girl watched as he walked out and she sighed while looking at Tyler "see you tomorrow" Zoey said while walking towards the door "see you" Tyler said and Zoey smiled while walking up


Zoey walked into the hospital getting a 'visitors' sticker and she sticked the sticker on her shirt

She walked to the waiting room to see clay sitting across from Jessica as they talked

And Charlie sitting a few seats away from clay

"Hey guys" Zoey said lowly and Clays head shot back looking at Zoey

He smiled lightly while standing up and gave the girl and hug, he really needed one from Zoey

They soon pulled away, she walked up to Jessica and hugged her tightly

"Are you okay?" She asked everyone as she walked up to Charlie hugging him

"Yea..." Clay said and Zoey sat down next to Clay and sighed, her hands went to Clays

"Support?" Zoey asked Clay and he nodded, Jessica smiled lightly at the two as their fingers intertwined

"Zachs downstairs. He says he can't come in" Charlie said "fucking Zach" Jessica said "I'm gonna go get him" Charlie said and everyone nodded

They sat in silence, not knowing how to feel

Zoey remembered talking to Justin yesterday, it was refreshing to know that he was okay, but everything went downhill, he had gotten worse


"Hey, justy" Zoey said with a light smile "hi, Zoey" he said "I'm glad to see that you're okay..and I'm glad that you danced with Jess" she spoke and he smiled "you danced with Clay" he said "you saw?" She asked with a laugh "of course I saw" he said and laughed "thank you..for making me go to prom" Justin spoke "no problem, I'm happy we both went.." she said and Clay walked into the room and smiled at the two "hi, bubba" Zoey said and Justin laughed "she calls you bubba?" Justin asked clay "no" clay said "yes" Zoey said at the same time as clay

"Are you embarrassed by my nickname for you?" Zoey asked "Yea, he is" Justin teased, the three all talked before other visitors came for Justin

End of yesterdays flashback

It was all different, it was quiet.


Zoey sat in the waiting room by herself, Jessica had left, Clay was in Justin's room with his parents, and Charlie was still outside talking to Zach

"Honey! Clay?" Lainie said as they followed the boy out of the room

Zoey stood up quickly

"I feel like I just...I need some air" clay said and ran out of the room and Matt chased after the boy

Zoey looked Lainie and she sighed while walking up to the girl

"What's wrong?" She asked and Lainie grabbed the girls hand and walked into Justin's room

She saw as a tube attached to his mouth

Her hand covered her mouth as her eyes started to burn, feeling the tears brim her eyes

She walked up to Justin to see him peacefully asleep

"Poor, justy" she said as tears fell down his face "he can only breathe with that..." Laine spoke and Zoey grabbed Justin's hand

"I'm so sorry...." she cried "no, Zoey it's not your fault" Lainie said while walking over to the girl and hugging her tightly, Zoey never let go of Justin's hand, it was a lot to take in


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