Don't Worry About Her (1)

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Huffing, I stared at the wall wondering when he was going to call me. It's been days, damn near a week since we've spoken.

Even when he did call, the phone calls weren't like they used to be. We'd speak for a little bit but there wasn't any connection or spark anymore. He didn't even come see me as much as he used too. He always stayed gone now. And I understand that's apart of the lifestyle but, I was starting to think that he grew out of me.

Maybe he just didn't love me anymore.

Crawling into the bed I decided to give him one more call, hopefully he would answer and he'd reassure me that I was just over thinking.

The phone rung and rung making my anxiety heighten as time passed before finally it was answered. I fell confused as i realized i was looking at Roddy, who was lying asleep in what looked like a hotel room.

So if he was lying down sleep... who the fuck had his phone?

The camera then flipped revealing an Instagram thot who smiled as if she won the lottery. "Sorry sis, he's been with me."

I took a Live Photo, before ending the FaceTime call and allowing the tears to cascade down my face. My body physically ached because I was in so much pain from this heartbreak. I'd been through my fair share of nasty breakups but none of them felt like this.

The same girl he told me not to worry about weeks ago was the same one who he was cheating on me with.

I couldn't bare the pain I was feeling inside, I wanted it to go away. Wiping my tears with my sleeve I made my way down the long lonely hall and into my kitchen. Pulling off some wine from the wine rack we had displayed I popped that baby open pouring my glass to the rim.

I was never an emotional drinker until I met Roddy. His actions definitely knew how to break me down and only alcohol seemed to build me back up. Cause he definitely wouldn't.

After consuming about half the bottle I was definitely drunk and feeling bold with that liquid courage. I decided to hop on live, to fill my time. I squinted watching as the comments poured in. Some sending love, others hate, and some just being fucking nosey.

"Hey y'all, love y'all too."

"I don't know where Roddy is." I shrugged sipping some more, out of my glass. "Probably fucking some Instagram hoe." I swished the wine around in my glass laughing a bit watching as the comments went crazy.

"Roddy and I definitely won't be together much longer." I replied to a question asking if we were still together.

Chythegreatest: Wait why not ????

"Because he's a cheater. Y'all favorite fucking rapper is a cheating asshole." I pouted.

I looked down feeling a vibrating sensation on my leg.

Lovebug💙🌏 wants to FaceTime..

I laughed shaking my head then holding my personal phone up to my business one to show the live. "Nigga tryna call me now." My eyes rolled declining the phone call. It rung again but i ignored it once more growing irritated.

Nigga was only tryna call now because I outed his stupid ass.

The comments were having a field day with the drama I was entertaining them with.

ThatGirlLuvRicch: Oh shit Roddy in here now 😭

You squinted scrolling through the comments til you found his.

RoddyRicch: answer yo shit, I ain playing.


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Part 1

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