10 | always by my side

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Grayson pulls into Peyton's driveway silently, turning the car off. I see Violet's Mercedes already parked in front and I know I should go inside. But still, neither of us moves, trying to hang on to these last few seconds together. The moonlight shines through his windshield, bathing us in a soft glow.

I don't want to leave.

"So," I say, trying to draw out this moment for as long as possible, "Where's Grace tonight? Is she asleep in the trunk or something?"

"I hope not." He stretches his neck side to side, leaning his head back against the seat. "My aunt's watching her tonight."

I turn to him, confused. "Do you live with your aunt?"

Grayson's head shakes. "No. We don't agree on a lot of things so I moved out when I was 18, and took Gracie with me." He finally looks back at me. "Really, the only thing we agree on is keeping Gracie safe, so she helps me out when I need it."

I nod understandingly, scanning his face for any hidden emotions. But he looks calmer than I've ever seen him, staring right back at me. The corner of his mouth tilts up before he speaks. "Why? Prefer her company over mine?"

"Maybe," I tease, wrinkling my nose. The silence falls over us again, comfortably this time. I notice how his hair falls against his forehead, curled more than usual from his sweating earlier. Usually, with his hard stare and pissed-off face, I forget that he's 19, only a year older than me.

It's crazy how responsibility ages you, weighing you down and hardening you before your years. I can't even imagine what he's been through to get to where he is today.

But right now, he's just an incredibly attractive boy watching me with a crooked smile on his face. He looks peaceful.

"Give me your phone," I say, holding out my hand. His eyes widen in surprise, clearly confused by my request. "So I can give you my number. Then you can let me know when you need a babysitter for Grace if your aunt isn't free. I'd love to help."

He slides his phone out of his pocket, handing it to me after unlocking it. The newest iPhone, of course. His background is of a much younger Grayson cradling a small, pink bundle - Grayson holding baby Grace. I stare at it for a few seconds, my heart melting a bit, before texting my own number.

My phone dings in my pocket from the message I sent and I hand the phone back to him, feeling his hand graze mine momentarily before pulling away.

He clears his throat. "So now that you've conned me into giving you my phone number, I think now would be a good time to point out the two figures watching us through the window."

I laugh, unbuckling my seat belt. "I'm not surprised. And what do you think I'm going to do with your number? Sign you up for daily porn text messages?"

"Those are a thing? How do you even know about that?" He runs his hand through his hair, chuckling.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, sweetheart," I muse, opening the door and getting out. I lean over and pop my head back in for a second. "And don't act like you wouldn't enjoy it."

"I plead the fifth." He holds his hand up in mock surrender, before leaning over to see me better.

"Bye, Coach," he says.

"Bye, Grace's brother," I respond, closing the door and walking up to Peyton's front door. I'm well aware of his Audi still sitting in the driveway as I step inside. He only starts the car and drives off when the front door is closed behind me. A real gentleman, I think.

"You fucking slut," Violet squeals, tugging my arm while jumping up and down with excitement as soon as I step inside. "You slept with him, didn't you. Didn't you?!"

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