Chapter 5

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The next morning I awoke, groggy. I recalled the events of last night, and how after I had slipped back inside my room I had snuck downstairs to retrieve my belongings.
On the way back upstairs I had heard them talking, as they did for most of the night. I knew mamma must have felt very conflicted about Jack- from the way she looked at him, I knew she loved him... and yet...
I got out of bed quickly and put on a clean dress from my bag. After fixing my hair and washing my face from the pitcher on the dresser, I went downstairs for breakfast.
In the kitchen Jack was cooking breakfast. Pancakes and bread littered the counter, which mamma sat at the other end of.
Her eyes still sleepy and her hair still in the braid she always slept with it in, she looked almost angel-like.
Jack too, looked equally as exhausted. From the dark circles that lined his eyes I knew he and mother had spoken for most of the night.
Upon seeing me they gave matching, reassuring smiles. Mother motioned for me to sit at the counter beside her.
"Jo, Jack and I have been talking," she gave another, sleepy smile, "we've decided that we can stay here for as long as we need, and maybe you can get to know him?"
   I felt almost excited at the prospect of getting to know my father, "of course, I'd love to stay here- but-"
   "But what, Josie?" Mamma gave me a quizzical look.
   "Mamma, what about that man... you know, Hock... Hackney?" I stumbled over the name, my mind failing me.
   She reached for my hand, slow and careful, "I told Jack about that, and even if it was him, I'm sure we are safe here," she motioned to Jack, "Jack had defended himself against men like that before, and he's presumed dead regardless," she shrugged, "Josie, Cal has no reason to believe we have even left home, let alone traveled across the country."
   Jack walked over and sat on the other side of me, "and if he does somehow find us, we will go far, far away. Okay?"
   I gave him a shaky nod and he covered my own hand with his.
   I finally had a family- not because I finally had a father- mamma had always been the only parent I ever truly needed- but I found myself with a parent at each arm.
   I mused that maybe, one day, I would find myself with younger siblings. Mother was still young, and she always told me about how she had once longed for a large family. I told myself not to jump ahead, however, because Mamma and Jack hadn't been together in fifteen years.
   After declaring whatever my parents had shared a "fling" I selected a pancake from the spread Jack had provided.
   I slathered the meal in jam and cream he had left beside the mountain of plates. Mamma and Jack both helped themselves to the rest of the breakfast, mimicking my careless, sloppy dumping of jam on top.
   We ate in complete silence, the warmth of it blanketing our shoulders, nurturing and calm.

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