Chapter 1

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I couldn't wait for Thursday to see what you thought sooo... here's chapter 1 of book 2.

Detective Jordan

I stare at the photos before me, of the crime scenes. 'What happened to this kid? He was fine when he brought her to me when her father had sent her a text, he was caring and soft... how did he go from being her boyfriend to a murderer with multiple dead bodies under his name? And why did he snap? Why did he partner up with Reginald? Of all people, why him?'

My train of thoughts and questions stop as I see my partner, Grant, walk up to my desk. "What's on your mind partner?" I twirl my chair and point to the photos.

"I can't wrap my head around how he went from being a concerned friend to a evil and sinister murderer..." I say as I scan the photos again "you know, he was friends with her." I tap the photo of Ava's mutilated corpse. Her face was butchered, her intestines were lying outside of her stomach and her eyes were wide open.

"Have you spoken to that girl?" He asks me.

"Who Dianne?" He nods his head. "She's been relocated and been given a new identity as well as her husband. I can call her handler and ask to speak to her. I believe her mother and them have also been relocated but to a different city than her." I sigh.

"Well... give the handler a call. And put him on loud speaker." I dial the number and put it on loud speaker.

"Spencer speaking." His gruff voice sounds over the line.

"Good day Agent Spencer. This is Detective Miles Jordan and my partner Detective Travis Grant. I was wondering can we please speak to Di-"

"Listen Detective, you can not call them by their past names." I don't answer as I don't know their new names. He sighs. "Desiree and Keagan Dawson."

"Sorry... may we please speak to Desiree?" That name sounds so weird.

"Hang on one moment." We hear movement and muffled voices until finally he speaks again. "Here she is."

"Hello Detective Jordan..." she sounds so exhausted and depressed.

"Hello... uh... Desiree... I want to ask you a few questions, seeing as we never got to speak before you moved." I say and I hear her sigh.


"Oh and my partner, Detective Grant, is on the line as well." She greets him and I begin to ask her some questions. "Can you tell me what happened between you and the suspect?" I hear shuffling and a door closing.

"Sorry I just had to get away from Keagan and Caleb..." I draw up a blank for a few moments, then remember they have a son. "Anyways. After that time we saw you, we became a couple... but it wasn't long before he showed his possessiveness, he bruised my arm after I had just spoken to Walter."

At the mention of his name I grab the pen and notepad. Walter spoke to her and Jayden hurt her just because she was speaking to a friend?

"Everything was fine again but he would get so angry when I was with Ky- I mean Keagan. Eventually when I got back home, everything went to hell. He was constantly texting me, then once I told him we were over he completely lost it, then it was the notes and pictures..."

"Why does he say you betrayed him?" I ask her, as he wrote it on the walls of the crime scenes.

"Wait... how did you know he thinks I betrayed him?" My eyes widen and Grant slaps his forehead.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang