Chapter 15

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Hello guys. Due to my current situation, I will be publishing 2 chapters a week only. Unless I finish the book, but my studies and family have become a priority.
But anyways enjoy.

Detective Jordan

We have just arrived at the house where the twins were. The lights are off, I have this sick feeling in my stomach. "Be on guard everyone." I say because of my gut feeling. They all nod and we close in on the house.

We walk past the agent's car and I point out the slashed tyres. My stomach knots even more. I draw my weapon and so does the other three, I see there's just a lamp on, no other lights.

As we get closer the faint glow from the lamp lights up a figure on the floor. "Shit" Sarah asks and moves quickly towards the body. "Percy?"

"Don't Sarah." I say but she hurries to him inside the house, she drops her gun and crouches down to him.

"He's dea-" she's cut off by a thud. She falls to the side and I see the knife sticking out of her chest. She's breathing hard. I know she doesn't have much time.

Grant immediately pulls out his phone and calls for help. Elizabeth rushes to Sarah to try and get to her. "Sarah!" She calls out. Then a knife lands on the the floor and she screeches. "Ahhh. Son of a bitch." She clutches at her right side where her boobs are, her skin is visible through the black shirt. The slice is right on the booby flesh, down to the ribs.

I step up. "Jayden!" I scream at him and take cover behind the wall. Grant comes closer and crouches down. I look at him wanting to ask him what we should do but I can't.

"Come on Detectives... your friend is going to bleed out. Go ahead, reach for her..." he taunts us. I realise what he says is true. Grant creeps closer to the doorway and sticks his arm in just to grab her foot or leg or something, just to get her out of there.

Grant reaches for her and I hear a thud. "Fucking hell!" He yells out as he jerks his arm back, the knife embedded in his arm. We don't dare pull it out as it might be the only thing available to keep him alive if the knife hit a vein or artery.

I take a deep breath and tighten my grip on my gun I step infront of the doorway and begin firing. I shoot until there's nothing left. He must be hiding behind somthing as I hear the bullets hit something thick. Before I can get out of the doorway a knife flies towards me and gets stuck in my thigh. I hiss and curse as the pain surges through my whole body.

I look st Grant and Elizabeth. We all know that if we don't get Sarah now... she won't make it. I look at Elizabeth and whisper "we're gonna pull her out and you shoot okay?" She nods her head.

Grant and I try to pull Sarah, I take the side where it's more exposed, if something happens to Grant I will never forgive myself...

I motion with my fingers one, two, three. I step out quickly and crouch down, Grant does the same. We each grab a leg and pull her. I feel a sting against my cheek and the blood runs down. Grant turns to look at me and the next knife slices his back. He grunts and he stumbles backwards which pulls me his way.

I look at Sarah and the heart breaking truth stares back at us. Her breaths are gurgled and shallow, her eyes have lost their light. Elizabeth looks at her and she loses it. She curses, steps out and shoots at the source of the knives.

As she finishes the last of her bullets her cry of pain fills my ears. She limps out of the doorway and she leans against the wall. The knife is sticking out of her shin. I grimance on her behalf, it looks like it is lodged in the bone.

"It's been fun! Let's do this again sometime..." I hear him yell out and I know he's going to leave I take a breath.

"Stay here. I'm going to try and stop him." They began protesting but I was already halfway through the house. I see the back lights of a car. I grit my teeth and walk faster. I see him almost by the drivers door.

I quicken my place and I get to him just in time, I place the gun against his head, actually wanting to shoot him then and there. "Freeze Jayden!" I grunt as the pain rushes back through my thigh and throughout every single nerve in my leg.

"I got you good huh?" He asks with a voice filled with satisfaction. I want to end this right now, but my ethical obligations and my integrity is the thing keeping me from pulling the trigger. "Just remember if you shoot at the car... the twins are in the trunk hey..."

I frown as I have no clue why I'd be shooting at the car, I mean I've got him, don't I?

"What are you talking ab-" I stop as he grabs my gun, I'm dumbfounded for a split second and then I feel the sting in my my stomach. I pull the trigger and I hear it hit him, I drop the gun and grab at the wound across my stomach.

He drops his knife and hisses out in pain, before I can get over the pain I feel an elbow hurt my stomach. It knocks the wind out of me and I stumble backwards, I fall on my ass.

He scrambles to the car and get in. I force myself up and I grab my gun, I aim the gun at the car but I hesitate. The twins... if I shoot, I will risk shooting them. If I don't they are surely doomed.

I'm conflicted with all these feelings but I just can't... I just can't risk hitting them. He speeds away and I watch as the taillights disappear in the distance. I stare at where the lights disappeared "Jordan?!" I hear someone call me in a panic.

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