34 | big surprise

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Before we get split up into Gray's and Peyton's cars, we all agree to meet up at Gray's penthouse to hang out for the night. Then I practically run to Gray's car, looking like a newborn deer in my platform heels.

In the car, I can barely sit still in my seat. Under Grayson's hand, my leg bobs up and down anxiously. Even though Gray's driving at least ten over the speed limit, I feel like we're moving at a snail's pace, and I wring my hands together. Gray takes notice, taking his eyes off me every few seconds to glance at me.

"Babe, calm down," Gray says, rubbing my leg, practically encouraging me to take a few deep breaths. "Why are you so worried about this?"

I breathe deeply, trying hold onto Gray's logic. "I just...want to do this for her. I feel like I've been  shitty friend lately."

Gray laughs, turning onto the street that his building is on. "And you think you're doing her a favor by introducing her to my best friend who happens to be an asshole?"

"Yes, I do think introducing Violet to your hot, dirty-minded best friend is a great idea. He's totally her type," I retort, watching as his tall building comes into view.

He turns to me, an offended look on his face. "You think Tommy's hot?"

I look at him and grin. "Are you...jealous?"

He scoffs as he pulls into a parking spot. "Jealous? I'm not...what would make you think-"

I unbuckle myself and press a reassuring kiss to his lips. "Don't worry, babe. You're definitely hotter."

"I better be," Gray replies, grabbing my butt playfully. I yelp in surprise and laugh, kissing him again. I'm tempted to slide into his lap and savor these few minutes alone, when Peyton's car pulls up right next to Gray's. Gray tries to keep my lips on his but I pull away, flashing him a teasing look as I get out of the car. We'll finish this later, my eyes assure him.

"Is this a 1970 Bronco, Peyton?" Gray asks as he get out of the car, clearly appreciating the beauty of her light blue car. Peyton flips her hair. "Spot on. It's been my dream car since I was a kid," she says, taking a moment to run her hand over the hood of her car.

"God, she's a beauty. I've never seen one this nice in person," he continues, still admiring the car.

I roll my eyes kiddingly. "If only you described me in the same way, Gray. Why don't you just date Peyton's car?"

In response, Gray pulls me into his side and kisses my neck playfully, as if proving to me that he likes me more than the car. It's all the convincing I need, and I nuzzle my face into his shoulder.

Petyon groans. "Cut it out, holy shit. Can we at least get to the elevator before someone gets pregnant?"

"So you're saying that you'd be okay with Gray impreganting me, as long as we're in the elevator?" I ask. "We'll keep that in mind."

Peyton pretends to throw up as we enter the elevator, and Gray laughs into my neck. Sadie is red in the face just listening to our conversation, and I'm convinced that she is the most pure human on planet earth.

"I almost forgot to tell you," Gray whispers into my ear. "I have a surprise for you up in the penthouse."

I look up at him. "What kind of sur--"

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