Chapter 3

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Me and Reginald have been hiding out in one of his family nember's house. It's been a few days and we've gotten nowhere, none what's so ever. No where near locating Dia nor the twins. All we know is that they've been moved and placed into protective custody. 'If only I could get my hands on someone who knew... then I would get my answers much quicker.'

I look at my reflection in the mirror. The black hair dye really changes my look but if you know me well enough, you would still recognize me.

"Hey Jay?" I hear Reginald's voice calls for me.

"What is it?!" I say through gritted teeth, as soon as I get what I need from him I can lose him.

"We may have something." That peaks my interest, I walk into the room he is in. His friend or cousin or something to that extent, is sitting behind a computer and typing furiously. "Hey Freddy tell him what you've got." I lean closer to the skinny guy with glasses.

"Well... it's not much... but I think it's a start..." I look at the screen but have no idea what I'm looking at.

"Tell me." I say to him and he jumps. He pushes his glasses up with his finger.

"I found their names... but no surname." I nod and motion for him to carry on. "I hacked the one server that my friend has access to in-"

"I don't give a damn about how you got it just tell me." My patience is running really thin now.

"O-okay... sorry... yes. It's Desiree and Keagan..." I stare at him.

"Those names are... interesting..." I say but honestly those are so boring.

"I'm still working on getting through the encryption and to get more information but its taking alot of time..."

"How long?" I ask impatiently.

"Well... maybe roughly a month..." I look at him.

"A month? A fucking month? That's too long they might move her again..." I start pacing behind them. Then an idea springs into mind. "Wait... I remember there was this detective... ugh what's his name... George? No. Brandon? No. Fuck what what his name." I hold my head and try to remember seeing him at the station and hospital. "Aha Jordan. Can you search him?"

He nods and types quickly again. "Mmm..." he traces his finger down the screen "any idea on a first name?"


"Okaaaayyy... well the only way we can figure it out is looking at all the individual profiles." He says and begins to type again.

"How many are there? To go through." I ask him wondering how long this is gonna take.

"Well I have about 50 Jordan's but some of them are officers and so forth but you can only find out what they are when you go into each and every profile." I groan.

"Get started so long and take note of who are Detectives I want to just go clear my head. I'll be back in about an hour." I head out and begin walking in the towards my old home while the sun starts to set.

'Desiree and Keagan... okay... now maybe if I can get to Jordan it'll speed my process up a bit. But how? These profiles are not going to get me anywhere fast... and I am in desperate need to get my revenge. I should've killed that son of a bitch when I got the chance, I should have fought harder. Because if he is out the picture, life would be so much easier for me...'

My thoughts continue to run and play out different ways of getting the information I need so badly. I approach the house but I stay back, I see a police car stationed outside a few blocks away from my house. I sneak through the trees and find my way to a dip in the ground. They won't see me here. I walk and get closer to the back of the house, the light in the lounge is still on so that means dad is still awake.

Once I get to the back door I open it slowly, the TV is on but I can hear my dad's snoring. I sigh and close the door softly. I walk over to him and I contemplate how to wake him up. "Dad..." I whisper. No response. "Dad." I say a bit louder but still no response. I touch his shoulder and shake him slightly. "Dad." This time his eyes open slowly.

When he recognizes me his eyes widen. "Jayden? What are you doing here? The cops are watching, they can-" I raise my hand.

"I snuck past them. Don't worry." I say and he visibly relaxes. He sits up and looks at me. "I look weird with black hair huh?" He nods. "I have to dye it every week so it looks like it's my natural hair color."

"Son... why are you here?" He asks me with a very tired look.

"I wanted to check in on you. And I just needed to clear my head a bit. That's all." He eyes me out a bit and stands up.

"Have you eaten?" He asks me and I shake my head. "I bought a pizza today. And I have some left over, you want." I nod my head and once he opens the fridge he passes me a few slices. "What's on your mind son?"

I sigh. He knows me so well. "I... I need to get to her..." he nods "and I'm gonna take a huge risk... but I need to..." he frowns "I'm not gonna tell you, but if things do go south and not according to plan, just know I'm thankful for everything you've done." I eat the slices. Me and dad actually have a good conversation, the best we've had in months.

After I eat the slices. I quickly grab my stash of cash that I still have. I'm gonna need it while tracking her down.

"Thank you again dad." I say and get to the door.

"I love you son... don't forget that..." he says and I know he thinks he isn't going to see me again. But he could be right as I'm gonna do something so very risky.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant