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Zoey sat on her bed as she scrolled through her phone seeing pictures off Justin from prom night before they left

Boxes and clothes were all around the girl, she was getting ready for college, which she was off to in 3 weeks

Clay and Tony were going off, well it was specifically for Tony and they'd return in a week, so she started off her short summer with no clay for a week.

Tears fell down her face as she looked at Justin in the pictures

It was a picture with her in it this time, and Justin was flicking off the camera as she laughed, she remembered that day so well it was right before they were off to prom.


"Come on Justin, we need pictures that I can remember while we're all separate at college" she said to the boy "no, I look bad" he said "you have on a tux that I help put on...are you saying I don't know how to style someone?" Zoey joked "that's exactly what I'm saying" he said and laughed "seriously, come on, I'm taking pictures with everyone today" she said and Justin sighed "fine" he said and she smiled at the camera and so did Justin

As she went to press the button Justin put up his middle finger making her laugh "stop" she whined and he laughed "let's go, we're already super late" he said "fine, I'll just get an off guard instead" she said

End of flashback

"I miss you so much" she whispered softly while looking a Justin in the picture as she smiled weakly

"I miss you too" she looked up quickly to see Justin next to her, the ghost of Justin

She rubbed her eyes and looked back next to her

"Justin..." she said and he smiled weakly "you're off to college i see" he said while looking around at her room and she laughed while wiping the tears off her face "Yea" she said and looked at him in disbelief

He had on his letterman jacket and she sighed "I haven't seen you in that..in months" she said and he smiled "it's the new thing" he said and she rolled her eyes

"I just want everything to be okay, you know..I'm scared to lose Clay" she said and Justin nodded "I know, but you're not going to lose him" he said and she nodded "I am..he already has plans to meet up with this girl that goes to the same college, he won't have time for me, he's gonna have a girlfriend, and work to do at college, maybe a job-" Justin cut her off "you're not losing him...trust me" he said "how do you know that?" She asked "I just do" he said

Merida then knocked on her door "come in" Zoey said and Merida walked in her room

"Who are you talking to?" She asked with a smiled and Zoey looked next to her to see Justin not there "uh, I just hung up the phone, I was talking to Jess" she lied "oh, well lunch is made..it's one of your favorites" she said and Zoey smiled "I'll be down in a second" she said and her phone vibrated and she still looked at Merida

"Ok, other question is pink lemonade or lemonade?" Merida asked and Zoey laughed "pink lemonade" she said and Merida nodded while walking out

Zoey looked down at her phone


She clicked the notification

Hey zoe. I'm finally off with Tony and I'll be back in a week. I love you❤️

She smiled lightly at the text

"Told you so" Justin reappeared making her jump "you can't do that, Foley" Zoey whispered "I did that to scare you" he said "you're still a pain in the ass" Zoey said and smiled "so...are you gonna text him back?" Justin asked and she nodded and continued to look back at her phone then she started typing

I love you too❤️

Justin looked at the girl and she looked at him

"Told you so" Justin said and again and she sighed "I'm pretty sure he said it platonically" Zoey said "stop lying to yourself, you know he meant it, and so did you...now go eat your favorite lunch meal" he said and Zoey sighed "fine..maybe he did mean it the way I hope he did" she said with now rosy cheeks on her face

"See, you're blushing" Justin said "you didn't need to make that clear, now I'm embarrassed" she said and she got up "also clean you're room" Justin said while looking around and Zoey rolled her eyes playfully as she walked out of her room



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